The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 509 The Hundred Meter Giant Sword

The location of that device is not difficult to find. Such a powerful collection of dark energy can be found easily with a little attention.

Although he had been mentally prepared for it, Richard was still a little shocked when he saw that thing with his own eyes.

It was indeed a device similar to Wangchuan. It looked like a huge device that combined machinery and biology, standing among the mountains and forests, surrounded by layers of black air. Its core part is a "V"-shaped energy groove similar to the energy cores of Nexus and Zaki, with intricate veins on the side.

And something scarier is at the bottom of it.

At first, no one could tell what it was, but as they got closer, everyone's breathing stopped.

They were people, densely packed aliens, with their hands and feet wrapped in dark veins and tied to the body of this huge device.

They were alive—or perhaps somewhere in between alive and dead. They are the nourishment of this device, and their minds are empty, leaving only the bottomless fear like an abyss.

"There's something here!" a predator shouted.

The hot orange-red beam suddenly flew over, and the battleship ducked sideways in time, and the beam passed under the right wing dangerously.

There was a strange scream in the darkness. The dark and huge body revealed its shape, approaching with steady steps, its long tail swinging behind it, and countless trees broke under the powerful tail.

Reptilian alien beast, Lizario Asu!

"What is that?" Yondu frowned.

"The alien beast," Richard said, "that guy's chess piece."


Without further explanation, Richard stood up, a white light flashed in his hand, and the Evolutionary Trustee appeared in his hand.

A bright light flashed, and a bright light flew out. The silver-white giant condensed into shape in a short moment, and landed on the black air-filled earth with a loud roar.

Not much to say here. Zaki set up a device here that absorbs dark emotions to provide him with energy. Since Richard hit it, he must completely destroy this thing.

But it's obvious that the alien beasts here will not allow him to do this.

Lizario Asu's attention quickly shifted and his eyes were locked on him. The reptilian alien beast's footsteps rubbed the ground twice, like a bull preparing to sprint at full speed.

Nexus wasn't going to waste too much time on it. He turned to face Lizario Asu, and was about to make a move, but unexpectedly, his feet suddenly stopped - something wrapped around his ankle, stopping his intention.

Nexus looked down and saw red tentacles protruding out of the darkness at some point, tightly binding his ankles like ropes. A huge body protruded from the darkness with a sharp scream, it was the alien beast Pedron.

It's not over yet. The alien beast Grantra, with a scorpion tail on its head and full of vents, quickly appeared on the left hand side. What emerged from behind was the silk-spinning alien beast Bampira. And then there are Northfield, Frogulus...

More than a dozen alien beasts appeared at once and surrounded Nexus.

Without any hesitation or hesitation, they each charged up and released their strongest blow as quickly as possible. Electricity, flames, laser beams, and overwhelming light instantly engulfed Nexus' body. The gorgeous light curtain shot straight into the sky, and the impact left a huge crater on the ground.

The plunderers couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive when they saw this momentum.

Our new captain won't just give this bunch of weirdos a second, right?

The attack power of the alien beasts is still quite powerful - at least from their perspective. Under such a fierce attack, everything should be torn into pieces, right?

Only Natalia was not worried at all. She looked out the window with her big eyes open, as if she had seen the ending.

The light curtain gradually faded, the flames dissipated, and the powerful energy and flames turned into spiral vortices that began to shrink and were absorbed into a center.

Nexus half-knelt on the ground, all the energy and temperature were absorbed into the Nexus weapon on his right arm, and the entire arm blade turned into gold.

With a clear shout, Nexus thrust out his right fist, and the golden light flew out like a loose gun! The powerful impact penetrated the body of an alien beast head-on, and then without abating, he shot through the two alien beasts behind it in one breath. The three giant beasts were shattered into pieces one after another under the overbearing power. Flames exploded from the inside out, and fragments of debris flew everywhere.

The remaining alien beasts yelled at the same time, as if they were demonstrating, but also seemed to be emboldening themselves.

Richard wasn't going to waste too much time here.

He decided to make a quick decision.

Nexus waved his right arm lightly, the aqua-blue light curtain fell, and his body instantly switched to blue in the blue light.

He then raised his right hand high. Countless light particles gathered together and swirled into the weapon on his arm, transforming into Hui Shi's golden sword.

Storm lightsaber!

But it's not over yet. Nexus kept moving, energy continued to be input, and the majestic golden light continued to pour in like a mighty current. I saw that the length of the storm lightsaber continued to grow and climb, starting from the regular size and extending to forty meters, fifty meters, sixty meters...

Nexus's right arm pointed to the sky, and the golden sword blade reached a length of more than a hundred meters before stopping.

Perhaps realizing that something was wrong, the alien beasts began to make a last-ditch effort. They once again showed their magical powers and launched a fierce attack with their strongest means...but it was meaningless.

Nexus lowered his sword and swung his arm suddenly.

The hundred-meter-long super sword slashed horizontally, and the golden sword light seemed to split the space in two! All the beam flames of the alien beast were cut open by the power of this sword, and all the energy was blown away. The sword blade sliced ​​through the skin of the first alien beast with force, followed by the second, then the third...

Sweeping in a circle of 360 degrees, the sword stopped. Nexus stood still in the same position as he drew the sword. All the alien beasts in the surrounding circle were stagnant as if they were frozen in a scene.

The next moment, golden cracks appeared on each of their bodies.

Pure gold light shot out from the cracks, and the light exploded. Each alien beast exploded at the same moment, and the corpse fragments were scattered and decomposed in mid-air, turning into light particles that filled the sky and dissipated.

Just one sword kill them all instantly!

The predators didn't know what expressions to show at this moment.

They do know that the captain is very strong...but the problem is that this is too strong, isn't it?

The plunderers couldn't help but once again wonder about this question that had been bothering them for a long time - who is this person?

Could it be that he is really a cosmic god?

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