Earn it?

To be honest, Thor himself had no idea.

It is true that Thor is much stronger than before, but the feeling when facing this evil dragon seems to have not changed much from many years ago.

Dark, evil, powerful...hard to defeat.

But he is a proud Asgardian, and he never shrinks from the strength of his enemies. He didn't even like to think about whether he won or lost in battle. He just swung the hammer up and down, whether he could beat him or not was another matter.

But the symbiote dragon has stayed here too long and has attracted too much attention. The government, SHIELD, and Avengers have all noticed the movement here one after another. If they continue to stay, they may face a righteous gang fight.

Therefore, although Thor was full of fighting spirit, it no longer had the intention to continue fighting with him. It sold a flaw when Thor charged again, and used its strong body to take a hard blow from Thor. At the same time, it swept Thor out of the air with a sweep of its tail. It fell into the air with a few somersaults and was embarrassed. ground.

"Okay, I don't have time to waste time here with you anymore, Asgardian." The symbiote dragon said in a low voice, "I have been sleeping for too long, and there are still many things to prepare and many things to do... … Let’s save our feud for another time. But if I were you… I’d pray that day never comes.”

The giant dragon flapped its wings violently, flew off the ground, and disappeared into the dark night sky. Thor stood up and wanted to chase, but the slap just made his head feel dizzy and his whole body felt as heavy as lead, so he had to give up.

But he knew that something bad was going to happen in Midgard again.

He must contact the Avengers immediately.

If this was originally a hidden mission issued by Mr. Odin to Richard himself, but after the symbiote dragon made such a fuss in the abandoned city, the matter instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Thor quickly shared the whole story, including the conflict many years ago, with his Avengers teammates who rushed to the scene.

Stark heard Thor say that the dragon might have been dug up by humans, and he naturally thought of SHIELD, which likes to cause trouble every day. In particular, a certain braised egg was simply the number one suspect in this type of incident.

Not much to say, Stark directly arranged for Jarvis to hack into SHIELD's network to find data. Anyway, in the eyes of real experts, the network security module of SHIELD is no different from paper. In the Marvel world view, it is even worse than the Pentagon's network. Skye of Coulson's team even hacked into the S.H.I.E.L.D. network while sitting in a van with her personal notebook before being pulled aboard the pirate ship. One can imagine its security.

In a short time, Jarvis found relevant records from within SHIELD's network. It briefly mentioned the human experiments conducted on disabled soldiers by the government and SHIELD during the Vietnam War, and Lu Dan's own name even appeared on several documents.

Without further ado, a group of superheroes immediately ran to the floating carrier aggressively and surrounded Lu Dan to demand an explanation from him.

This time, even Political Commissar Luo, a patriotic and law-abiding person, agreed with the Avengers' decision. Or rather, Comrade America was shocked when he learned of these dark inside stories.

In his impression, although his country does have many things worthy of criticism, it is still a beacon country of freedom, democracy and nobleness, right? How could someone do such a heinous thing?

Accountability! There must be accountability!

Other officers might not be able to stand in front of this group of enthusiastic heroes, but Lu Dan is no ordinary person, and this guy is as shameless as two others.

Faced with the accusations from the heroes, he directly spread his hands and said: "I had orders at the time, and I was just obeying them."

The implication is that every injustice has its owner and every debt has its owner. If you have any objections, go to the person who signed and approved the project. Why are you angry with me?

I, Nick Fury, will not take the blame for this.

Thor's description of this symbiote dragon really caught Lu Dan's attention. In Thor's mouth, it was simply an invincible dragon with incredible power. Even if he had the power of the God of Thunder that happened to completely restrain the opponent, he was still no match for the opponent, which was enough to prove how powerful the opponent was.

This guy definitely can't be allowed to roam around the earth. Luodan immediately summoned several experts and agents to form an emergency team, and invested a lot of resources to start a global search for the whereabouts of the dark evil dragon.

At the same time, the Avengers also held an emergency meeting. The only one among the people who had fought against the dragon was Thor, so everyone was ready to formulate a battle plan based on Thor's experience and description.

Stark is even planning to go to the laboratory to stay in seclusion for a few days before the war begins, to research some targeted weapons and props. The symbiote is afraid of light and heat. This weakness is not too difficult to target. He wants to see if he can tinker with some "anti-symbiote armor" before the official war begins.

Unfortunately, what they didn’t know was that the tactics and preparations they had agreed upon had no chance to be put to use until the end...

Outside the city, somewhere.

The symbiote dragon flew hundreds of miles and rested temporarily in this mountainous area. It flapped its wings and landed between the mountains, releasing invisible black air from its body that enveloped the nearby area, and releasing an interfering magnetic field that affected the outside world's ability to detect the place.

Then the giant dragon lay down and closed its eyes as if falling into a deep sleep.

After a moment, its body slowly opened, revealing a crack like a door on the dark symbiote's body. A man with a pale face walked out slowly. He was dressed in dark red armor, with a wide cloak behind him, and his whole person was like the center of the swirling black energy.

"After sleeping for so many years, it seems that this planet has changed somewhat." The man said to himself, and then showed a somewhat sick smile.

never mind.

He is the god of symbiotes, or at least a clone separated from his true self, which is equivalent to an extension of his own consciousness.

Brother Zhui's hammer cut off the symbiote dragon's thread, and even his clone lost consciousness. Later, the Symbiote Dragon's consciousness returned during transportation by Whitehall's men, but he has remained asleep until today.

No matter what, now he is awake and he wants to continue what he failed to finish many years ago! He wants to repeat what he has done to this planet. He wants to corrupt everything alive on this planet, dye everything into pitch black, and turn this planet into something that belongs to him.

Thinking of this, the man laughed nervously twice, raised his fist to the sky, and said in a tone similar to the joy of a middle-aged boy: "Dye the world with darkness!"

What he never expected was that... applause came from the darkness behind him.

"Well said, well said." Richard clapped as he slowly walked out of the woods, "But do you still need help? At the beginning, you have one person and one dog. It may be quite difficult to conquer the world.

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