The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 497: Take your ship away

Invisible light dragged Richard's ship forward. The cabin of the large ship opened and a parking rail stretched out. The spacecraft stopped steadily under the pull of gravity, and was taken in along the moving track.

The spacecraft was absorbed into the cabin and fixed, and a large group of aliens armed with guns and wearing armor surrounded the cabin door. Their leader, the eldest brother, has blue skin, a bald head, and a handsome fur coat. He looks like a wandering pirate captain.

A group of aliens aimed their guns at the spacecraft they had just captured, and everyone held their breath.

Ten seconds later, the hatch opened.

They saw the only passengers in the spacecraft slowly walking out along the stairs. This man is holding a bag of unknown food in his left hand and chewing it loudly in his mouth. He is holding a bottle of unknown drink in his right hand. He looks leisurely and moist while eating and drinking.

When he walked to the door, he glanced at everyone present and the pile of black muzzles from the corner of his eye, but he didn't give any reaction at all and continued to eat and walked down.

The aliens were a little confused.

What's going on?

They had done road robbery not only once or twice, but this was the first time they had seen someone so calm.

After Richard finished eating the potato chips, he drank all the Coca-Cola without haste, threw the bag and bottle to the ground beside him, clapped his hands, and then raised his head to look at the group of aliens in front of him.

"I'm sorry, does any of you have any paper? I was in such a hurry that I forgot to bring it with me..."

Aliens: "..."

The blue-faced leader coughed twice to attract his attention.

Brother, please be a little more respectful, there is robbery going on here...

Richard noticed him, and then he was a little surprised and said: "Are you... Yondu?"

Isn't this the Yondu in the Guardians of the Galaxy who has a father-son relationship with Star-Lord?

Richard vaguely remembered Yondu calling himself an interstellar hunter, and their group of robbers called themselves "predators" and claimed to be a domineering force in the universe. In fact, to put it bluntly, they were just robbers who blocked the road.

However, Yondu was a little surprised when his identity was revealed: "Do you recognize me?"

"Of course, you must have heard of the Predator." Richard said matter-of-factly.

The aliens were very happy to hear this.

It turns out that our reputation has become so famous without even realizing it?

But Yondu was not so optimistic. He only felt that something was strange.

Although they often like to compare themselves with the three major empires and Thanos's Dark Order when they brag behind closed doors, they are just bragging, and Yondu still has X in his heart.

Not to mention comparing with the three major empires, compared with Thanos, they are all minions among minions. If Thanos goes out in a battleship to rob, that's called a terrorist attack. If they go out to rob, that's called robbery.

And this person acted a little too calmly, looking confident even though he was surrounded by so many people... Speaking of which, it is strange enough that the other person traveled in the universe alone without any guards or companions. Could it be that he really Can one be as strong as a hundred like the Eternals?

Yondu was starting to get a little suspicious. He gestured for everyone to put down their firearms and asked himself, "Where are you from?"

"Me? I'm just an Earthling."


As soon as these words came out, a group of aliens did not hide the contempt in their eyes.

Although I have heard that many major events have happened on the earth recently, in the impression of most intelligent civilizations in the universe, the earth is still a small, backward and closed place. Everyone's impression of the earth is probably similar to modern people's concept of indigenous people.

Aren't races that can't even leave their own planet just uncivilized primitive people?

Some people had already started to wink, telling the boss to give the order to take action directly, but Yondu ignored their little moves. He felt that this person must not be as simple as he seemed - how did an earthling get such a luxurious spaceship? Is there anything behind him?

"Earth, it's so nostalgic." Yondu showed a look of reminiscence and began to get closer, "Time flies so fast. It has been so long since the last time I went to Earth... There is also an Earthling among us. , it’s just that he is not on the ship now, he is temporarily out on a mission.”

Richard knew he was referring to Star-Lord. When Star-Lord was a child, Yondu took him away from the Earth after his mother passed away. After that, he stayed in the Predator organization and never went back for so many years.

"So why did you leave Earth alone and come all the way here?"

"...Let's go meet an old friend, that's it." Richard shrugged. Then he paused, glanced across the people in front of him, and smiled slightly.

"But that will happen later. As for now... I plan to sail away from your ship, and then see if there is anything good on your ship. I will find a place like a joint city or a transit star later. Sell ​​it for a good price.”

All the aliens were stunned for a moment.

Yondu was also stunned. He wondered whether there was a malfunction in the simultaneous interpretation device, or whether there was a problem with the translation due to different semantic expression habits on the other side of the world.

Although Yondu was wary, he was just wary of whether this Earthling would have any backstage that he couldn't afford to offend.

But he said he wanted to rob their spaceship in turn?

Just a single, unarmed man like him?

Do you really think you are Thanos?

"You're going to hijack our ship?" Yondu asked tentatively.

Richard shook his head.

"There is a misunderstanding between us, Mr. Yondu."

Yondu nodded, thinking that this was the right thing. He didn't misunderstand that he was a ghost.

As a result, I heard him continue: "I am going to sail away from your ship and sell the valuable things on your ship... and then all of you will have to stay on the ship and work for me. I will allow those who are unconvinced and don't want to work." You guys should get out of the ship immediately... Well, let me think about if there is anything else I want to add... Okay, that's it, there should be none. If there is, I will slowly add it in the future."

After the words fell, the cabin fell into a brief and eerie silence.

After a moment, the aliens burst out laughing.

"This scum of the earth says he wants to take away our ship? He still wants us to work for him?"

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. Please help me. I'm so scared. People on Earth are so cruel..."

"Boss, I think we'd better not kill him. This guy is a living treasure! He can still make us laugh when we get bored..."


Yondu's face fell.

Now he couldn't be cautious even if he wanted to. If the other party doesn't take action after all the talk, that's not being cautious, that's called cowardice.

If he dared to be so arrogant in front of them, even if the other party was Thanos, he would have to give the order to do it directly, otherwise he would not be able to occupy the position of big brother from now on.

Yondu whistled loudly, and the sharp whistle arrow jumped out and hung in the air like a spiritual elf.

"Then you asked for it, Earthling." He said calmly, "If you have any last words, you'd better think about it now."

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