The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 481 Single Universe God Level

To date, Richard has been upgraded several times, but most of them were improvements in strength through supplementing and strengthening energy through Marvel's local opportunities. But when it comes to his own realm of light power, it seems that he has been stuck for a long time since he was upgraded to red adulthood.

This is the first evolution in several years.

After transforming into the blue adult form, Richard seemed to suddenly understand the opportunity for this upgrade.

The answer is, hope.

A hollow, broad, clichéd word, but the answer is that simple. The reason he transformed into Kurenai was because he made up his mind to fight. That form represented perseverance and responsibility. When he made up his mind to shoulder his own responsibilities and fight forward, the change in his mood was naturally reflected in the power of light. It transformed into a red adult form.

In contrast, Ranna symbolizes more hope, something that the fittest can bring to mankind as Ultraman.

(P.S. There is no such explanation for Nexus’ form in the original work)

Although it is ridiculous and funny, it is precisely because so many people ridiculously turned on lights and held flashlights to support Ultraman, and it is precisely because so many hopes have gathered that this improvement in realm has occurred.

And this is only talking about the evolution of light, the improvement of his strength is not just that.

At the moment of this form transformation, Richard could clearly feel that the entire world he perceived was completely different.

He can feel the vibration of molecules, the elements wandering in space, and the trajectories, cycles and patterns of all particles. Taking this a step further, he felt as if he could "see" the way everything in the world is composed and how the world works.

It's as if the entire world was covered with a thick veil in the past, hiding its original appearance, and now the veil has been taken off, and the whole world is suddenly no longer mysterious.

It was at this moment that he officially entered the universe god level and became a member of the single universe-level existence in the Marvel system.

In fact, in terms of the accumulation of strength and energy, he has already passed this threshold, but so far he has been stuck at the door and unable to get in. He had never figured out why before, but with this official promotion, Richard suddenly understood what had been holding him back from advancing.

In the words of the gods of Marvel's local universe, the thing he lacks is an "anchor."

The cosmic god level under the Marvel worldview means that it has officially crossed the category of regular creatures and stepped into the threshold of gods. It is not at the same conceptual level as the heavenly fathers and gods of ordinary planets. This kind of realm and strength actually exceeds the limit that the body and mind of ordinary creatures can bear.

Too strong a force will subtly affect people's minds and make people inadvertently become something unfamiliar to them. This principle is applicable to any world view. Therefore, in the Marvel system, any strong person who aspires to the single universe level must have such an anchor, an anchor that only belongs to his own hobbies, responsibilities and even obsessions, an anchor that can prevent people from getting lost in the powerful. Something of power and endless years.

The gods of the universe do not have such a problem, because the responsibilities of each god are assigned by the universe from birth, and each god clearly knows his function in the general environment of the universe from the time he is born. These gods are equivalent to civil servants working for the universe. Their anchors are innate. They have been working day and night for hundreds of millions of years, and few people will think about what they have.

Uncle Tun, one of the five creation gods, does not have this problem either. Uncle Tun's duty is to "eat", because he can never have enough to eat. He keeps running from planet to planet all day long, eating planets to release energy and increase the foundation of the universe.

As the saying goes, thinking too much is often caused by eating too much. Of course, a cosmic god like Uncle Tun, who can't even fill his stomach all day long, has no time to think about something...

The group of cosmic elders is a typical example of those who are promoted to cosmic gods the day after tomorrow. In order not to lose themselves, each elder has his own interests and hobbies, and each of them is almost crazy about their hobbies. For example, Gao Tianzun in Thor 3 is addicted to gambling, and almost lost his life because of his gambling addiction on more than one occasion; another example is the collector in the Land of Void, who has a serious hobby of collecting, and his little hobby is also famous in the universe. .

If you want to become a god, it is not enough to have strength and realm. You also need an anchor, something that can never get lost and keep you in mind no matter how powerful you gain.

When Mephisto's dark light and storm struck with world-destroying power, and the moment Richard subconsciously chose not to dodge or dodge, but to follow through forcefully, his anchor was determined——

——That is protection.

And when countless civilians came to give him light and support him regardless of their safety, and when countless people around the world cheered for him and prayed for him in front of the TV screen, in the process, human beings also made their own choices. Ultraman.

So the moment Nexus was promoted again and officially became the single universe god in the current universe, the universe automatically assigned him a god position.

He is now officially the patron saint of the Earth.

This is different from those villains who gain some extraordinary power and become gods after having a secondary attack. It is also different from the father-level planet gods like Odin and Zeus. This is equivalent to being voted by the residents of the earth themselves and determined by the universe. An officially authorized deity.

This means that from now on, the earth has officially become his territory, and he has squeezed into the current system of the universe by accident and become an official organization. From now on, other gods in the universe will also have to honor him when they see him. The sound of the earth ball growing... seems a bit weird.

But in a sense, the worries of the old men at the top of the governments of various countries have really come true. The Ultraman they were worried about has really become the superior of all of them, a person who is above the country and the political power. transcendent existence.

What? deny? It doesn't matter, the whole universe admits it...

Richard has no time to think carefully about what these changes mean and what kind of changes they will bring. He has more important things to do now.

The blue Nexus stood up and spread his arms. The wandering air, the gentle wind, the solid earth, the gloomy sky... Energy gathered from all directions, just like the aura of heaven and earth pouring into the core of Nexus's chest.

The crisp ding-dong sound of Ultraman's energy core suddenly stopped. With the influx of endless energy, the flashing core suddenly turned from red to blue and returned to its normal state.

Since he has become an earth god, he must have the authority of being a god. Now all the energy contained in the entire planet can be used by him. It is just a simple matter of using the earth's energy to charge electricity.

After recovering his energy and adjusting to his optimal state, Nexus re-locked Mephisto, who was hanging in the air and fighting with the superheroes.

One thing is that Mephistopheles is right, this is indeed almost the end of the chapter.

But that didn't refer to Nexus, but to himself.

And for Ultraman?

This is just the beginning of a new chapter.

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