The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 421 The price is fair

Gabriel then suddenly realized. So you've been making trouble for so long because you're trying to get some benefits?

But she didn't want it to be in vain in the first place. There are rewards for mortal warriors who work for Heaven. If you want to get the other person on board, you must show some sincerity.

So Gabriel nodded: "What you said makes sense, just wait a moment."

The female angel suddenly raised her head, and the halo around her suddenly seemed to become even more shining. Two white shadows flashed behind her, spreading their holy and huge white wings. She spread her wings lightly, and her body soared into the sky. Countless white feathers flew all over the sky, like falling snowflakes.

The angel raised her slender white arms high, her palms facing the sky, and white light condensed in her palms like a transparent whirlwind. The white light gradually transformed into a stick-like entity, transforming into the shape of a staff. She held the short staff in her hand, and countless stars hung down like waterfalls.

Gabriel landed lightly back on the ground, looking back and forth at the golden stick in his hand with admiring eyes. White and small wings appeared spiritually on both sides of the stick.

"The angel's staff can drive away darkness and erase all evil in the world." Gabriel stroked the staff in his hand and said, "It has the sacred light from heaven. Both demons and demons are afraid of its authority. , it can be a huge help.”

Richard took the staff and curled his lips.

This thing looks dazzling, with small wings and layers of halos, but it actually weighs almost nothing in your hand. He used his Ultra Vision to see through the staff and found that the energy intensity contained inside it was indeed quite high and the quality was quite impressive. It would not be an exaggeration to say it was an artifact on Earth. It was obvious that Gabriel, as the representative of Heaven, still used it. Out of sincerity.


...What use is a broken wand for a warrior like me?

Richard wondered if this beautiful archangel had a weak head. He had just hit the devil with his fists on the ground like that. Couldn't she still see that she was a warrior?

But after all, it was a gift from someone, and it was a gift of high quality. This is like receiving a birthday gift from someone else. No matter how undesirable it is, you can't refuse it on the spot.

As for the mage I know, the only one I know is Wanda the Little Witch. But Richard thought about it and felt that the little witch's chaos magic was dark and evil, and the sacred equipment that blinded the dog's eyes at a glance must be at odds with her. It would be a shame if the little witch went too far with this staff.

But Richard accepted it first. Anyway, you can still give things away if you don’t need them. At worst, you can take them to Mr. Odin’s place later to see if you can exchange them for something really useful from his treasure house...

"Okay." Richard put away the staff and said, "I will help you find the whereabouts of the Ghost Rider. Once the demon you mentioned really returns to the world, I will do my best to provide help."

"Thank you." Gabriel nodded, "Zathannos is a very ancient demon, and his power may be beyond your imagination. Even Mephisto was able to defeat him in the first place because of Zathannos' losses. The advantage of obtaining the origin. But now the lost part of Zathanos’ origin is also in the hands of Mephisto. If Zathanos returns in his peak state, the entire human world will probably face disaster.”

Richard made an unexpected gesture: "Is it so scary?"

"Exactly." Gabriel was very happy that her words could attract Richard's attention, "That's why we need your help..."

Richard pondered for a long time, looked at the staff in his hand, and sighed softly: "Okay, I will try my best, but if this demon is as scary as you said, I'm afraid there is nothing I can do. Alas, if there is Just a sword that can hurt demons or something..."

Gabriel: "..."

P! You just beat the devil king like a father beating his son, and you told me that there is nothing you can do?

Don’t you think the benefits are not enough?


Gabriel thought for a moment, spread his wings, and activated his divine power again. But this time her aura was obviously different from before, and her brows seemed to be more serious and cautious.

Only traces of light blue light visible to the naked eye separated from her body, and with the white light, they gathered in the palm of her hand, like water. Waves of water continued to pour into her palm, eventually condensing into an irregular entity.

"This is my personal gift. It is holy water of uncertain form. It can imbue other weapons with a sacred aura, and it can also strengthen the body of mortals. More importantly, it can be shaped into any shape according to the owner's wishes. Whether it’s a knife…a gun…or a sword.”

As Gabriel spoke, the water flow rapidly rolled and changed in her palm. Sometimes it turned into a knife, sometimes it turned into a gun, sometimes it turned into a sharp torrent sword, and finally it disintegrated again and returned to its original posture of the water element, lying quietly in her palm.

After a brief scan, Richard found that the water was actually of a higher grade than the divine staff just now. Although he didn't understand magic, he could still see the strength of the energy fluctuations, and this couldn't be false.

Gabriel is an archangel at the level of a heavenly father. As a personal gift, this already shows his sincerity.

Richard stretched out his hand and watched as the water jumped from Gabriel's white palm to his own hand, and transformed into an extremely sharp long sword with a thought in his mind.

Okay, okay, this might actually be useful. The opponent was bleeding so much that he was too embarrassed to paddle...

The aura surrounding Gabriel's body dimmed a little, and he didn't know whether it was because of the heavy bleeding just now or simply because his time in the human world was about to come.

She finally said: "Then please be sure to find the current Ghost Rider as soon as possible. He is the key to this war. If Mephisto's conspiracy is crushed this time, Heaven will always be your ally."

Archangels are powerful, but they are not omniscient or omnipotent. In addition, angels and devils are also restricted in the human world, so it is not easy to find the host of the Ghost Rider from such a large earth.

This is why they need a reliable ally in the human world.

Richard nodded: "I will. Don't worry when I do things. It's just a devil. I'm really not afraid of this three-acre of earth..."

The archangel looked at him with a look that said, that's not what you said before you got the benefit...

Li didn't know what she was thinking, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

He would say you get what you pay for. With an angel staff, you can buy a child-shaped Bumpman. With an angel staff and a ball of plastic holy water, there is absolutely nothing wrong with changing it into an adult form of Bumpman. The price is fair and childish...

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