The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 479 Do you really believe it?

"I have paid special attention to you, I have studied you...or we have studied you."

Mephistopheles was flying in the air, and his deep voice was still coming continuously through his spiritual power.

"I know what kind of person you are." He said, "You are not the kind of person who would sacrifice himself for ridiculous righteousness, you are not the kind of naive guy who has a strong sense of justice and talks about empty ideals all day long.

No, you're not that kind of person. In comparison, you are more like us. I have seen your journey along the way, how you gained strength step by step and got to where you are today. Essentially, you are a person who longs for power and pursues strength, because you know the only and most important truth in the world. The weak eat the strong, this is an unchanging law in countless worlds. "

The noise in the air disappeared, and the flattened land was silent. Only the sound of Nexus's energy core flashing out echoed crisply.

"But your naivety lies in your inability to take that crucial last step." Mephistopheles said sarcastically, "You cling to your sense of being a human and refuse to give up on it no matter what. That's right. That's why you are weak, that's why you lose to me and get knocked down in this place.

From a certain perspective, that light may indeed be a curse. Those who possess light will inevitably become weak and indecisive. It's really not easy to be Ultraman. You always have to worry about some ridiculous things that don't matter. If you had chosen to dodge my attack just now and look for opportunities to counterattack, you might actually have a chance to defeat me. "

A fireball with a temperature of 5,000 degrees tore through the air and slammed into the skin behind Mephistopheles.


Mephistopheles remained motionless, only tilting his head. From the corner of his eye, he saw a figure wrapped in flames flying towards him at a very high speed.

That's the Human Torch from the Fantastic Four.

"Hey monster, didn't your mother teach you not to be in a daze when fighting with someone?"

The Human Torch shouted as he threw fireballs at him as hard as he could. Flying with him was the invisible woman Susan, who used her invisible force field to bring the stone man. Except for Mr. Fantastic, who had gone somewhere unknown, the other Fantastic Three hurriedly came to help.

Of course, their attacks could not affect Mephistopheles at all. Mephistopheles just floated in the sky and allowed them to deal damage. At the same time, he continued to taunt: "Is this the companion you chose? A group of human freaks? I will start fighting for you." It feels pathetic.”

Then several missiles shot down from the clouds and suddenly exploded on Mephisto's head. The Avenger, with the conspicuous A mark printed on it, descended from the sky, followed closely by War Machine and Thor who were firing with full firepower.

"Finally! Face the wrath of the Thunder God, you deformed demon!"

Thor roared loudly, attracting dazzling thunder from the sky. His whole body was wrapped in the thunder and flew out. Thor's hammer struck Mephistopheles hard with lightning.

Thunder crackled, and lightning exploded on the demon's alien body, stirring up a faint white smoke and a burning smell.

But Mephistopheles still didn't bother to look at them, and didn't seem to think that these humans would pose a threat to him at all.

"How long do you plan to stay there?"

Stark shouted through the armor's speakers as he flew over in the Iron Man armor. He paused as he passed Nexus.

"Honestly, you're not that great at being cool, man. You see, you're going to need help at the end of the day because... well I can't believe I'm agreeing with that, but there's an old guy who's right - every Everybody needs help.”

Stark said, shrugging.

"After you've rested, come back to work, big guy, we're not done here yet."

Without waiting for a response, Iron Man pushed forward the soles of his feet and back and sprayed flames at the same time, flying towards Mephistopheles. The recoiling laser and missile barrages rushed towards Mephistopheles like a raging storm, exploding a string of gorgeous sparks on that indestructible skin.

Nexus did not step forward. He was still adjusting, observing, analyzing and thinking.

After just a few rounds of fighting, he had roughly figured out the strength of this synthetic Mephistopheles. Unfortunately, the opponent's current strength is indeed superior to his own, and he is definitely not an opponent if he flies up like this.

These Earth superheroes obviously can't help much. Now they can show off their skills and special effects entirely because Mephistopheles is not interested in them. Although this group of superheroes has an impressive record of defeating the gods of the universe, it is obviously unreliable to place their hopes on the dim halo of the protagonist. Their effect is negligible.

But to be honest, even though I thought this was unnecessary, seeing that these passionate superheroes came here to help him even though they knew that this battle was a near-death battle, it was definitely impossible to say that he was not touched at all.

Rationally speaking, he doesn't want these superheroes to come here and take risks, because it is tantamount to death. But emotionally, he found that when he saw them... he seemed quite happy?

The enemy's situation was almost understood, and Richard had quickly formed at least three combat plans in his mind. But it is not very optimistic. Every plan is just "a chance". There was hope that he could defeat Mephistopheles, but the probability of success was low.

But now that the arrow was on the line, he had no choice but to give it a try.

He quickly selected a plan and briefly went through all the details and possible accidents in his mind. Then Nexus stood up slowly with his knees bent and stood up again.

At this moment, a beam of light was projected over, shining directly on Ultraman's red body.

Richard was stunned for a moment.

What's happening here?

It wasn't magic, it wasn't some holy light containing high-level power, it was just an ordinary front light, coming from an ordinary family car, in the open space that had been flattened by the previous explosion.

By this point in the fight between Nexus and the Immortal Mephistopheles, the soldiers responsible for sealing off the area had long been frightened and disappeared, so it was not surprising that civilians could enter this area. only……

...Are they desperate for their lives?

At such a close distance, the aftermath of a casual fist fight between him and Mephistopheles could disintegrate the car on the spot.

However, he soon discovered that there was more than one person who was risking his life like this.

He saw more people and more cars coming from all directions in the city, converging near him. There were police, medical staff, adults, children, and even ragged homeless people.

Some people were shouting his name loudly, some were trying to support him, and some were holding flashlights ridiculously, as if the weak light in the flashlight could recharge him.

Richard: "..."

No, the films I made before were just to fool you. Did you really believe them? ? ?

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