The ultimate light arrow, Shine, is currently one of Richard's most powerful skills.

The combination of the Storm Sword and the bow light, mixed with energy including the eternal spear, eternal fire, cosmic energy and other miscellaneous attributes, has the ultimate penetrating power and the most powerful blow, enough to obliterate all existence in the world. anything.

In the finale of Nexus TV, Lanna before evolving into Noah also fired the ultimate light arrow Storm at Zaki, but unfortunately he was slapped away by Zaki.

But Richard's move was much more than that.

This was a blow that exhausted everything he had, and his energy had been accumulated to the extreme. The moment the bow and arrow were released, it was like the whole universe trembled briefly, and the space was penetrated by this arrow!

The combination of bow and sword turned into a burning firebird. The giant flame bird spread its wings under the starry sky, and released a rainbow-like brilliance under the burning wings. In an instant, it seemed that even the eternally dark space of the universe was illuminated as bright as day, and the stars all over the sky were dimmed. The brilliance of the stars in the galaxy where they were located seemed a little dim in comparison.

Under such a terrifying power, even Zaki had to deal with it seriously. The Dark Demon roared wildly, and the V-shaped core on his chest flashed red, and the black and red black energy suddenly exploded, releasing a powerful impact that smashed the Nexus clone that hugged him desperately into pieces. .

Obviously this move is a variant of Core Flash, some kind of dark version.

Breaking free from the restraints of the clone in time, Zaki turned to face the immortal firebird that was coming towards him. He roared angrily, and the dark energy in his body was aroused to the extreme. The energy extracted from people's sadness, anger, fear and despair was concentrated as never before, all converging into his dark right arm.

With an extremely sharp scream, Zaki punched in the direction of the ultimate light arrow!

That was also a punch that exhausted Zaki's full strength, and what he unleashed was also his limit. Boundless punching power burst out, and the darkness visible to the naked eye was inspired by the punching power, lingering on Zaki's fist and exploding out!

The ultimate light arrow slammed into Zaki's fist, and the intense and scorching light instantly suppressed the darkness! Zaki's darkness was cut open arrogantly, and the light arrow truly hit the target! The giant flame bird slammed into Zaki's fist. The light and fire peeled away the layers of darkness, and the impact defeated his fist. The colorful stream of light enveloped the dark giant's body, and the energy hit Zaki's chest directly, flying backwards with his body, and was launched into the depths of the universe like a rainbow.

Unprecedented sparkling fireworks exploded in the empty space. The rainbow light illuminated the entire galaxy, dyeing nearby planets and meteorites with rainbow colors.

Nexus held the light arrow and lightsaber in his left hand, and his right arm drooped slightly. He looked directly at the direction of the explosion from a distance, his chest heaving violently, looking like a man breathing heavily.

It did hit, and all the power was completely eaten by Zaki. The ultimate light arrow, Shine, was fully charged and caught off guard. Such power was more than enough to explode a star like the sun into molecules.

If even this doesn't work, then he's really at his wits' end...

...Okay, crow's mouth.

Richard cursed secretly.

The light dissipated, and the remaining power of the light arrow completely disappeared, revealing Zaki's dark body again. I saw the dark giant hanging in the air, covered in black smoke, covered in bruises and bruises, and a piece of armor on his shoulders was blown off, but he still stood tall.

However, he no longer seemed angry, but laughed wildly with joy, as if he had returned to his previous state.

"Okay, very good, very good!" He started laughing maniacally again, "That's how it should be!"

Richard: "..."

Brother Zaki is not only a heavy Noah man...but he's also a douchebag?

For some reason, he suddenly felt a chill running down his spine and a feeling that was getting worse...

"Okay," Zaki said with a deep smile, "This is a return gift!"

He was already building up his strength as he spoke. The V-shaped core on his chest flashed, and powerful darkness was extracted from it and poured into his arms at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It took a moment for Richard to recognize what it was.

This accumulation of energy, this starting position, and this ultimate darkness that seems to swallow up the world and seems to be greater than everything in the world...

...That's Zaki Lightning.

The move corresponding to Noah's ultimate kill, Noah Lightning, is Zaki's ultimate secret.

Richard instantly felt this feeling of breaking out in cold sweat just by being locked. This move was completely different from before.

Avoid? Quantize out of the way? Hiding in the subspace?

All escape options flashed through his mind, only to be eliminated in an instant.

Just like Noah Lightning, Zaki Lightning is also a strike that transcends space and has the ability to distort reality. There is no point in escaping in any way.

The options seemed to be settled quickly.

Nexus raised the bow in his hand again and faced Zaki's direction. He held a bow with his left hand and gathered momentum with his right hand, driving the power of light with all his strength. At the same time, all the ray energy in the universe was converted into light in an instant, and was sucked into the shining golden core of his chest like sea water pouring back.

It's different now that he has been promoted to a cosmic god. As a god recognized by the Marvel Universe, he can absorb any form of energy in the current universe at will, so there is no time limit for his normal transformation.

Having said that, it's still a bit too strenuous to perform two extreme moves in a row. A single consumption of a ultimate move like Ultimate Light Arrow is exaggerated enough, but this time he had no choice.

After charging up, Zhaji formed an anti-cross with his hands, and a lightning storm with power beyond the limits of ordinary people's imagination exploded! The moment the light blasted out, it really transcended space, as if all the space on the trajectory selected by this beam of light was distorted. Unless the locked target manages to break through the transcendent space itself, it is absolutely impossible to escape!

Zacky Lightning!

Nexus was also unambiguous. He let go of his right hand, the golden sword burned the bow, and the light arrow roared like a firebird again!

Ultimate Light Arrow·Shine-two consecutive shots!

The golden bow collided with the black-red beam storm, and cut it in half with unparalleled sharpness!

But only for a moment. The power of light came one after another and quickly filled the gap. The two extreme forces clashed with each other, consuming each other, and finally reached a critical point. At the same time, they also reached the limit that space can bear.

The space where the bow arrow came into contact with the light collapsed violently, as if a rapidly expanding black hole was formed. An extremely powerful energy bursts from the black hole, shattering everything it touches. The asteroid was shattered, and all the alien beasts and dark giants under Zaki were affected and shattered. The only remaining high-level battleship of the Truth Religion was also swallowed up. The ship's protective shield was as fragile as a boiled eggshell under the impact. It was broken through in an instant, and the battleship itself was blasted into particles...

Richard saw from a distance that Zaki was also engulfed by the bright light, and was blown away without a trace, followed closely by himself. A powerful impact quickly swept over him, and he felt as if he had received a sharp blow to his chest, and a burning sensation enveloped his whole body. Burning pain followed one after another, and then all that was left was...blank.

Two updates on New Year’s Eve, happy new year, brother~

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