The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 511 Borrowing a Spaceship


With a muffled sound, the Marauder ship suddenly braked to a stop, and everyone's feet trembled violently.

"What's going on?" Richard asked.

" to the captain, our spaceship has been affected by external forces and has lost control. It is now moving under the pull of external forces!" A plunderer said in a panic, "It''s the Dark Order! People from the sect have hijacked it. Killed our spaceship!"

"Oh?" Richard became interested and leaned to the window to look out, "It's Purple Sweet Potato...ah, no, it's Thanos?"

Sure enough, they saw a huge battleship with an arrogant shape floating in the deep starry sky outside the window. Wei Ran was lying in front of their battleship. It was the famous Temple under Thanos.

Thanos's Temple is a top-notch vessel compared to the three major empires' regular warships. It's already a top-notch weapon among civilian terrorists. How can this little wretched ship of the Predators compare? ? All functions of the captured Predator ship were disabled, and it could only follow the Temple helplessly.

The names of Thanos and the Dark Order have always been an unreachable mountain in front of the group of predators. They are at a level where they have to flee as soon as they hear the slightest news from 800 miles away. At this time, the group of people who were captured were all panicking. Some people had already discussed that as soon as the door opened, they would hold their guns and shoot at them while killing each other.

Richard waved his hand: "Don't worry, let's see what they have to say first."

When the boss spoke, the crowd suddenly became less anxious.

Yes, we were afraid of Thanos before because we couldn't defeat him, but now are we still cowards?

If our new boss got really angry, wouldn't Thanos or something like that be beaten to a pulp with just one punch?

The spacecraft landed on an uninhabited planet nearby. The hatch opened on its own, and Richard calmly walked down with a few predators, only to find that the other side was already waiting here.

He recognized the leader, Ebony Throat, one of the Five Obsidian Generals. He belonged to the Whisperer clan, which was famous in the universe for its scheming, and used telekinesis as its main means of combat.

Speaking of which, during the Battle of New York, three of the five Obsidian generals were lost on earth. Now it seems that only two Obsidian generals are left. It’s quite miserable to think about it...

"Predators?" Ebony Throat glanced at them and snorted disdainfully, as if he was mocking them for being a group of unknown gangsters... Of course, that was almost the truth.

"Feel honored." The Whisperer slowly stretched out a hand and said, "You insignificant existences can also contribute to my great master's plan today."

Richard looked at him for a moment, thinking.

"Is Thanos here?" he asked.

Ebony Throat was slightly startled, and then said: "You are not qualified for our great master to personally come forward."

"Is that so? But that's not very appropriate, is it?" Richard hesitated, "After all, you see, I'm going to take off his spaceship soon, wouldn't it be too rude not to say hello to him personally?"

Ebony Throat didn't react for a moment: "What did you say?"

"I said I was going to take away his ship." Richard pointed behind Ebony Maw, "Yes, that's right, it's the golden one."

Ebony Throat was stunned for a long time, and then burst into laughter.

"Although I think you group of predators are just third-rate fish, you should at least be able to see your own status clearly," he chuckled. "It seems that I have overestimated you."

A group of raiders around Richard looked at Ebony Maw with sympathy.

What a similar conversation, what a similar unfolding!

Isn't this exactly the same as what happened when they met this idiot before?

I remember they were so arrogant back then, but now... I won't mention it anymore. Not only did their boat become someone else's boat, but they also became someone else's people...

"It seems that you are their leader?" Ebony Throat said calmly, and stretched out his right hand lightly, "Then let me teach you the etiquette you should know!"

The power of thought was activated, and the invisible force locked Richard's body like an invisible hand from the air. After Ebony Throat was sure that he had caught the opponent's body, he poured out the strength in his hands, as if following countless threads to pull Richard over.

Ebony Throat exerted a strong force, expecting to be able to pull the opponent over from the air and strangle the opponent's throat. However, not only did the opponent remain motionless under this tug, but he almost staggered, feeling as if he was about to be dragged over. Same.

Ebony Throat raised his head with a look of astonishment on his face.

How can it be?

He activated his telekinesis and tried to pull again, but still firmly grasped the opponent's body... but it still didn't work.

The guy stood motionless in place like a statue made of iron. No matter how much he tried to sweat profusely, he could only move the corner of his clothes at most.

Richard smiled and gently stretched out his hand in the same manner, with his fingers spread out and his palm facing the ebony throat.

The Whisperer was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, a boundless strange force that he couldn't resist pulled him over without any explanation, and he was grabbed by the throat.

Ebony Throat struggled hard, his twisted face full of disbelief.

"No...impossible..." he said with difficulty, "how did you..."

"It's just a little gravity control, don't be so surprised." Richard said lightly, "It's just the foundation of the foundation."

He thought for a while: "Since you said we are not qualified to meet Thanos, then look, if I kill you, can you win me a ticket?"

Ebony Throat's face was full of panic, and he tried his best to squeeze out the words from his mouth: "Don't... wait a moment..."

How could Richard care so much about him? The power of light activates directly. With his current state, he already has an extremely deep understanding of the operating principles of light, and it is completely easy to use the power of light through the human form. The surging light poured into Ebony Throat's body, destroying the organs and structures in his body extremely domineeringly. Ebony Throat let out a miserable groan, and his whole body disintegrated in violent convulsions, turning into countless light particles and dissipating in Richard's hands.

Richard clapped his hands and glanced at the pile of cult soldiers behind Ebony Maw. Things happened so fast, their commander was killed instantly in the blink of an eye, and the soldiers were completely at a loss.

Then the thick and tall body slowly walked out of the Temple spacecraft.

"You are not a predator." Thanos walked down the gangway of the cabin with his hands behind his hands. The soldiers on the side quickly knelt down in front of him.

"That's not a power that ordinary people can control."

Thanos walked up to Richard, stopped, and narrowed his eyes.

"Who are you?"

"Just an ordinary Ultraman, his name is not worth mentioning." Richard said calmly, "But your name has been admired by people for a long time, brother Thanos. I'm going to lend you your spaceship, okay? ?”

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