The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 459 Don’t plant the flag

Richard had always remembered Meifulash's special ability. After all, this ability once put Lanna into a difficult battle, so it was quite impressive. Therefore, while the Avengers and the aliens were fighting, Richard quietly used his Ultra sight to completely scan the entire body of the alien beast, trying to locate the source of its abilities.

Ultraman's eyes are much easier to use than the mess of detectors and scanners developed by humans. They can clearly see energy fluctuations, vibrations, electromagnetic spectrum, etc. at a glance. It only took him a while to see the principle of alien beasts creating light-isolated space. Now he just explained it in a scientific way that everyone can understand.

Talking about science in front of a bunch of black technology experts was originally a fantasy for a scumbag like Richard who couldn't even pass the key points in the college entrance examination in his previous life.

But it’s different now. After reaching the threshold of the single universe level, Richard has already had some understanding of the basic laws of the operation of the universe, and the technology that humans have developed so far is the exploration of various rules and principles of the world. and application. Looking back from Richard's current height, all human scientific knowledge is actually very simple and easy to understand.

Then, after an in-depth discussion with Stark and Dr. Banner about the abilities of the alien beasts, everyone finally generally understood and accepted the principles of the alien beasts' abilities.

But now a new problem has arisen.

"Did you say that its ability-generating organ is inside the body?" Stark held his chin, "In other words, we have to pry open its shell first, and then we can hit that organ?"

This is an easy question to think about. All the most powerful and penetrating means in their hands are energy-based attacks, even Ultraman's. If this type of method is sealed, how can they break through this shell/

All of Nexus's light skills in the original TV series were also sealed, but at that time Ultraman used a spinning smashing flying kick to directly kick the alien beast's shell, severely injuring Megufu through the shell. Rush, destroying its regenerative organs.

But Richard certainly wouldn't expect them to unleash the same destructive power as Ultraman, so he found another way.

He zoomed in on Meguflash's back on the screen. After several consecutive enlargements and clear processing of the image, a gap can barely be seen.

Combined with the previous thermal energy analysis, Stark quickly discovered something: "This is...the heat exhaust vent?"

"That's right." Richard nodded, "Continuous use of Meifulash's ability will cause the whole body's energy to continue to condense in the body's generating organs, causing the temperature inside its shell to overheat. Over time, it will easily cause backlash on itself. . Therefore, there is a heat dissipation gap on its back, which is specially used to evaporate excess heat."

"So that's it." Hawkeye thought thoughtfully, "So we have to pry open this gap first, destroy the reproductive organs in the alien beast's body, and remove its isolation ability, right?"

"Exactly." Richard said, "In addition, according to reliable speculation, the organ that generates Meifulash's abilities is also most likely its own weakness. If that part is severely damaged, the alien beast itself will also be seriously injured. Things will be easier to handle.

Do you have any other questions? "

He paused and looked around to make sure no one was asking questions.

"Very good." He said slowly, "Then please listen carefully. What I am going to talk about next is the battle plan for this battle."

After the explanation, the Avengers and other relevant combatants rushed to get ready, while Richard sat in the lounge and thought alone.

Intellectually speaking, Richard should not act rashly before the real person behind the scenes takes action, but he also does not like to let the Avengers or others take his place to fight the battle that should be fought by him.

Although he did not take action immediately during the Battle of New York because he was afraid of Dark Faust, the Battle of New York was originally a war of the Avengers, and Richard did not have any psychological burden at all. Although an alien beast appeared later, the silly alien beast not only did not cause any trouble, but was instead driven by Iron Man to draw hatred into the circle among the Chitauri.

But this time it's different. Meifulash is obviously an alien beast with the ability to defeat Ultraman, and even has an extremely rare special ability that can restrain the Ultraman field. In addition, its placement and landing location are obviously aimed at Richard. It should be his battle no matter what.

Richard never considered himself a hero, but he also didn't like to let others bear his responsibility.

"Hey." Someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Richard turned his head and found Miss Daisy Johnson, who had just left his house not long ago, standing next to him, holding a bottle of water in her hand.

"Want a bottle?"

"Thanks." Richard took it and unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip.

Daisy also took a bottle herself and sat next to him naturally.

"What are you doing here?" Richard asked, "I remember your unit is not on the mothership, right?"

"Coulson heard about the situation, and everyone in our team agreed to come to the mothership to see if there is anything we can do to help."

Daisy said, paused, half-tilted her head to look at him, her long black hair hanging softly from her shoulders.

"So...are you ready to fight again?"

"Well, it depends on the situation." Richard shook the bottle, looked at the liquid swaying in the bottle, and answered casually, "The situation this time is very complicated, and there are still many doubts about the incident. It may not be that simple. ."

"It doesn't matter, it will definitely be okay in the end." Daisy was quite optimistic, "Because, you are Ultraman, right?"

"Oh?" Richard smiled, "So confident in me?"

"Yeah, doesn't everyone say that Ultraman will always defeat the little monsters?"

Daisy smiled slyly, showing a row of clean and even teeth.

Then she turned around and dug around behind her back for a while, and took out a little doll hanging on the key.

"This is the amulet my father gave me. He brought it back from the East. It is very effective." Daisy said seriously, "I lent it to you, but don't lose it."

Richard: "."

Girl, do you think I didn’t hang up fast enough, or do you think you didn’t hang up fast enough?

For a moment, he seemed to think that when he raised his head, he could see a flag fluttering in the wind above his head.

As a smart time traveler, Richard knew that this thing must not be collected, but he felt that he was somewhat infected by Daisy's enthusiasm.

Whether Daisy or Wanda, there are many people in this world who believe in him, look forward to him, and regard him as hope like them.

Responding to these expectations and becoming that hope, maybe this is Ultraman.

Richard smiled relaxedly, as if he suddenly felt that there was nothing to worry about or hesitate.

Isn't it Dark Zaki?

It's just a weapon of war, a shadow that can never replace Noah.

No matter what plot or trap he has, just kill him and be done with it, right?

Richard pushed back the little doll she handed over.

"Since it is something important that your father left you, you should keep it for yourself." He stood up and smiled at her, "I don't need this kind of thing. After all, I am Ultraman."

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