The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 450 Relics of Dreams

Weird dusk, dense woods. The cool wind blew through the forest, causing a rustling movement in the forest. The leaves fell in a flurry, and the dark crows flew into the sky in groups, leaving a strange "yah" sound in the air.

Richard was in this dense forest, standing on the mottled lawn, facing a path that led to nowhere.

He looked around at his surroundings. As far as the naked eye could see, there were dense bushes and jungles, and he couldn't see anything. Birds kept flying overhead, and the setting sun shone softly, making this space look warm and harmonious.

Richard closed his eyes and tried to sense it. He seemed to be unable to detect the existence of the power of light in his body. Along with this, his super vision, super hearing and all other extraordinary powers disappeared. It was as if his body suddenly became empty again, and he completely changed back to an ordinary person in an instant.

But he didn't panic.

Because this is just a dream.

Yes, although it sounds incredible, he clearly knew that this was a dream.

Some scholars have proposed the theory of "lucid dreaming". Most people don't know that they are dreaming when they dream, no matter how illogical or absurd the dream process is. But scholars believe that under certain conditions, humans can consciously realize that they are in a dream, and clearly know what they are doing even in a dream.

Richard is in a similar state now.

He even had some idea of ​​what the dream was about.

He remembered that in the original TV series, every capable person in Nexus would have a similar dream before being chosen by the light. According to the description of Ji Yazhun, a second-generation capable person, the content of each dream is even coherent, just like the continuation of the last dream.

The content of the dream is some kind of relic, a stone tablet that looks similar to the Stone Wings, hidden in a deep mountain forest or a hidden cave. And that stone tablet is a container of light and a carrier of Ultraman's power.

According to the TV setting, many people on the earth have dreamed of this ruins, but most of them turned back before reaching the end of the road and forgot about the dream after waking up.

Only those with sufficient reasons to fight and the determination to protect can reach the end of the ruins, touch the stone monument, and become the fittest ones to gain the power of Ultraman.

But it stands to reason that this dream should have appeared before obtaining the power of Ultraman. This should be equivalent to the selection process of light for those who are suitable. And I don’t know how many years ago Richard obtained the power of light. Is there any special reason why this dream appears now?

Unable to figure it out for the time being, Richard simply dropped the question.

Now that they have arrived at the ruins of the dream, as a fit person, of course he has to go to the end, even if it is just to prove his determination to fight as Ultraman.

The path is very narrow, but there is only one road along the way. There are no turns or forks. You just need to climb over the bushes and keep walking through the jungle.

Richard walked along the path for an unknown amount of time. His legs and feet were weak and he was panting. He felt that he should have been walking for at least three to five hours, but the setting sun still hung unchanged on the horizon, just like a beautiful picture frozen at this moment, spread out and pasted in the sky as a background board.

It wasn't until he felt as if he had lost consciousness in his legs and feet that his destination, the stone monument in the shape of a wing of stone, finally appeared at the end of the road.

The scene changed naturally in the blink of an eye, from a jungle to a dark cave. Torches were automatically lit on both sides of the road, and the flickering light of the fire cast his own shadow on the stone walls on both sides.

Richard moved forward along the cave. With the help of the firelight, he could see that the orange stone walls on both sides were covered with murals. He stopped to look at one of them and saw a pattern carved on the wall of a giant with oval eyes fighting a giant beast. Although the painter's skills were average, and the giant with a big head and short hands painted looked like a primary school student's graffiti, it did not prevent Richard from conveying the content.

That was the experience of the fittest person who had obtained the power of Noah in ancient times and fought against the alien beasts. You can also see some ancient people kneeling on both sides, kneeling and praying to the giant.

Richard also remembers that these are also things that appeared in Brother Zhun's consciousness space in the TV series.

According to the TV routine, as long as the able-bodied person goes to the end of the road and touches the stone monument, he should be transformed into a light space and face Ultraman himself.

Richard was really curious about what he would see when he touched the stone tablet. After all, so far he seemed a little different from ordinary fit people.

Richard stopped in front of the stone monument with doubts. He took a deep breath, slowly stretched out his hand, and touched the stone tablet lightly.

And the result was something he could not have expected in any case.

He saw darkness.

Pure, boundless darkness covered the sky like dark clouds. The entire dream realm seemed to change hands instantly and was completely occupied by darkness.

A strong earthquake struck, and Richard felt the ground beneath his feet tremble violently as if it was alive.

The cave collapsed, and rocks fell to the ground. The flames swept across quickly like a hot storm, igniting the entire jungle. Birds spread their wings and fled in fear, and trees were wrapped in flames and fell mournfully. The setting sun seemed to be swallowed up by an invisible giant, leaving only complete darkness in the sky.

Richard's pupils shrank, and a sense of fear that seemed to come from the bottom of his heart swept over him, paralyzing his hands and feet, making him unable to move.

He watched helplessly as even the stone tablet was engulfed in flames, and the whole world fell into a sea of ​​fire. A dark demon emerged from the depths of the fire curtain. The dark giant spread his arms in the sea of ​​fire, raising his head as if shouting arrogantly. He has demonic scarlet eyes, a "V" shaped core on his chest, and his whole body is as if he is wearing dark black armor with crazy red lines printed on it.

Richard woke up the moment he was swallowed by the hot flames. When he came back to his senses, he was already sitting on the bed, panting, and his back was soaked with cold sweat.

He took a long breath and touched his forehead, only to find that it was also soaked with sweat.

It felt like I had just been fished out of the fire.

He remembered every detail of the dream clearly, and the identity of the dark giant at the end of the dream was equally obvious.

Dark Zaki, Noah's opposite, his ultimate enemy.

But why does he see this?

What is the meaning of the dream itself?

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