As a result, the little witch stayed in the room for a full twenty minutes before she would come out.

But in fact, as far as the average level is concerned, Wanda's actions are already quite neat. In his previous life, Richard also talked about women's affairs. The makeup and preparation work before his ex-girlfriend went out was really a huge project. Richard had the impression that every time he had to wait for her to go out, it was painful to wait.

But don’t tell me, Wanda actually looks a lot more refreshed than usual after being bored in the room for a while. Her red hair was neatly trimmed and draped smoothly on her shoulders. She was wearing a casual pullover dress and black stockings on her legs. The overall look was much cleaner and more comfortable.

It's just that the dress is still an old dress that Gwen gave her, and some parts still look a little awkward...

It is a girl's nature to love beauty, and dressing up may also be a talent imprinted in genes. Girls generally learn quickly even if they start late.

Wanda is obviously a typical example. As a veteran stay-at-home girl, Wanda is surprisingly knowledgeable about dressing. Many of the clothes she picked seemed to Richard to look pretty good.

But Wanda, who doesn't go out much, is still a little introverted, and is a little nervous when communicating with store owners. Richard felt that this was also a good opportunity for her to train herself, so he didn't interfere too much. Most of the time, he just let her enter the store to choose and communicate with the store by herself.

As for Richard? The first thing Richard does when he enters a store is usually to look for a place to sit, and then go straight to an empty seat...

This is the experience he gained from his previous life. The first rule when going shopping with girls - always look for a place to rest, because you never know how long they plan to spend in this store.

The proprietress of one of the shops was very enthusiastic towards them and received Wanda very actively. She thoroughly analyzed everything from her body curves to her hair color and hair texture, and recommended several outfits for her in terms of clothing color, image style, etc. dress up.

The proprietress was obviously an experienced store manager with a sharp tongue, and what Balabala said made Wanda dizzy. The little witch kept going in and out of the fitting room, trying on almost all the looks.

The more Wanda tried, the happier she became. It seemed as if she could see herself slowly becoming more beautiful and cheerful in the mirror. Wearing a long dark red dress, she twirled in front of the fitting mirror, looking as proud as a magical little princess.

It took a long time, and even Wanda couldn't remember how many outfits she tried on, but she still couldn't make a decision.

I’m so confused. I feel like every set looks good and fits well. Which one should I buy?

Richard, who had been sitting next to him playing with his mobile phone the whole time, yawned and stood up lazily: "How is it? Have you tried it yet?"

"I've tried it...but I don't know which one to choose..."

Richard glanced at the large pile of colorful dresses piled beside him.

"Is that all?" he asked the store manager.

The landlady was stunned for a moment and didn't react.

"Pack them all up." He started to touch his wallet, "We want them all."

The landlady's eyes lit up.

Damn, you have such a good character, I bumped into Shenhao!

So the lady boss hurriedly started packing and started to say nice things, saying that sir, you have good eyesight and you are lucky, and that your girl is cute and has a good personality. Such a good girl should wear the best clothes...

Wanda blushed and whispered: "Actually, we are not..."

But her voice was too soft, and the landlady didn't seem to hear her at all.

Wanda seemed to feel that it was a bit inappropriate. After all, she lives in this house and eats and drinks for free every day, and now she still feels bad that Mr. Li is so generous to her. She leaned close to Richard and whispered: "Actually, I don't need so many, I'd better pick one or two..."

Richard waved his hand and smiled: "It's just a small amount of money, don't worry about it. Of course, the more clothes, the better. They will be needed sooner or later. Buy them back first and then choose slowly..."

Wanda: "..."

Richard really wasn't bragging on purpose, he really didn't care about this little money from the bottom of his heart.

Mr. Li is no longer the poor man he was in his previous life. Not to mention buying a dozen or twenty sets of clothes, even buying this entire store... no, buying this entire commercial street is just a matter of his words.

After checking out, Richard led Wanda and was about to leave. He accidentally caught a glimpse of a little red riding hood hanging on the shelf next to her. It was small, exquisite and very cute.

Suddenly, for no reason, he felt that this hat would look good on Wanda's head. So he took it off the shelf and put it on Wanda's head.

The landlady had just collected the money and was grinning from ear to ear with joy. When she saw that the customer seemed to like the hat, she hurriedly blew her lips at the right time, saying that the customer had really good taste and that the hat was a perfect match for the girl...

So Richard bought the hat again.

Wanda touched the little red riding hood on her head as if it were a rare treasure.

The morning has passed, and the two of them have gained quite a lot today. When they came out of the last store, their hands were full of bags. It felt like they had bought all the new clothes for the next year in advance.

It's approaching noon, and it's almost time for dinner. Richard proposed to find a restaurant to stop and have a rest, have something to eat before going back, and Wanda naturally agreed readily.

The two of them randomly found a restaurant on the street and sat down. Richard ordered a pie with prosciutto, and Wanda ordered spaghetti.

After taking the order, the waiter left with the menu. While waiting for the food to be served, Richard took out his phone and checked the news, while Wanda carefully held the hat that Richard picked for her and looked at it.

"Are you happy today?" Richard asked.

"Yeah." Wanda smiled and put on the little red riding hood again, "I've never been on a date with anyone before. It's very fresh and very happy..."

Richard held his chin: " do you think this is a date?"

Wanda suddenly stopped talking.

"Ah, no, that's not what I meant. I mean...I'm very happy that Mr. Li can accompany me and buy me so many things..."

The little witch's voice became softer and softer as she spoke, and her face became redder and redder.

Richard smiled and didn't take it seriously: "As long as you are happy."

He knew that Wanda might think that she liked him, but that might not be the case. Wanda was actually just a little crush of his.

Although she looks like she is in her twenties, her mental age is probably only fifteen years old at most... maybe even younger.

Do you expect a little girl of this age to understand what feelings are? nonexistent.

To put it bluntly, her current emotion is actually longing, a little girl's admiration and yearning for idol stars and mature seniors. But sooner or later, little girls will grow up, and only then will they understand what kind of talent is best for them.

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