The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 495 Let’s talk again (Additional update for Hall Master Tianxiadujue!)

"Would you like something to drink?" Richard began to look through the refrigerator. "I don't have much left to drink here. There is also black tea and some coffee. Oh, and milk. What do you want?"

"Then please give me black tea." Hawkeye took off his apron. This family-friendly superhero seems quite comfortable here.

"We're not here to play," Stark said. "Like I just mentioned, we have some very important questions to ask."

Unexpectedly, Richard had already expected that Stark would ask this and that, and even the answers to the questions had been thought out in advance.

His questions were nothing more than about the source of Ultraman's power, whether Richard was from Earth, what his purpose was, etc. Anyway, they are probably similar to what Lu Dan asked before.

He has slowly compiled a series of answers to such questions. For example, the light from distant unknown galaxies came here specially to help you deal with the crisis that the earth is about to face. For example, it was selected and assimilated into a brand new life form by the light passed down from generation to generation.

So in this version of the description, strictly speaking, Richard is no longer a human being, but has been assimilated into a part of Ultraman. However, he also expressed his recognition of human identity. In his heart, he felt that he was still a human being.

Both light and human, that's what Richard told others, and that's how he positioned himself.

Stark was obviously not satisfied with his answer. He felt that the explanation was too vague, and many key points were deliberately obscured. But the other Avengers didn't mind, especially Captain America. The captain had actually noticed his identity a long time ago, but he still regarded him as a friend.

"But I still have a question." Captain America said.

Richard nodded: "You can just ask, Captain."

"It's about those movies you made before. Are those crises and powerful monsters real?"

The others also perked up their ears and stared at his answer.

This is indeed an issue that concerns them all. It would be fine if those series of movies were just the director's fantasy, but it's different now. They know that these movies were supervised by Ultraman himself as the protagonist.

Does this mean that the story in the movie really happened?

Do those world-destroying terrifying monsters really exist?

Richard pondered for a moment.

"I can't say it's completely false, that would be irresponsible," he said, "but one thing I can say is. At least judging from the current situation, something like Gatanjeou will not appear, at least not at all. It’s in this world. But it’s not ruled out that similar situations will occur.”

"A similar situation?" Captain America noticed the word, "For example?"

"For example, when the darkness of people's hearts on the entire earth reaches a certain limit, it is gathered together intentionally or unintentionally and embodied into other existences similar to Gatanje." Richard said lightly, "In that case The world will also face the same disaster."

"The darkness of the human heart?" Stark obviously disagreed with this statement, "So how should we understand this concept? Does littering count?"

Stark is the kind of person who believes in science first. He only believes in things that can be explained by science. The darkness of people's hearts is a bit too idealistic for him, and it is completely contrary to science.

"I'm not joking, Mr. Stark." Richard said calmly, "This is a very serious topic. The darkness in the human heart is quite terrifying, and it can be a very powerful force.

I didn't pay enough attention to this before, until the day before yesterday I gained people's support and felt the courage, hope, belief and light of mankind. Those rays of light gathered together and became part of my power, helping me reach a new realm and gain enough power to defeat the composite Mephistopheles. "

He paused, looked at Stark, and continued: "That is a fact that cannot be denied. Mr. Stark, you were also there at the time, and you also saw the whole process. Since human light is so powerful, With such power, it is easy to imagine that human darkness can summon something even more terrifying."

This is a fact. No matter which Ultraman series it is in, the darkness of the human heart is an extremely terrifying thing, and sometimes it can even transform into something that even gods can surpass.

"You are right." Captain America was the first to break the silence and nodded in agreement, "I have personally seen the twisted products of the dark side of human hearts. Sometimes the demons people can create are beyond your imagination."

He changed the topic and asked Richard: "Then are you willing to fight alongside us in the future?"

Richard smiled: "You mean joining the Avengers."

"That's right." Captain America nodded, "Working together, we can prevent that from happening, and we can make the world a better place - not just materially, but also spiritually."

"It sounds pretty good, but I still pass." Richard smiled, "You know? Fury asked me a similar question when the Avengers were first established. I refused at the time, and there will be no more in the future. Any changes.”

"Can I ask why?"

"Because I don't like organizations and teams." Richard said, "Where there are people, there will be conflicts of interest, and any organization or group is no exception. I have no interest in those."

"The Avengers are different." Captain America said firmly, "We are not managed by any organization or institution, and there is no interest in any behavior of the Avengers. We only exist to help the people, it's that simple."

"That's all for now." Richard shrugged, "I said, where there are people, there will be interests, and the Avengers can't avoid this. There are quite a few people who don't like the Avengers now, so you ignore it Acting under local orders, intervening in the tasks of the government, military and intelligence agencies. By the way, I heard that you went to Eastern Europe before and prevented a missile crisis? It's quite impressive, but it will only make more and more people unhappy."

He turned to Stark: "Mr. Stark has a lot of dealings with government departments. I guess Mr. Stark is responsible for wiping the Avengers' butts in the end for these messes? So tell me, how friendly are the high-level officials of various countries towards the Avengers?" ?"

Stark said nothing, but his expression was not pretty.

Richard knew he was right.

Captain America was silent for a moment and said: "We will get through it. The Avengers will not deteriorate, because this is the value of our existence."

"I'm glad you can stay optimistic, Captain. Unfortunately, not everyone seems to think so." Richard looked at Stark, "Mr. Stark doesn't seem so confident."

"Stark?" Captain America turned to Stark.

Stark, who had been silent for a while, raised his head: "He's right. Maybe the Avengers should consider changing their model. We need to abide by some rules."

"Are you serious?" Captain America frowned, "Are you saying that we should also obey the government's orders?"

"I'm saying it should at least be considered," Stark said.

"So what's the difference between us and Agents of SHIELD? I think the name Avengers itself is meaningful, we can't"

"Okay, okay, you can go back and argue about these." Richard waved his hand, "But this is my argument - any organization will deteriorate in the end, even the Avengers. So thank you for the invitation, Captain, but I am the only one He's a nice person. If there's nothing else, let's just do it today, I have many other arrangements."

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