"Then...can you take me with you this time?"

Seeing Ganata lowering her head and tugging at the hem of his clothes with a pitiful look, Richard suddenly realized.

So Ganata had been worried just now - now that your injury is healed, do you no longer need me?

Seeing that he didn't answer for a long time, Ganata quickly added: "I...I can really help. Although I am indeed very hungry and not in a good state, I can still do a lot of things..."

Richard was delighted.

Richard's decision not to take her with him before was actually for her safety. After all, Zhaji is very powerful and has a bunch of soldiers and generals under his command. With a cute little girl, he really can't concentrate on protecting her.

But it's different now.

Bringing Tunmei along, if there really is a fight, it's not sure who will protect whom!

He picked up a top god-level thug for nothing - oh, and he is also a cosmic-level god. No matter what, Richard felt that he had earned it.

So he smiled: "Okay. If you don't mind, of course you can come with me."

Ganata showed a happy smile: "Okay! I will be very good and obedient, and I won't run around."

It’s quite a subtle statement. Her words made Richard feel like a parent taking his child out to go shopping...

Could it be that Uncle Tun usually said this to her when he went out?

Think about that scene - the huge Uncle Tun pointed at the little Ganata and yelled at him, saying how many times have labor and management told him to stay in the spaceship while Dad eats planets and don't run around, but you just don't listen. …

...I feel a little happy inexplicably.

But Uncle Tun’s education was obviously not very successful, because Ganata is still running around outside...

"Then where are we going now?" Ganata asked, "Are we going to fight that Dark Zaki again?"

"No, it's not urgent." Richard shook his head, "I haven't recovered yet, and I have to make some preparations before going to see him next time."

After a pause, he said: "Since we have already come to Xi'a, let's stop by to meet an acquaintance and say hello."

When Shia comes, he must go see the sword fight. As the leader of the three great empires of the universe, Shia should be very well-informed. By the way, he could also go to Dou Jian to ask about information related to Dark Zaki and the Universal Truth Cult.

"Oh." Ganata nodded and followed obediently, without asking where he was going or who he wanted to see.

Richard took a few steps and suddenly remembered something and stopped. He turned to look at Ganata and found that she was still wearing the Antugra royal robe when they met.

"You'd better change your clothes." Richard said, "Clothes with such obvious features can easily lead to misunderstanding."

Ganata looked down at her clothes and said "Oh." Then she closed her eyes, a lavender cyclone lingered around her, and cosmic energy flowed throughout her body. Her body was surrounded by lavender light, and began to change colors and styles at an alarming speed. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a close-fitting purple armor, a pair of knee-high boots, and a huge helmet with horns. It was... Ganata's classic outfit in the comics is exactly the same as her father's armor.

Richard nodded slightly. Well, it is indeed powerful. He is worthy of being a serious god of the universe. He can do everything from atomic arrangement to material reorganization with basic skills at his fingertips. only……

...Sister, isn’t the outfit you changed into more eye-catching?

Especially this recognizable helmet, it almost has the words "Uncle Tun and I are in the same group" written on its face!

"Ahem, Ganata," Richard asked, "Is this your battle uniform?"

"It can't be called a battle uniform. I usually wear this. What, isn't it appropriate?"

Ganata said as she began to lower her head to check.

This outfit was completely designed by herself, and she felt quite satisfied with it. Is there anything wrong with that?

Ganata's eyes unconsciously fell on the front of the armor. There was a large area of ​​white flowers in the middle, revealing a mysterious ravine...

Is this inappropriate?

Ganata stretched out her white hands and began to gesture at the raised parts of the armor...

Seeing that she seemed to have lost her mind, Richard hurriedly stopped her: "Wait a minute, that's not a problem...well, that's actually a problem but that's not what I'm talking about."

"Ah?" Ganata blinked her big eyes twice blankly.

"Don't you think your battle uniform is similar to your father's? The fact that you wear this can easily remind people of the relationship between you and him, right?"


Ganata had never left her father's side before, and this was the first time in her life that she had run away from home. So although she has top-level knowledge reserves, she has a serious lack of common sense about the outside world.

Ganata has been influenced by her father for many years. When making equipment for herself, she naturally followed the same style as her father. She never thought that anyone would associate her identity with her.

Change your look? What else can I replace it with?

Ganata thought for a while, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

Then she raised her little hand again, and with a thought, another lavender halo enveloped her whole body.

Purple light flashed, and the shape of Ganata's armor changed again. This time the color scheme has changed to ocean blue, with a red "V" shape on the chest, and a crystal-like blue decoration in the center. The two corners on her helmet have also been changed away, and the entire helmet has become a half-section shape, and is also equipped with a pair of oval golden goggles...

Richard: "..."

He felt like he was being targeted.

After a while, they arrived at the capital of the Shi'ar Empire and were "invited" into the palace.

Richard carries with him the pass left for him the last time the swordfight came to Earth. He originally thought that this thing was equivalent to a license plate or something like that, but it turned out to be surprisingly useful. He showed this thing to a few guards guarding the door. After they scanned it with a machine, their expressions changed instantly and they hurriedly invited them in.

Dujian himself is not here for the time being. I heard that he seems to have gone to fight with others in other galaxies at the moment.

But what I never expected was that Queen Lendra, the current supreme ruler of the Shi'ar Empire, actually came out to greet her in person. Her Majesty the Queen behaved quite politely. Although her speech habits were slightly different from those on Earth, the content of her politeness was generally similar. They generally said, "The arrival of a master like you will bring glory to this country." Damn it.

Since Her Majesty the Queen is so generous, Richard naturally cannot neglect it. So he also launched a wave of business blowback, saying that Shi'a is full of outstanding people and talented people, and Queen Lendra is a wise king who is rare to see in ten thousand years...

Richard and Queen Lendra were busy exchanging business blows, and Ganata didn't interrupt at all, and she had no time to interrupt. She had been eating the special snacks prepared by the Xi'an people since she sat down. In just a few words between the two of them, the table of snacks was wiped clean by her, not even the dregs were left.

Queen Lendra had sharp eyes and quickly noticed. She immediately ordered the subordinates next to her to quickly bring up a new table. At the same time, she said to Ganata with a smile: "Are you hungry? If you are hungry, feel free to eat. Our Xi'a has rich food ingredients and many specialties, so we have enough."

Richard was delighted.

She is so powerful. She is worthy of being the Queen of the First Empire in the universe. Her courage is unique.

You are probably the first person in ancient and modern times who dares to tell Tunmei that it is enough to open her belly and eat tubes.

Seeing a group of Shi'ar people bringing up another table full of snacks, Ganata was still a little hesitant and turned to cast a questioning look at Richard, as if asking - can I eat this?

Richard smiled: "Since Her Majesty the Queen has entertained you so warmly, you can just eat it."

...I just hope that Her Majesty the Queen will not regret it later.

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