The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 453 Meeting an acquaintance

It was quite surprising to meet the Skye girl here. Richard remembered from the American TV series The Shield that she seemed to stay on Coulson's airbus and fly around the world around the clock. It looked like she had no weekends or holidays. Why do you have time to come to the park and wander around today?

Skye was very enthusiastic and took the initiative to wave hello to them when he saw them from afar.

"Are you alone?" Richard looked around and didn't seem to see her teammates, "Where are your friends?"

Skye pouted: "Ward, that boring gourd, said it was a kid's thing and had no interest in it. Coulson was on the phone all day long and didn't know what he was doing. Fitz and Simmons originally said they were coming. , we all bought the tickets together, but they received some urgent scientific research task yesterday and were locked up in the laboratory for retreat today."

Richard understood: "So you came alone."

"Yeah, why am I so unpopular and have no friends." Skye sighed.

She paused, glanced at the three girls next to her, and then showed a sly smile.

"It would be better to say that Mr. Li is really popular. With just one sentence, there are so many beautiful girls willing to accompany you."

Richard's face was expressionless: "No, the opposite is true. I was the one accompanying them."

Mr. Li said that I have no other merits, except that I am upright and upright, and I have absolutely no inappropriate thoughts towards my tenants and subordinate employees!

Skye chuckled, "I guess so."

In fact, it's not that Richard can't see the little girl in his heart. After all, he's not an innocent boy anymore, and he's not that slow.

Jessica looks like a tomboy on the surface, has no control and has a bad temper, but in fact she is a very sensitive person at heart. Richard knew that she had a crush on him, but that was mostly because she lacked love, and her bad temper made it easy for her to reject others. Richard happened to give her a little care, and it was natural that she would be fond of him.

Gwen, on the other hand, has been away from home for too long and cannot find her place in the world alone. Richard helped her and gave her a place to stay, so her feelings towards Richard should be more grateful and dependent.

Wanda is even more pure. Her special ability allows her to learn Richard's identity immediately. She is a rare and innocent little girl. The effects of various external images and publicity about Ultraman on the little witch are ten times and a hundred times more obvious than those of others. Wanda has now completely substituted Richard into the protagonist of various stories she has watched. In her mind, Richard is the super hero who can break the darkness and bring light. He is the kind of superhero who can throw her away. Ignore the deep fans who will automatically "+1+1" every day regardless of their favorability.

But in Richard's opinion, the little witch is like a little girl who is deeply obsessed with stars. She is ignorant and has no sense at all. She may not even have the concept of love between men and women in her little mind. Richard didn't know if she would be interested in him when she grew up and matured. Anyway, Richard didn't have any thoughts about the little witch now.

Do you really think that I, Mr. Li, am a lolita?

No, there is no more upright and stalwart person in this world than me!

Mr. Li is not a saint. Of course he also hopes to find the other half with whom he can share his life, but he really feels that that person has not yet appeared.

Last time I went to Mr. Odin's place in exchange for a lot of god-level jewelry. He gave those treasures and jewelry that seemed to be of no use to the three tenants in the house as gifts. Only the Brix that the old man took out at the beginning was He kept Garman's necklace.

The old man said that this necklace is a rare artifact in the divine world that can enhance appearance and temperament. It must be especially precious. Of course Richard himself wouldn't use it (Mr. Li: I'm so handsome and I have the appearance of a hammer), but this kind of thing that is a magical tool to attract girls at first sight must not be given away casually like other things.

Everything depends on fate, and Richard thinks that the person who is suitable for him will appear sooner or later, and this matter cannot be rushed.

Besides, he had plenty of time to wait.

Skye said that it was boring to wander around here alone, so he simply proposed to form a group with them to play together, and the girls readily agreed.

Unlike the three girls here, Skye is more enthusiastic and lively than the three of them. Her joining quickly invigorated the atmosphere of the small team. The girls started chatting with each other, starting with Ultraman, talking about their hobbies and even their clothes. Even the little witch, who is the most introverted and shy of strangers, also joined in.

But from the moment they talked about clothing brands, eye creams, lipsticks, etc., Richard couldn't understand them at all. That was a world only girls could understand - Richard felt that this part might be the same in any country or world. .

The few of them became familiar with each other, and Jessica suddenly asked: "Actually, I was a little curious before. Are you Asian? Because you look a bit..."

"A bit oriental?" Skye smiled, "Yes. I am actually a mixed race. My father is American and my mother is Chinese."

"I see." Several people showed thoughtful expressions. So Skye seems to be half the same hometown as Mr. Li.

Richard noticed something from her words: "I remember Colson said that the information about your biological father and mother can't be found in SHIELD? You already"

"Yeah." Skye nodded, and the smile on his face faded a little, "I already know who my parents are. My mother passed away not long ago. But my father is still there, just because of some unavoidable reasons. He had his memory wiped for some reason, and now he doesn’t recognize me.”

I see, that means the storyline of The Shield Season 2 has passed. Richard understood.

But because of his intervention, Hydra was not exposed, and SHIELD naturally did not disintegrate like in the original work. Agent Ward, a second-rate agent, is still undercover in Coulson's team until now.

The girls couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing Skye's words. Skye smiled and waved his hands and explained: "Actually, I am quite satisfied with this ending. This result is actually good for everyone. My father has done many wrong things. Now he can forget everything and just be an ordinary person." There's nothing wrong with the doctor at the clinic, and this is probably the best outcome for him and me."

At this point, she paused and thought of something again.

"Oh, and one more thing, my real name is not Skye," she said. "My name is Daisy, Daisy Johnson."

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