The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 515 Ultraman VS Star Battleship

Galactus, the planet devourer, is the pinnacle of all intelligent life in the universe. He is on the same level as the top gods in the group of gods (provided that they cannot go hungry).

Of course, Richard is not as greedy as Uncle Tun, but the dark flagship of the Truth Cult is obviously not a planet-class battleship of the Skrulls.

It just so happened that he had never tried the level of the star battleships in the Marvel system. This time he could test the waters with the Shinrikyo.

Seeing an electromagnetic energy cannon being defused by the silver giant with his bare hands, the eyes of a group of believers left behind on the battleship almost stared straight. Fortunately, the officer was still awake and slapped a subordinate next to him on the back of the head.

"What are you doing?" He shouted loudly, "Fire! Fire!"

Seven or eight gun barrels poked out at the same time, locking Nexus from different angles and directions. The dark purple light pierced the space and erupted into a silent roar in the vacuum of the universe, as if fangs were showing and biting at him.

But such a direct attack obviously has no chance of hitting. Nexus' whole body flashed with white light, and he retreated like a white meteor. Seven or eight purple beams of light blasted through his afterimage one after another, and shot into the other end of the starry sky.

Nexus flew along a long arc from the upper side of the battleship to the lower side, avoiding a long series of countless gorgeous offensives along the way. The ultra-high-speed afterimages continuously triggered the automatic response mechanisms in many parts of the battleship. Countless machine gun muzzles were poked out one after another, and flashy weapons were in hot pursuit.

Nexus dodged three green rays and counterattacked with a crescent-shaped light blade thrown out with his backhand.

But the light blade he threw did not hit directly, but was intercepted about half a mile away from the battleship. The invisible barrier blocked the transmission of light. The light blade stirred up slight ripples on the transparent barrier, and there was a little electric light, but that was all.

There was only a momentary pause, and a more violent light screen bombardment followed him behind. Nexus kept moving, accelerating and leaving all the chaotic attacks far behind.

The firepower of the "Black Sun" ship is not only destructive, but many of its attacks have more or less strange properties. Richard does not want to be caught in some gravitational chaos or captured by a miniature black hole. Although there is nothing he can solve No, but that would be troublesome.

The outer protective shield is a basic equipment installed on mid-to-high-end warships, so there is nothing surprising about it. Richard took the time to briefly scan the energy shell with his super vision, and quickly analyzed its energy distribution, defense principle and generator location.

Mid- to high-end star battleships are equipped with quantum interference devices. The interference particles permeating the battleship prevent any form of space jump.

The Kree used teleportation devices for the first time in the battle against the Skrulls. They directly teleported a group of Kree commandos into the enemy's bridge through layers of armor and energy shields over a distance of tens of thousands of miles. On the ship, he was caught off guard and captured the Skrull battleship in one fell swoop.

It seems that since then, quantum interference has become a recognized standard in interstellar warfare, which can prevent any unauthorized person from teleporting into the battleship from the outside.

Two consecutive accelerations and one quantization threw off the beam tracking. When Nexus' figure flashed again, sparkling thunder was already brewing in his palms.

Cross storm!

Nexus crossed his palms into a cross, and the golden beam of light broke through the layers of light curtains and slammed into the outer layer of the protective shield! As powerful as the battleship's main gun, it violently impacted the energy layer protecting the battleship. The super-giant protective layer covering more than a thousand miles began to be violently disordered, ripples appeared, and the shield integrity plummeted from 100% to 100% in an instant. At the bottom of the valley, all the believers on the ship were in a hurry.

In just a moment, the outer protective shield was instantly broken through, and the shield collapsed under the load. The cross storm's beam penetrated the defense unabated and continued to bombard the shell of the battleship "Black Sun"...

...until it hit the second layer of shield.

After all, the power of the light was not enough to penetrate the second layer of shield. With a thought in his mind, Richard activated his super vision and scanned it carefully, and then he couldn't help but discover...


Is this ship not belonging to a tortoise?

The super sight scan found that this broken ship, which was more than a thousand miles long, was actually wrapped in a total of three layers of protective cover inside and outside - two layers on the outside and one layer inside, and this layer had already been penetrated by the cross storm. Under the premise.

Of course, such a complicated defense system is bound to consume a lot of energy, which also means that many other performances and functions of the ship must be sacrificed.

So how insecure is the designer of this broken ship to wrap his ship in so many layers of eggshells?

At this moment, another neat row of cannon muzzles on the side of the ship opened fire, and streaks of purple light rushed straight towards him.

Nexus flew away to the left, but he didn't expect the light to follow him and shoot out.

Tracking guidance?

Nexus accelerated his figure, and the silver afterimage drew silver curves under the starry sky. Countless rays of purple light followed closely, either colliding with each other and exploding during the pursuit, or being detonated by Nexus' light. The starry sky was instantly filled with flames, and the light and flames covered the sky and Ultraman's body.

When the fire light dissipated, there was nothing in the dark space, leaving only dissipated sparks and dots of blue particles.

Quantize again!

The followers of the Cosmic Shinrikyo can't handle quantization, but that doesn't matter, their battleships can.

The intelligent module of "Black Sun" once again tracked and positioned the direction of the quantum flash, and the two heavy cannons had locked onto the target the moment before Nexus flashed.

with full force!

The heavy artillery intelligently automatically captured the target and fired. The moment Nexus switched back to the entity, he was hit by the bombardment of two interstellar heavy artillery. The powerful firepower hit his chest head-on without any hindrance, splashing countless sparks on his armor. The irresistible penetrating force sent him flying backwards, and his body fell weakly...

"Hit!" A believer said in surprise.

The commander hurriedly ordered: "Don't stop! Use full firepower! Beat him to death!"

The firepower of the entire ship was transferred, and all the muzzles and barrels of all guns were aimed at the falling silver body. It seemed that endless powerful firepower poured out, powerful enough to grind the planet into dust...

Such a fierce bombardment would make even a true god shed his skin.

The officer was feeling proud and didn't want another believer to report immediately: "Sir...sir! High-energy reaction! It's...on top of my ship!"


The camera quickly shifted and the scene cut to the sky above the ship.

The silver giant was seen hanging silently under the dark and deep starry sky, holding a golden spear with overflowing light, and looking directly at their "Black Sun" battleship with his golden gaze.

It was as if just that line of sight carried a divine power that could penetrate everything.

It's the end of the year. It's time to do New Year shopping and visit relatives for New Year's dinner. It's time to get busy. Let's update a little bit~

Happy New Year to everyone in advance!

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