"What is that? A huge...conch?" Hawkeye, who was sitting in the Avenger fighter jet, wondered.

Stark closed the visor of his armor and remotely scanned the large conch floating in the air.

"The alien beast factor reaction has been detected." Stark said, "We are facing an alien beast."

It's not like he has to deal with alien beasts once or twice. Stark is now somewhat familiar with the characteristics and abilities of alien beasts, so he is not completely at a loss as when he first encountered this kind of monster.

"You continue to drive the Avengers, keep a high altitude and keep your distance." Stark said, already opening the cabin door, "Thor, Rhodes, let's get a little closer to see the situation."

With the Avengers taking over at the scene, there is no need for Richard to take action in a hurry for the time being. The Avengers may not be able to defeat Mega Forrush, but with them, the attention of the alien beasts will definitely be diverted, and casualties and disaster losses can be controlled for the time being.

Now he only needs to concentrate on observing and collecting intelligence, while trying to find the source of Dark Domain G.

The three Avengers with the ability to fly left the fighter jet. Black Widow drove the fighter jet to a higher altitude, while Hawkeye activated the weapon system. Two pulse cannons protruded from the bottom of the wing, locking the position of the alien beast in mid-air.

"Target locked, variable beam completes charging...fire!"

Hawkeye pulled the trigger.

With such a huge target floating in the sky, it's hard to miss. The energy cannons on the wings on both sides of the Avenger fired at the same time, and the lasers flew straight towards Mega Forash, but disappeared into thin air more than ten meters away from its body.

That's right, they just disappeared out of thin air. The two laser beams seemed to have hit the water, but they didn't even raise a splash.

"What?" Hawkeye said in surprise, "I should have hit it."

Iron Man flew half a circle around Mega Forush and raised his hand to fire, but his recoil beam also disappeared into thin air in front of Mega Forush. He then switched to the high-heat cutting laser mounted on his wrist, and a long red light cut through it like a sword, but it also seemed to be swallowed by something unknown.

Brother Hammer roared and flew high into the air, raising Mjolnir above his head and spinning in his hand like a propeller. Dark clouds gathered, and the shining thunder was quickly attracted to the hammer, blasting towards the alien beast as if it pierced the sky.

But there was no difference. Brother Hammer's lightning also disappeared out of thin air before hitting the target, without even touching the fur of the alien beast.

"Odin's beard." Thor floated in the air with confusion on his face, "Why are our attacks completely ineffective?"

At this time, Stark, as the Avengers' think tank, naturally needs to take action again. He controlled the armor to distance himself, quickly scanned and analyzed the situation of the alien beast and its surrounding space, and soon discovered something.

"It's a rainbow." He reacted. "Actually, this is not a real rainbow. It is a space folding caused by the special ability of the alien beast. The energy is projected like a rainbow. In this corresponding space, all laser attacks will Isolated by space—strong or weak.”

After a pause, Stark suddenly realized something.

"Wait a minute, this means that even Ultraman's unique moves..."

He frowned and did not continue, but soon thought of something.

Doesn't this mean that as long as it stays in the isolated space of this alien beast, not even Ultraman's light can hurt it?

Or rather, maybe this guy was thrown here just to deal with Ultraman?

Stark's expression became serious.

He had no evidence to prove whether his conjecture was correct, but if it was true, it meant that the Avengers needed to rely on their own strength to find a way to defeat this alien beast.

Thinking of this, Iron Man accelerated and flew half a circle around Mega Forush's body. The missile launch port on his shoulder opened, and a neat row of rockets dragged a gorgeous tail flame and flew towards Mega For Rush. past.

In a series of gorgeous explosions, the fireballs exploded on the alien beast's solid shell one after another, and black smoke rose slowly from its back.

The alien beast hummed twice and shook its head. The warhead mixed with R7 factor seemed to actually cause pain to it, attracting Megaforash's attention.

Iron Man's feet accelerated and flew past the alien beast's head.

"All forms of energy attacks are ineffective, but physical attacks are effective." Stark reminded his teammates.

War Machine also quickly switched to live ammunition mode - most of the weapons he carried were physical ammunition. He flew along Megaforash's back to the top of it, blasting it with fire as he went.

Brother Zhui no longer summoned lightning, but used all his divine power to fly up and fight melee. Now Brother Hammer's strength cannot be ignored. Thor's hammer hammered Megaforush one after another, and the power was no less than the continuous bombing of intercontinental missiles.

At first Megaphorus ignored the annoying bugs around him, but soon he became angry.

MD, if my alien beast doesn't go crazy, you really think that labor and management are conches, right?

Stark observed the rapid accumulation of energy in the sharp corners of the top of the alien beast through the armor's built-in computer.

"Guys, watch out for its horns!"

As soon as he finished speaking, fiery red light of destruction flew out in the form of electric current. The boosters on Iron Man's hands, feet and waist were activated at the same time, and his body suddenly accelerated and moved sideways, narrowly avoiding the direct impact of the light.

The next shot was aimed at Colonel Lord. Although the performance of the war machine armor is not as good as that of Iron Man, Colonel Rhodes was mentally prepared after Stark's reminder. He raised the height in advance before the alien beast took action, and also narrowly avoided the alien beast's destructive beam.

But the Avengers were not so lucky. Although the Quinjet's maneuverability is very superior among current aircraft on Earth, it is still too bulky compared to a small individual armor like Iron Man. Megaforash's destructive ray shot straight forward, and although the widowed sister had changed the flight path as much as possible, she still could not completely avoid it.

Fortunately, they have great teammates. Brother Hammer saw that the fighter jet seemed to be unable to avoid it, so he took the first step and swooped into the attack path of the alien beast with his hammer, blocking him in front of the Avenger.

He roared and swung down the hammer. Thor's hammer was entangled with thousands of meters of lightning and met the thick red current of Megaforash.


Like two thunderbolts clashing directly, an energy shock exploded from mid-air.

Brother Zhui groaned, raised his head and was blown away from a distance, and the Thor's hammer in his hand also spun and was blown away. But the luminous line was finally broken up by him, and the Avenger was able to avoid the direct impact.

Megafolash made two strange screams in succession.

Maybe it was because he failed to see the mission target this time, or maybe he felt that there was no point in spending time with this group of humans. The next second, the black vortex swirled in the sky again.

A dark beam of light fell from the sky, directly covering the position of Megaforash. A strong suction force sucked the alien beast into the air, and slowly flew into the interior of the dark realm G.

Then the vortex closed, the space anomaly disappeared, and the rainbow hanging on the horizon gradually dissipated until it was invisible.

The huge block became quiet again.

Happy New Year, brother! ! !

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