The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 476 Ultimate Mephistopheles

Just like a burst of thunder gradually receding, a buzzing sound seemed to still be lingering in the air.

A tornado swept through the center of the city and rolled along the sea with great force. The sky was covered with layers of thick dark clouds, blocking the sun's rays. The sky was unusually gloomy, as if it had entered the night early. The raindrops fell in patter, washing away the ash particles and dust floating in the air, washing the dusty city clean.

Nexus was leaning against half of the building, and the entire wall of the building was shattered in a radiating pattern, and was already on the verge of collapse. Before that, all the houses and buildings for a full ten miles in front of him were reduced to rubble.

Mephistopheles, who had merged with the alien beast Yizu Mairu, punched him, and the force of the punch sent him flying for more than ten miles before he stopped.

But Nexus deliberately adjusted his angle the moment he suffered the impact. He landed in the blocked area of ​​Manhattan. A large area of ​​the city had already been cleared. There was no one in this area, and the number of casualties was kept to a minimum. .

The fusion of dark giants and alien beasts was originally an idea in the original project before the Nexus TV series was deleted. The final BOSS in the original case, Dark Lucifer, is the fusion of the Dark Giant and the Alien Beast. In the original case, he fought Ultraman Noah without Noah's Wings, and even suppressed Noah for a time. He was the real Noah. The biggest enemy.

But this part of the plot was also deleted as the series of Nexus TV series was reduced.

But why did Mephistopheles merge with Yizu Meru? what does that mean?

Does this mean that Zaki is also studying the same path as Lucifer in the original case? Fusing the power of the dark giant and the alien beast to create the ultimate individual that transcends both?

"Are you repelled so easily, partner of justice?" A sneer appeared on Mephisto's ferocious face, "I paid such a high price and expended so much effort to gain this power, but as my opponent, you It's only to this extent. To be honest, this makes me feel...disappointed."

Richard ignored him, stood up and began to think and analyze the situation calmly.

It was not unexpected that this happened, or rather, it was completely within his expectation. Although he didn't know what kind of trap the enemy would lay, he had guessed from the moment he entered the battle that there would be a very difficult guy at the front of the battle, like a gatekeeper BOSS.

It's just that he always thought that Zaki would play in person.

Mephisto, who was fused with the synthetic alien beast, was very strong, very strong, which was evident from the punch just now. But Richard didn't think he had any chance of winning.

There is a solution to every problem, and there is a way to defeat every enemy. If you are stunned by the opponent's posture before the fight begins, it will be the end of the world.

First of all, you have to test and observe, collect information about the opponent's abilities, and see if there is anything you can start to attack.

With a thought, Nexus disappeared from the spot. Quantized, the red giant appeared out of thin air behind Mephisto within a few tenths of a second, and the arm blade on his wrist slashed with a golden light.


With a powerful crisp sound, the arm blade cut firmly on the opponent's raised arm, but it was like cutting into fine steel without leaving even a scratch.

Nexus' weapons are extremely sharp, even among all Ultraman's weapons in the entire series, they are among the sharpest weapons. This is the first time that Richard has seen a target that was completely motionless when cut with the arm blade.

A sharp weapon protruded from the wrist of Mephisto's alien right claw, which was a modified version of his exclusive weapon "Devil's Claw". The sharp claws cut with an intimidating wind. Nexus ducked with his lower abdomen, took two diagonal steps, and hit Mephistopheles with a spinning kick.

The kick exploded with hundreds of thousands of tons of strange force, and the terrifying cyclone delayed for several seconds before erupting. The divine power blasted an uninhabited street to pieces from the air. An electronic billboard hanging on the roof of a building was suddenly torn off by the wind and broke into several pieces on the road.

But Mephistopheles didn't move at all.

"Too weak." He raised his claws high, "Watch carefully, this is how you should beat someone."

As if locked by overwhelming spiritual power, Nexus instantly felt as if he was surrounded by endless darkness. He immediately pulled away, but it was no use - even if he distanced himself, the feeling still did not dissipate, as if everything in the world was enveloped within the scope of that blow.

Mephisto clawed it down.

At that moment, it was like a will full of "death" was issued, and the cold will filled the entire space. Any avoidance and hiding is meaningless, as if this blow can cover the ends of the world...

A second later, several streets seemed to evaporate out of thin air, leaving not even dust behind.

But he didn't hit the target he was aiming for.


Mephisto snorted and glanced sideways, only to see an afterimage somewhere in the corner of his eye that had already soared hundreds of meters into the air, with golden light flying down from high above.

When Nexus saw that he could not dodge, he used Quantum in time, and narrowly avoided Mephisto's grasp. At the same time, he urgently lifted into the air and struck down with a cross storm.

"Mortal wisdom."

With a slight snort of disdain, Mephistopheles waved his claws, and three black tracks cut through the air like knife marks, domineeringly scattering the sparks of the cross storm.

Mephisto shouted loudly, opened his huge mouth, and a dark red pillar of fire suddenly spurted out!

The ultra-high-temperature flames approached Nexus's field of vision very quickly, and the temperature was incalculable, as if even space itself was melting.

Although his own flame resistance was extremely high, Nexus had no intention of challenging his body's limits. He made a Mach move in the air and dodged the fire pillar. At the same time, a milky white air ring burst out from the soles of his feet, and his figure continued to rise half a step. null.

Mephistopheles sneered: "You know that the Meta Field is ineffective against me, so you want to lure me away from the city to avoid damage? You are indeed a partner of justice."

Then he stopped joking and his voice suddenly dropped.

"But! It's not your choice this time."

Killing intent as cold as the abyss suddenly locked onto the high-speed afterimage in mid-air from a height of more than a thousand meters. Nexus was moving at full speed when his feet suddenly sank and his body stopped involuntarily.

He looked down and saw that a black hole suddenly appeared in the space again, and the tentacles shot out of it wrapped around his ankles and forcibly stopped his movement.

It’s also the ability of the space alien beast Kutula. Yizu Meru can do this trick, and Mephistopheles has merged with Yizu Meru, so there is no reason why he can't do it.

In fact, the delay for Nexus was only a moment short enough for normal people to ignore, but it was this moment of pause that gave Mephistopheles the opportunity.

The demon opened its huge mouth.

The world seemed to darken in an instant, the sky was filled with wind and clouds, and the dark energy visible to the naked eye seemed to be gathering from the horizon, from the dark clouds, and from beyond the horizon, all pouring into the bottomless abyss mentioned by Mephistopheles.

As if a demon roared from the deepest part of the Nine Hells, a black torrent blasted out of Mephisto's mouth! The distance of a thousand meters was instantly crossed, and the light was drowned by darkness, just like the last remaining candlelight between heaven and earth was extinguished by the strong wind.

The whole world fell into darkness.

The fever is gone, but the cold is still not gone. I have a severe headache. I need to take medicine.

Good expectations: I hope to resume the third update tomorrow. . . Um. . . . hope

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