The power of Gulantra's fireballs is indeed powerful, and one of them is enough to inflict heavy damage on Lannai. Most people can't handle such a sweeping attack.

However, it was a coincidence that Richard had just prostituted himself from Mr. Odin's treasure house not long ago... ah, no, it was in exchange for part of the essence of the eternal fire. The eternal fire is a high-level energy that is enough to ignite the entire Land of Fire. Absorbing this energy greatly improves Nexus's fire resistance.

Therefore, facing the dense ultra-high temperature fireballs from Gulantra, Nexus did not dodge at all - he broke through directly!

The fireballs with their own tracking capabilities all locked onto the sprinting red figure. Countless fireballs drew huge arcs in the air and flew down. It was like thousands of arrows fired in unison, and the momentum was quite spectacular.

Boom boom boom boom...

The sound of fireballs exploding was endless, and each sound represented a high-temperature flame exploding on Nexus. Ultraman casually conjured up a translucent barrier in front of him, holding the barrier against the current with one hand. The fireballs that exploded one after another wrapped themselves in more and more flames around him, until he looked like a flaming giant, trailing a burning line of fire behind him.

In the blink of an eye, Nexus had broken through the fire curtain and arrived in front of Grantra.

His right fist came out sharply, the power of the fist exploded, and the surrounding layers of flames were immediately blown away by the roaring wind of the fist! A dull loud noise erupted from Gulantra's solid body, and the alien beast's huge body flew into the air two to three hundred meters away, causing the entire ground to collapse when it landed.

It lay on its back in the deep pit, waving its arms feebly and wailing, with faint white smoke rising from its carapace.

Stark looked at the red body revealed after the flames dissipated, and his eyes flickered: "This guy...did he choose to bear all the damage himself in order to attract all attacks to himself and reduce collateral damage? "

Obviously he misunderstood again. The reason why Richard charged head-on was just because he felt that hiding and hiding was a waste of time and unnecessary. How simple and crude would it be to run up and deal with it with one punch?

Of course, if someone asked him face to face, he would definitely nod and say yes, yes, what you said is so right, it is exactly the same as what I thought at the time...

The level of blood cow of Gulantra is indeed unexpected. It can be said that it is a human shield type alien beast. This is the only one so far who has not been killed even after receiving a super punch from him. Not only that, Gulantra was now shaking his head and getting up, and the dented carapace on his chest seemed to be repairing itself.

If that's the case, let's give it something more intense.

Nexus bent his waist slightly, and slapped away Garubus who was trying to attack him. Then he made a mistake in his steps again, and in a flash, he arrived in front of Grantra.

Gulantra seemed to have beaten him really hard just now, and she seemed extremely nervous to be pressed against him again. Without thinking, it hurriedly attacked with its sharp scissor hands, making two clicks in the air in an attempt to force him back. But Nexus dodged the sharp edge with a flick of his hand. He grabbed the alien beast's wrist with one hand and struck hard with his elbow with the other hand. The explosion of force immediately broke the alien beast's scissors into two pieces.

The alien beast screamed in pain, quickly backed away, and stabbed straight at it with its tail. Nexus's wrist flashed with golden light, and his wrist arm blade suddenly cut the alien beast's long tail into two pieces!

Then he reached out with his left hand and grabbed the alien beast's shoulder, and struck sharply with his right fist. Gulantra was punched hard in the mouth, and the mouth and the face next to it were cracked open, some unknown acid splashed out, and it spread to the house and the ground, where a violent chemical reaction quickly occurred.

Finally, Nexus stepped on the shell of the alien beast's chest with his left foot, and used the force to jump high into the air. He flew more than two hundred meters in the air, and then plummeted down after a beautiful spin. His entire right leg shone with golden light, drawing a gorgeous path of light in the air, and his heel hit the top of Gulantela's head like a stick.

The majestic energy finally exceeded the upper limit of the alien beast's body. Gulantra's head was shattered, accompanied by sparks flying everywhere. The power of light blasted into the body of the alien beast without any hindrance, shattering its internal organs and detonating the high-heat energy stored in its body for conversion into fireballs.

Gulantra's body was instantly shattered into particles, and the internal energy turned into flames and soared into the sky. The powerful explosion shook the entire city of Manhattan, as if the entire island was about to sink to the bottom of the sea. The pillar of fire rushed six to seven hundred meters into the air, and the temperature in the city seemed to have risen sharply by several degrees.

Nexus landed lightly, turned around slowly, and returned his gaze to Garubus.

This alien beast might really have a missing bone in its head. It even cost three of its teammates, and even the C position among the five of them was kicked to pieces. However, this guy still has no intention of giving up. It was just that it had just been slapped down and it took a long time to get up again, waving its claws and rushing back like before.

Nexus crossed his palms up and down in front of him, and energy was quickly extracted from his body. The light energy condensed into a colorful hurricane on the ground, which swooped forward under the control of Ultraman's telekinesis.

Hurricane Nexus!

The energy formed a rainbow tornado that stretched across the sky and the earth. Garubus, who was sprinting with his little claws, looked small and weak, and was swept in by the hurricane with no resistance. Countless air blades violently cut the alien beast's body, and the energy in the storm whipped its body apart like thousands of long whips. Garubus' body was cut and minced in the hurricane, and the fragments swirled with the strong wind, and were decomposed and scattered by the light energy contained in them. Finally, when the hurricane dissipated, the body of the alien beast was gone.

Got four and left the last one.

Grugram is obviously much smarter than Garubus, a fool who only knows how to be reckless. Seeing that his teammates are attacking one by one, it is obvious that the group cannot beat him. Grugram is ready to run away without saying a word. .

However, the pig teammate sent it too fast, and in the blink of an eye, not even the scum was left. When Nexus turned around, the organs on Grugram's back were flickering and preparing to disappear, and the body was in a translucent state before he could do it. Slip away completely.

Of course Richard remembers that this is Grugram's exclusive skill, which hides into a certain subspace through phase transformation to achieve the effect of physical penetration or even disappearance.

In the past, he could only deal with this move by opening the Metafield to trap Grugram, but now he had more options.

I saw Nexus brewing for half a second, and with a flick of his right hand, the blue binding light was thrown out in a straight line, unreasonably piercing into the subspace, and tying up Grugram who was half retracted into the subspace.

Come on...come out! ! !

Nexus shouted loudly and pulled hard. The alien beast let out a feeble cry and was forcibly pulled out of the subspace. The transparent state was released and it fell to the ground.

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