The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 409 Going to work and working overtime

After jumping out of Venom, Gwen and Peter became completely spectators, and they were in the front row watching Venom beat Dr. Lizard the whole time. This doctor was really miserable. He didn't even have the slightest chance to fight back under Venom's violent attack. After the attack, even his tail was chopped off by Venom, so he could only hold his head and squat in defense, waiting for the beating.

Venom finally stepped on the unconscious Dr. Lizard. As if that wasn't enough, he grabbed Dr. Lizard's neck and lifted him off the ground. He opened his five fingers, and the black fingertips popped out sharp claws, as if he was preparing to give Dr. Lizard the final blow.

"Stop!" Gwen jumped up and stopped him.

Whether it's Gwen or Peter, all the heroes in Spider-Man's series have a good outlook on life. They try not to kill anyone if they can. Although Dr. Lizard looks like a human or a ghost, who knows what he went through to become like this? Who knows if he was a good person before?

Gwen had felt such regret once before. The Dr. Lizard of her world—her best friend Peter Parker—was killed by his own immaturity. She didn't want it to happen again, at least not this time.

But Venom didn't understand. Although he has recently been influenced by Eddie and has been trying his best to "not eat good people", but this green and ugly big guy can't be related to good people, right? Why can’t Mao eat this?

Then Venom roared viciously: "Get out of here!"

But Gwen didn't take a step back: "Put him down, he has lost the ability to move!"

Little Peter actually felt guilty when he saw Venom's ferocious look, but he certainly couldn't lag behind when his idol came up, so he bit the bullet and imitated his example: "Yes! Hurry... put him down quickly! Otherwise we will You are welcome!"

Venom rolled his eyes at him and roared. The little spider shivered in fright, and subconsciously jumped back and hid behind Gwen.

Venom slowly walked up to Gwen. He was fully twice as tall as Gwen, and he had to lower his head to meet her eyes.

"You look delicious," Venom squinted his eyes, "How about I eat you too."

Gwen responded tit-for-tat: "You can try."

After that, no one spoke for more than ten seconds. Gwen and Venom stared at each other without giving in, and remained silent for a long time. The noisy streets were silent for a rare moment. The air seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke, and a new battle seemed about to break out.

After staring at each other for a while, Venom suddenly snorted and turned his head slowly.

"I suddenly lost my appetite." He said, "I'll leave this stupid thing to you."

After speaking, without waiting for a reply, Venom jumped into the night sky and disappeared.

Little Peter looked at Gwen with admiration: "You are so awesome! You scared him away! How did you do that?"

But Gwen was also confused.

Just now she really felt the powerful murderous aura on the dark guy, and for a second she thought a fight was really going to start. To be honest, after watching the battle between Venom and Dr. Lizard, she felt a little unsure, and she didn't necessarily have much confidence when it came to taking action.

So why did the other party suddenly leave immediately after saying he was leaving?

A few hundred meters away from the scene, Eddie couldn't help but said: "I just wanted to warn you not to eat her, but you actually changed your mind...why?"

Venom grunted, "I've lost my appetite. That beast makes me sick to my stomach."

Eddie didn't believe a word of it. He knew that anything more venomous could be swallowed alive without blinking. Is this guy nauseating? Just kidding.

"You know, the 'symbiosis' state means that I can also feel your emotions, right?" Eddie continued to ask, "I felt like you were...scared? Are you afraid of fighting Spider-Woman?"

"Ha, are you afraid of that little girl? That's nonsense!" Venom expressed dissatisfaction with Eddie's slight.

"Okay, then what are you afraid of?"

Venom hesitated for a long time: "...she has the smell of that person."

"Who? You mean...oh."

Eddie knew instantly. Although he has discovered that Venom is a coward who bullies the weak and fears the strong, there are not many people in the world who make him coward so far. There's no doubt that "that guy" Venom refers to is their new boss, Mr. Lee.

No wonder I got scared all of a sudden. It turned out that I smelled Mr. Li's scent from that Spider-Woman. As expected, he is the only one to survive among the symbionts that fell to the earth. His desire to survive is so powerful...

...Hmm, wait a moment. Why does Spider-Woman smell like his new boss?

Eddie felt as if he had discovered some big secret accidentally...

Mr. Li had no idea that he had inexplicably established a strange image in the heart of one of his employees. Mr. Li is very busy now, busy with the expansion of the group's business.

The expansion speed of Planet Group has even exceeded his own expectations. Starting from the Ultraman movie series, the group has now begun to engage in business in various fields.

No, with the completion of a season of Ultraman-themed spin-off animation and the spin-off short film "Life is Forever", the company's senior management unanimously agreed that they need a video website of their own.

After a heated discussion at the meeting, Mr. Li made the final decision, saying that our video website is going to be built into an advanced cultural community for young people, focusing on the Er-Spined Salamander drama. The name of the website... let's call it "Pili Pili"!

All the senior officials looked at each other with expressions of disapproval. Of course, some people raised objections, but that didn't matter. Because Planet Group has such an unwritten rule - Mr. Li has the final say, and the board of directors has the final say...

As mentioned before, money is nothing to Mr. Li now. He just enjoys the process of making money, which is regarded as a small personal hobby. To be honest, he doesn't care much about whether the group's assets increase or decrease by tens of millions every day. He just wants to do something interesting.

Mr. Li even emphasized at the meeting that we should come up with a practical and feasible welfare system to encourage contributors to use their brains to submit creative and original videos to our video website. Mr. Li said that relying on his forward-looking vision, he felt that this would bring a large number of die-hard fans with high stickiness to the website...

What? What are the employee's working hours?

Mr. Li thought about it and decided to continue the fine tradition of our group and continue 996! (996 refers to the working system from 9 am to 9 pm, working six days a week)

It is said to be 996, but Richard knows that the employees in his group are very motivated to work. Obviously he has said that you can leave after nine o'clock, but everyone always likes to "consciously" work overtime until eleven or even twelve o'clock. As the boss, he can only express my deepest condolences...

Then someone raised his hand and raised an objection, saying that scientific research shows that working overtime from 9 to 12 pm is not good for people's health in all aspects, and also affects work efficiency...

Mr. Li thought about it thoughtfully and felt that this seemed reasonable, so he waved his hand: "Okay, then from now on, I will work from nine to twelve o'clock, and then work overtime after twelve o'clock."

Everyone: "..."

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