The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 428 What is this operation?

Twenty-four hours ago, SHIELD's European branch sent back news that an unprecedented species had emerged from a small town. It had a red mane, horns on its head, sharp claws and fangs, and made a big fuss in that remote town.

The town's residents were frightened, and local S.H.I.E.L.D. agents soon intervened in the fight. But their weapons had no effect on this creature at all.

In the end, reinforcements were sent from the headquarters. A team of Aegis' exoskeleton mechas stepped forward to surround the creature and blasted it with laser weapons for more than a minute before finally killing it.

However, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, new news came one hour later - an unknown creature also appeared in New Jersey. This time, a Minotaur appeared, holding a big black stick in his hand and muttering something vaguely.

This time, the Avengers arrived in time to suppress the bull-headed creature. After beating it down, both Stark and Dr. Banner were very interested in this new and unheard of species. They both agreed to drag this thing back to Avengers Tower to study its physiological structure and so on.

However, before the two scientists were excited to take action, they received news that similar creatures had appeared in Texas - and there were still three of them, in different places.

At the same time, the Fantastic Four also suppressed a creature that was over two meters tall and looked like a giant cat in downtown New York. The Invisible Woman pointed at Mr. Fantastic's nose and asked him if it was his fault. While Mr. Fantastic was desperately trying to deny it, he was also suspiciously wondering if one of the detectors he had thrown into outer space had discovered something big again. Basket...

Something isn't right.

Although they are all small regional situations, no matter how slow you are in connecting these one after another, you should notice that there is something wrong. The Pentagon found out, SHIELD found out, and even the folk media and rumors on the Internet began to realize that something was wrong.

Alien conspiracy theories and doomsday rumors are all here. There are even some young men and women who have been poisoned by popular culture and take to the streets holding doomsday signs to welcome the devil who is about to take over the world.

Don't tell me, they were indeed right about one thing.

This matter really has something to do with the devil.

Others didn't understand, but how could Richard not guess the crux of the problem? These people who are scurrying out to cause chaos are obviously monsters from hell, and they have a feeling of "the storm is about to come, and the wind will fill the building".

But hasn’t Ghost Rider been handed over to Heaven? Is it possible that all the devils are really obsessed with Shi Lezhi and are determined to fight against Heaven to the end this time?

Or...that angel sister messed up? She failed to bring the shard of Zathanos back to heaven?

But no matter what, the situation that should have been at a critical stage has become tense again. If this continues, more and more hellish creatures will flood into the human world. What humans are doing is only treating the symptoms, not the root cause.

Thinking about the worst, if no one does something, the world may soon become a battlefield between heaven and hell.

You definitely can't do anything if you stay in the human world. Someone has to go to hell to find out what's going on. Although Richard had already accepted Gabriel's gift, he felt that this person was not necessarily his choice.

After all, hell invasions and other things are not within his scope of responsibilities. He is just a bumpman responsible for fighting little monsters. Of course, there are special people to clean up devils, demons, and the like.

He decided to go to the temple again to inquire about the attitude of the ancient master.

It’s understandable that you, the Supreme Master, have been working diligently for hundreds of years. You are about to retire and you want to swim in the water. But when people come knocking on your door, you are still hiding at home drinking tea. This doesn’t make sense, right?

On the same day, Richard's manor also received a rare visit from two strange visitors.

Two devils.

Yes, he is a devil in the literal sense, but his level is not high. In hell, he is probably at an embarrassing level of more than above, less than below, and more than enough. Both devils were dressed up like a human being, wearing suits and leather shoes. They looked like elites on Wall Street.

Their mission today is very clear - to capture someone from this room, no matter who they are.

As lower-level devils, the two actually knew very little information. They didn't know why they came to arrest people. They only heard from fragmentary words that the person living in this house was related to some important person. Now that the war between heaven and hell is about to begin, they need to capture a human being as a bargaining chip.

In other words, the targets of their mission are only mortals who are powerless.

The devil's favorite task.

The expensive security system at the door cannot stop the devil - not even a low-level devil, because the devil is simply something beyond the understanding of ordinary people. One of the devils waved his hand, and the electronic door lock was automatically unlocked under the influence of magic, and the word "error" popped up on the combination lock disk.

The two devils swaggered into the manor and entered directly from the main entrance. They can smell humans, and with the devil's special abilities, they can even sense that it is a young human woman.

This made the two devils even more excited.

In various myths and legends, the devil always seems to like to transform into handsome men to seduce human women, play with their bodies and emotions, and finally accept their souls. The most famous one happens to be the lord of hell, Lao Mo. Although the lower-level devils dare not be as arrogant as their boss, their nature is still the same.

When they think of the soul of a young girl waiting for them, it's like a dish that has been cooked and seasoned and presented to the table, making the devils salivate even more and become more motivated.

And the girl soon appeared in front of them.

At this moment, Richard ran to the temple to chat with the big shot, Jessica was at work, and Gwen was on routine patrol outside. Naturally, the only one left at home was a certain little red-haired witch. The little witch was currently holding her big book while reading and wandering around the house. As she walked, she bumped into two devils who came uninvited.

Wanda was stunned for a moment.

She knew that Richard never liked to talk business at home, so no one ever came to see him. Gwen never brought her classmates home when she was in school, and it was even more impossible now that she had graduated. And Jessica's character obviously doesn't look like she has friends, so the possibility that these two are her friends just passes.

As for Wanda herself? That's even more impossible. She didn't know anyone except her brother.

So the little witch immediately became alert: "Who are you?"

The two devils looked at each other and smiled secretly and maliciously.

"Who are we?" One of them walked forward with a smile and clicked his fingers. "Why don't you try to guess, my dear?"

Although Wanda is not familiar with worldly affairs, she is still alert. These two devils did not conceal their malice at all, they just had the words "I am a bad guy" written on their faces. Even the little witch quickly realized that they had bad intentions.

"Oh, you are bad people." Wanda didn't panic at all and raised her hand to signal, "Wait a moment."

Then she lowered her head and started flipping through the big book in her hand.

The two devils looked at each other, each seeing confusion in each other's eyes.

What is this operation?

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