The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 506: A top student?

Planet Aklan, this is the name marked on the star map of the predators.

Although it was only a short time for the spacecraft to fly to this planet from hundreds of thousands of miles away, when they arrived, the reaction of the alien beast's vibration wave had basically disappeared.

In fact, the vibration wave reaction is not strong in the first place, and with such a long distance, Richard might not have noticed it at all if his senses had not been greatly strengthened with his strength.

Navigating in a planetary atmosphere is different from navigating in space. Most spacecraft will automatically switch to atmospheric mode when entering the atmosphere, significantly reducing speed and turning off many functions to reduce the impact on the earth's environment.

Richard didn't say anything, and the others didn't know what they were looking for here. But it’s not bad for the predators. They are the “hostile party” anyway. They can go wherever the captain says, and there is no room for them to say anything...

Although Natalia remained silent, she was also curious about what Richard was doing here. She had been lying by the window, looking out with her big eyes blinking.

This is a planet with a climate and environment quite similar to that of the Earth. As far as the eye can see below, there are endless mountains, and the dense jungle looks like a huge green carpet when viewed from the air.

There was mist floating in the sky, and there was no sign of civilization or living people on the ground. The whole world seemed lifeless.

Yondu couldn't help but asked: "Um...what are we doing here?"

Richard didn't answer.

Although very weak, the vibration wave of the alien beast has not completely disappeared. He could also feel a very faint reaction, a bit like feedback from the extremely deep water. He was trying to concentrate on catching that wave.

The next moment, the vibration wave suddenly became stronger.

A black vortex suddenly opened in mid-air on the right side of the ship, and long tentacles shot out like a spiritual snake! The tentacles struck the ship like a heavy whip, causing the ship to shake violently. Everyone on the boat was caught off guard and stumbled, and Yondu accidentally knocked his chin on the table.

"What's going on?" he asked in surprise.

The vibration waves came and went quickly, and the tentacles quickly retracted into the black vortex and disappeared.

Richard soon realized.

That's the alien beast Kutura hiding in the subspace!

When he fought against Yizu Mairu before, the opponent's body was mixed with Kutula's cells, but Richard had never fought against the alien beast in person. The alien beast Kutula is a special alien beast hiding in the "Alien Sea" of subspace. The black mist it spits out has the special ability to swallow light. Its shape resembles the old ruler in the Cthulhu system. It is covered with tentacles and has a ferocious face. It was once the alien beast specially selected by Mephistopheles to defeat Nexus.

The alien beast itself was not very powerful in combat. In the end, it was not defeated by Ultraman, but died under the firepower of the Night Raid's Chester fighter. But the difficulty in fighting it is how to capture it. Kutula likes to hide in the subspace and only stretches out its tentacles to hunt. It is a super homebody among alien beasts. No matter what happens, it will never leave its nest.

After all, the Marauder battleship is an interstellar battleship. Being whipped like this only damaged the gate on the side, but it didn't cause any damage to the muscles and bones.

The looters were in panic, but they could not see the whereabouts of their enemies. Richard commanded calmly: "Activate the interstellar shield first. The enemy's attack is not a one-time attack. The opponent should attack again within a few seconds at most. First resist the next attack and then prepare to counterattack."

Yondu thought about it and felt that this made sense, and quickly ordered the activation of the protective shield. The spherical shield constructed of light blue light quickly covered the Predator warship, wrapping the entire ship tightly like an egg.

Sure enough, the next round of offensive came soon. The space rotated open, and the tentacles slammed on the outside of the shield. The battleship's energy generator hummed accelerating, and the shield's brightness flashed, but it did not burst.

The alien beasts were not greedy for more, and immediately retracted their tentacles after failing to hit them, waiting for the next attack. They did not give them a chance to counterattack at all, and they were extremely cautious.

"Use a phase scanner to monitor the phase frequency transformation of the surrounding space." Richard ordered.

The plunderers began to execute the plan in a hurry. But although they can use these conventional instruments, as a bunch of scumbag students who are robbing families and homes, they are completely ignorant of data such as spatial phases and frequency fluctuations. They can't understand the complicated image data on the screen at all.

Yondu looked at the layers of phase models on the screen and was confused: "What does this mean?"

"It means that the alien beast Kutura is changing between many different phases." Richard raised his chin and muttered to himself, "Kutura's subspace should be at a fixed frequency. But its subspace coordinates here are constantly jumping... It turns out that this is because the previous space alien beasts were too easy for me to defeat, so Zaki also used his brain to improve the design? "

As he spoke, the alien beast launched another attack, but this time there was not one whirlpool but three! The three tentacles struck from different directions and hit the protective shield from different parts.

"The protective shield...can't hold it anymore!" a predator shouted.

The scumbags cannot understand the data of scientific instruments, but after all, it is their own spacecraft and they can still use the basic functions. For example, they can still understand when the protective shield is going to end.

Richard glanced at it and found that the alien beasts were very intelligent. He discovered at a glance the key part of their protective shield, which was the center of the energy release generated by the three energy generators and also the weakness.

I have to make an analogy, it's a bit like the shield door in ancient Wu Heng Lian Kung Fu.

But there’s nothing to panic about.

"The phase changes of the alien beast are not completely arbitrary." Richard said calmly, "It seems that this guy can only jump from one phase to a phase of an adjacent frequency, and it is impossible to jump too far in one breath. Then every time it jumps The time interval between occurrences is also determined based on the energy level of the phase..."

The marauders looked confused.

Boss, what are you talking about?

Can you please speak human language? We are too broad-minded to understand...

But unexpectedly, Natalia seemed to understand. She shook her little head: "In other words, by finding the relationship between the enemy's phase energy level and the appearance time interval, deriving a formula, and then building a model by continuously capturing the phase frequency, we can predict the exact time and frequency of the enemy's next appearance in advance. Location?"

Richard glanced at the little princess again.


It seems that Her Royal Highness the Bai Fumei Princess... is still a primary school bully?

Thank you to the host Tiaodiao 123 for the 10,000 reward!

There are too many things to do at the end of the year. I didn't come back until after ten o'clock today. It's too late to finish the two updates. . . I will definitely update it for the hall leader tomorrow!

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