Forget about a set of clothes, Richard felt that he couldn't accept something as valuable as a spaceship.

Although Mr. Li has always adhered to the creed of "don't live with money," he still has reasons for making money and receiving benefits.

He thought that he had not done anything to help Ganata since he met her. He could only be considered a help when he "rescued" her from three Mephistopheles when they first met... But looking back now, I think she actually didn't need help at all. Tunmei must have been playing happily with the three Mephistopheles at that time. If she thought about it, those pursuers would have been eaten by her.

"I appreciate your kindness," Richard said, "but you should keep the spaceship for yourself. I can't accept such a valuable thing."

"Ah? Is it expensive? It seems to be okay." Ganata tilted her head, "I have bought more than 20 boats myself. Even if you say I keep it myself, it will be of no use at all..."

Richard: "..."

He couldn't help but think of the wealthy second generation whose private garages were filled with luxury supercars that they would never run out of a few times in their lives. This situation was so similar!

In this way, creatures like local tyrants may not be a specialty of any place. They are the same everywhere in the universe.

Since she seemed to really not care, Richard simply accepted it without any pretense.

There is a saying that "money you don't need can be left to those in need." Richard felt that Ganata was the one who didn't need it, and he was obviously the "one in need."

And he does lack a new spaceship at the moment. The battleship that Dujian sent him to before was parked on the battleship of the marauders. Later, before the fight with Zaki, he remembered to tell the marauders to evacuate quickly, but he didn't know whether they finally evacuated from the fighting area in time. If you are unlucky, you may have been affected by the unknown AOE and become particles wandering in the universe...

I followed Ganata around the city of Shia for a whole day, and before nightfall, the swordfight seemed to have made a special trip back from the front line. Queen Lendra held a small banquet in the palace and specially invited Richard to come and talk.

After not seeing a swordfight for a while, he seemed to be more energetic than last time. Richard vaguely felt that he seemed a little bigger again, and he didn't know if it was because his confidence had grown.

The sword fight was very enthusiastic when they met again. Although the two parties had only exchanged fists once, he acted like an old friend whom he hadn't seen for many years.

Dujian is already the true second-in-command in the Shi'ar Empire. Except for Queen Lendra herself, who is actually in power, Dujian has the highest rank and reputation in the entire empire.

No, in terms of reputation alone, he may even be higher than Her Majesty the Queen herself. He has troops and real power in his hands, and he has countless fanatical fans throughout the empire. In the original comics, when no one was in power in the Shi'ar Empire, Dou Jian was joined by a large group of subordinates in yellow robes, and finally he sat on the throne of King Shi'ar half-pushed and half-seated.

Richard sat at the main seat of the dining table under the invitation of Sword Fighter and Queen Lendra. After a few simple polite words, the two went straight to the topic and started talking about business... while Ganata continued to sit with her head down and was responsible for eating.

Yes, Ganata was also invited as Richard's companion, but the first and second-in-commands of Shia present didn't seem to take her seriously, and they didn't greet her much after they came to the table. Ganata was also happy and relaxed. Anyway, she was only interested in this table of delicious food, so she ate without saying a word.

In fact, Richard wants to say that you should have a better relationship with her than me. In the future, if Uncle Tun wants to eat your main star on a whim one day, she might be able to go and beg for you...

"I heard that just a few days ago, someone had a big fight with the manipulator behind the Universal Truth Cult," Doujian said. "The Nova Corps went to investigate the scene. I heard that three planets seemed to have been affected by the aftermath of some kind of energy. The ripples caused it to be reduced to ashes at the particle level.”

This is the first time I have heard of this Richard.

Three planets were scattered to the particle level? Are Ultimate Light Arrow and Zaki Lightning so powerful against Todoroki?

"Not only that, almost everything within the star field was destroyed. There are signs that the fleet of the Cosmic Truth Religion seemed to be on the scene at the time, but when the Nova Corps arrived, there was nothing left there."

Dou Jian paused for a moment and looked at him with flickering eyes.

"That you, right?"

"It's me." Richard admitted generously.

Queen Lendra took a deep breath.

Doujian told her personally that this person was very strong. Later, many people mentioned to her that this god from the earth was unusual. But even so, she didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

"So, you have already fought against the people behind the Truth Religion?" Dou Jian asked the question he was most concerned about, "What kind of person is the other party? How is his strength?"

Richard pondered for a while and said: "It's some kind of existence similar to me, and it's very strong... maybe higher than me."

Dou Jian frowned: "Stronger than you?"


Dou Jian and Queen Lindra looked at each other, with worry in each other's eyes.

"What? Do you have any issues with the Truth Religion?" Richard asked.

"...Okay, let me tell you the truth." Doujian sighed, took a sip of the purple drink in his cup and said, "Actually, Shia is already at war with the Truth Cult. We are fighting this month More than a dozen conflicts of varying sizes have broken out in many places, and each has its own victory or defeat."

"The matter initially started with the conflict between the Nova Corps and the Truth Religion." Queen Lendra also said, "Shi'a is an ally of the Xandarians. When the war escalates, whether it is out of ally obligations or to protect the territory, we will We have to go to war with the Truth Religion."

Richard understood: "So, I said before that Dou Jian is commanding the battle on the front line..."

"Yes, it's the battle with the Truth Cult." Dou Jian said a little irritably, "But those are lunatics who are not afraid of death, and they now have a large number of dark giants and giant beasts, which is quite difficult to deal with. According to If this situation continues, Shi'a and the Truth Religion may soon go into full-scale war."

"This is exactly what we want to say." Queen Lindra also added at the right time, "Shi'a is about to go to war with the Truth Cult. Although we are not afraid of war, the opponent has many people and powerful forces. Once a fight starts, we will definitely lose. Tragic. In addition, there is a strong man with unknown depth behind the enemy. According to legend, it is even a real dark god, so..."

"So you want my help?"

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