The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 425 Don’t make big news

After dealing with the Ghost Rider, Richard did not leave. Instead, he landed lightly with Mr. Johnny Blaze in his arms, and a white feather appeared with a flip of his hand.

This feather was left to him by Gabriel before he left, saying that he could call her if anything happened.

Richard couldn't help but feel a little messy when he held the hair. The Superman at the DC store next door will give away a handsome Kryptonian limited edition watch as a gift. As long as the watch emits ultrasonic waves at a specific frequency, Superman himself will be at your call. I know you don't want to play with high technology in paradise, but it's okay if you give me a spiritual stone or something? What kind of trouble is a hair going to cause?

Richard almost stopped talking at that time and wanted to ask this angel sister where she plucked her feathers from...

However, this hair is quite reliable. Not long after he took it out, Gabriel arrived with her aperture and gorgeous special effects.

Richard felt that showing off might be the nature of all angels, something imprinted in their genes. Whenever there are records involving angels descending to earth, there will always be gorgeous holy lights, fluttering feathers, and sometimes even hymns as BGM.

Even the angels who descended to earth had to make a lot of appearances, because they represented the face of heaven. Gabriel's arrival as the archangel must be even more grand. In a short time, the entire night sky seemed to turn into day, and a long line of white light enveloped the entire block. A soft white light hung above the head, and thousands of feathers fell in succession.

The holy white wings spread out gently, scattering countless twinkling stars. The archangel's landing was like a miracle, and the beautiful shadow shrouded in dazzling light seemed to combine all the beauty in the world.

The gorgeous and dazzling light effects of her body had no mental impact on Richard, who was already half a god of the universe. At most, it only made him feel good-looking, but it was different for ordinary people. Richard could already imagine the impact that the Archangel's recorded arrival would have on the people. It is foreseeable that there will definitely be a wave of faith in the short term in the future, and people's worship of heaven and God may Reaching unprecedented peaks.

In fact, this is not a bad thing. It seems that everyone in the United States today has their own religious beliefs, but how religious are they? That's hard to say.

As people living in a capital environment, their religious beliefs have also been affected, and they are still roughly at the level of "I believe in you, and you will protect me from getting rich." To put it bluntly, they are very utilitarian, and belief is more like doing things with God. Buy and sell.

The archangel's spiritual appearance today may bring a lot of new fans to heaven.

But that has nothing to do with Richard. He handed over the unconscious old man Johnny, indicating that he had fulfilled his promise and the work was completed.

Although the Ghost Rider disappeared after Johnny returned to his physical form, Gabriel still saw his identity at a glance. The archangel gently raised his white palm, and a burst of soft white light lifted up Johnny's body and slowly led him to the archangel, hanging in mid-air without any support.

"You are more efficient than I thought. Thank you for your help." Gabriel nodded, "I will take care of the rest. If everything goes well, the war may end peacefully. You have made a huge contribution to this. , man of light, on behalf of all heaven I give thanks.”

Richard waved his hand to indicate no.

Gabriel didn't stay much longer, leaving only a polite word like "I'll contact you if you have anything to do in the future." Then he flapped his wings and turned into a white stream of light and disappeared with Uncle Johnny.

The mission was completed, and Richard naturally had no intention of staying. Naturally, he didn't have the habit of not staying behind to clean up after the Avengers finished their fight. He jumped directly into a ball of light, flew straight into the clouds and disappeared.

A skull riding a motorcycle is actually not that unusual in the United States today. While it may be enough to make local newspaper headlines, people have become much more resilient to similar incidents. In everyone's opinion, this is at best another story about mutants gaining superpowers and becoming arrogant on the streets. People are almost tired of hearing similar stories these days.

However, the ending of this story made it a hot topic for a long time.

Take Richard’s own Daily Planet as an example. This is their headline the next day——

——"Shocked! The girlfriend of the mysterious visitor Ultraman is finally exposed?"

When Richard opened the newspaper while eating toast early in the morning, his expression was probably like this when he saw this headline: (°ー°〃)

? ? ? ? ?


Which of you could tell that she had something to do with someone like me?

She has wings! wing! And my eyes are two salted eggs!

We seem to be different species, can this be related? ?

A minute later, Richard appeared at the newspaper building with an angry face. An aura like that of a cosmic god forced all the employees along the way to retreat - as long as they were not blind, everyone could tell that the boss was in a bad mood today, and the expression on his face looked like he was ready to find some unlucky guy to mess with him.

In fact, it is not unusual at all to spread scandals about public figures. Newspapers of all sizes like to do this. But Richard, who made news that got his boss into trouble, said that this was really the first time he had seen him!

He found Cathy, a young reporter who hadn't had a chance to show up for a long time. As Ultraman's columnist, Cathy is now considered a senior reporter and is doing quite well.

Richard laughed and called the little girl: "Cathy, did you write this article?"

Of course it was written by her, her name is printed under the title of the article. But the little girl is a thief. She saw that the boss's bad mood was probably related to this report, so she nodded and shook her head again and again: "I wrote it, but it was not my idea. It was the editor! It was the editor who insisted on me. It’s written like this! I told him that this kind of article is not suitable for gossip, and we must seek truth from facts and not include such baseless conjectures, but he just didn’t listen..."

"Oh, that's right." Richard smiled and nodded.

So he immediately called Editor-in-Chief Stewart.

The beer-belly editor-in-chief is glowing today and seems to be in a pretty good mood. He has secretly received numerous likes for his wit - and thanks to this report today's newspaper is selling like hotcakes again.

Until he walked in, he still thought that the boss had seen the surge in sales today and came all the way to praise him. When I thought of this, the editor-in-chief's waist straightened up even more, and of course his belly became more prominent.

Richard tapped the newspaper lightly with his knuckles: "I heard that this article was your idea?"

"Of course, they are all my ideas." Stewart said proudly. After thinking about it, he seemed to feel that it was not good to be too arrogant, so he added, "Of course, everyone's opinions are also important. Many people have provided good ideas." The idea opened up my mind!”

"Oh." Richard nodded, put his hands together to rest his chin, and said with a smile, "Stuart, you have been in the industry for a long time. Have you ever heard of an old saying? Let me tell you, don't always I want to make a big news. If there is a deviation in the report in the future, you will have to be responsible, do you understand?"

Editor-in-chief Stewart: "???"

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