The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 418 Heavenly Father Level Devil

The extremely destructive punch hit the devil king's face in a fraction of a second. The former Babylonian chief god suffered severe injuries, and his whole body fell to the ground in an extremely unsightly posture. Every bone in his body felt like burning pain.

The power of this punch itself is not important. This human skin is not the devil himself. It is just a disguise for him to move around in the world. Pure physical attacks cannot hurt the devil's body.

But energy damage is different. The light energy erupted by Nexus with this punch really hurt his true self in the depths of hell through the devil's body. The holy and pure energy of Ultraman's light is like a talisman to the devil. Just after receiving a punch through this body as a carrier, Marduk felt unbearably hot all over his body, and the hot pain hit him like a wave.

But Marduk didn't realize what happened.

Time-based magic cannot be forcibly broken. It has nothing to do with how powerful you are or how much energy you use. It only depends on whether you can understand and use the rules of time. Generally speaking, that is an ability that only the gods of the universe have. .

Is it possible that this enemy has a vision comparable to that of the gods of the universe?

"I see, you seem to be more than just a human being with extraordinary power. No wonder so many forces are interested in your existence."

The old man stood up as he spoke, his expression completely serious.

"It's been a long time since I've done anything serious, but it seems I have to be a little more serious." The old man said, slowly taking off his coat, "I don't know who you are, but you will find... the devil is not as good as you imagine. It’s so easy to deal with!”

In an instant, the old man's magic burst out. Richard, who transformed into Nexus, could more keenly perceive the changes in the surrounding energy. He could clearly feel that a huge amount of energy was being extracted from outside the dimension, forming an invisible formation in the space. There was a storm, and the frail old man in front of him was the eye of the storm.

He knew that it was the magic power from hell, the energy in the realm ruled by Marduk.

This devil is about to take action.

The old man slowly raised his right hand high, with his palm facing the sky. His gesture and posture seemed to be calling for wind and rain.

Nexus's senses were keenly aware of the abnormal concentration of energy, as if countless undercurrents were converging towards the soles of his feet. A group of powerful and enthusiastic energy was rapidly approaching from bottom to top, as if a ferocious beast that had been imprisoned for a long time was about to break out of its cage.

Nexus moved his feet and retreated quickly. Half a second later, the ground he had just stood on shattered into pieces, and pitch-black flames burst out from the ground like a rotating column, piercing the sky like a whirling sword.

It’s not over yet!

The old man let out a clear whistle, and the magic power in his body was running rapidly, and more majestic energy rose from the ground! The jet-black pillars of fire erupted one after another, like a gushing volcano, and each shot was accurately aimed at Nexus in mid-air.

Although he was very confident in his body's defensive capabilities, Nexus did not use his body to resist. He didn't know anything about magic at all. This thing was very weird, so he should try not to get involved if possible.

Looking at the silver-white body whirling and flashing in the air among countless fire pillars, Marduk chuckled: "The movement is pretty good. So what are you going to do with this move?"

The magic power in the old man's body surged again. He pressed his shriveled and withered palms to the ground suddenly, magic power poured out from his palms, and the dark magic fluctuations suddenly shaped into a huge entity. It was a ferocious-looking monster, lying in a large puddle on the ground, with dark tentacles shooting out from its back.

The tentacles transformed by magic power pierced through the black curtain of fire and struck Nexus in mid-air at super high speed. They are also extremely fast, and probably because they are magical creations, they travel completely silently without even the slightest change in airflow, making it geometrically more difficult to evade.

Nexus shifted his position twice in succession, and threw out several particle blades from his arm blades to scatter the tentacles approaching him. But there were too many of them, and soon a tentacle wrapped around his ankle.

Followed by the second and third tentacles, his body was wrapped up like a big rice dumpling. The Devil King's magic power was activated with all his strength, and magic waves attacked Nexus' body in the form of electric current through his tentacles.

"I said, don't underestimate the devil." Marduk said solemnly, raised his hand, and clenched his open palm into a fist.

"This is the price!"

The space around Nexus seemed to shrink the moment the old man clenched his fist, and the majestic magic power was squeezed out of the compressed space and poured towards him like an overwhelming force. A pillar of fire erupted under his feet, and the pitch-black fire was so cold that it had no warmth at all, as if it came from the deepest part of hell, and could tear even a person's soul into pieces...

The sound was like the air being split, and it was like the brilliant light of the sun. The devil was horrified to find that all his attacks were shattered by the golden light in the next moment.

The light was like countless swords of glory, the layers of tentacles were easily cut off, and the fire curtain was pierced. An afterimage wrapped in golden light approached quickly, and a huge fist quickly enlarged in the devil's pupils, with swirling flames trailing on the fist, followed by an overwhelming amount of light energy.

The devil's pressure rose to the extreme in an instant, and for a moment he felt as if his breathing had been blocked.

This is not an offensive that can be followed casually.

As a former Heavenly Father-level main god, Marduk had not had such thoughts for a long time. He never thought that one day he would be able to encounter such a powerful opponent on earth besides the Supreme Mage.

With no room for mercy, the devil directly used all his strength! The old man spread his arms, his eyes were instantly as black as ink, and the next second his whole body was torn apart like a pancake!

But there was no blood or organs in his torn body, but a bottomless darkness like an abyss. The darkness condensed into an entity, and a brown-black claw protruded from it, followed by a thick arm. Six scarlet eyes lit up one after another from the abyss, and three huge heads poked out.

This is the true form of the devil Marduk, summoned from the depths of hell and the territory that belongs to him.

The three mouths on the devil's three heads opened at the same time, and spiral flames erupted from the three mouths! The three flames gathered together and turned into a swirling pillar of fire, facing Nexus' body as if it was going to melt through everything!

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