The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 533 A principled Mr. Li

Richard looked at the table of blue fragments that were gradually turning into dust and dissipating, looking at what was once the shell of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and for a moment he didn't know what kind of expression he should face.

Ganata lay down at the table, raised her mouth and blew in. The remaining fragments on the table suddenly turned into light blue smoke and were blown away, gradually disappearing into the air. Then she stretched out her hand, her white palm hanging lightly above the table, and her palm seemed to release invisible magnetic force, sucking up the light blue particles in the dust.

That is the space stone.

Richard was silent for a while and asked, "How?"

"Ah?" Ganata controlled the space gem to hang in mid-air and tilted her head, "It's just a very common way to remove the shell and then take it out. This is the infinite gem, isn't it? Why have you kept it in there and not taken it out? "

Richard: "."

Yes, why haven’t I taken it out?

I always feel like I'm being despised.

"Ganata, do you know how to use the Infinity Stones?"

"I know." Ganata nodded and asked doubtfully, "Don't you know how?"

Richard's face hurt. Who knows such high-end things?

But he probably got it. The knowledge Ganata possesses, like her abilities, comes from her father's inheritance. So as long as Uncle Tun understands the working principle of the infinite stones, Ganata will naturally understand it.

It's just that Ganata has been brought around by Uncle Tun like a kangaroo baby since she was a child, and she has a serious lack of common sense. She doesn't seem to realize how much knowledge she has in her mind.

Richard coughed: "This, Ganata, although I always carry this with me, I don't really know how to use it. Can you teach me?"

"Ah, that's right. Of course." Ganata agreed readily, then smiled slyly, stretched out a slender finger and shook it, "But there are conditions!"

Are there any conditions?

"What conditions?"

Ganata chuckled, dropped the space gem and grabbed his arm: "Tell me more stories, about Ultraman!"

Why are you still addicted to listening to it?

But this condition is not difficult. Richard was also worried that Ganata would ask him to have a fight with her father, which would be really troublesome, because he guessed that he might not be able to do it to Uncle Tun now.

When it comes to telling stories, Producer Li Da said he is the best at it. I have watched so many Ultraman movies in my previous life, and if I just grab any one of them, there will be more than fifty episodes, and the story will never be finished.

So he sat down and began to narrate in a leisurely manner: "Okay, okay, listen up, this is one of the most classic stories. Once upon a time, there was a defense team on the earth, called 'GUTS' for short, and there were There is a young team member named Zhen Jiao Dagu."


The story of Senior Tiga is really useful. Not only the main plot is exciting, high-quality and touching, but there are also a lot of side plots. Ganata is a typical innocent little girl who has never seen anything and is very emotional. She will be moved by just picking a few creative sub-plots.

Ganata also fulfilled her promise and patiently and carefully explained to him the use of the space gem.

Infinity stones are actually just an interface, a prop that helps the holder to access the corresponding laws of the universe itself. If you want to freely use the infinite stones, it is not enough to have an understanding of the rules. You must also have sufficient knowledge of the operating principles of the gems themselves. Cognition.

Ganata happens to have a very systematic and comprehensive understanding of this knowledge. The little girl didn't have any complicated thoughts about hiding anything. She just said whatever she knew and taught Richard everything she knew. Richard is now a god of the universe. In fact, he already has corresponding insights and understandings in many places, but he lacks systematic inheritance. He can get it right if someone teaches him step by step.

Over the course of one night, he not only learned the use of space gems, but also gained a much deeper understanding of the laws of space.

With Richard and Ganata's state of mind, they didn't actually need much rest at night. The night passed before they knew it, and when they regained consciousness, the sun was already slanting in through the window.

After roughly mastering the knowledge of gems, and it was getting late, the two simply went out to have breakfast.

Of course this is unnecessary, Richard eats breakfast just out of habit.

As for Ganata, she simply won't miss any opportunity to "eat".

Brother Dujian is really a busy man. It is said that after dinner last night, he ran non-stop to the front line to supervise the battle. They came out in the morning and saw only Queen Lendra.

Her Majesty the Queen smiled: "Did you feel comfortable last night?"

"Comfortable, quite comfortable." Richard responded politely while taking a sip of the drink provided by the Shi'ar royal family.

Don't tell me, he's not used to eating most of Xi'a's food, but this unknown drink tastes just fine. He was already planning to get a few boxes of the kind that would go back to Earth.

"That's good." Queen Lendra smiled as she picked up the cup and took a sip, "I heard that the little girl stayed in your room last night, and I hesitated whether to send someone to add a set for you. Where are the daily necessities?”

Richard squirted far away with a sip of his drink.

"Ahem, Her Majesty the Queen, you misunderstood." Richard coughed twice, "We were just learning to communicate last night."

Queen Lendra smiled and said: "You don't have to worry. Although underage is not allowed in some places, there is no such rule in Shi'a."

"So you really misunderstood. We were just learning to communicate last night, that's all." Richard spoke righteously.

Shia doesn’t have such rules? But Mr. Li said that he had principles.

Although I don’t know if Ganata is considered an adult according to earth standards, but based on the lifespan of the cosmic god, there is a high probability that she is not.

Besides, she looks so ignorant, cute and silly, shouldn't it be the devil who is able to kill her?

Ganata, who was eating wildly at the breakfast table, seemed vaguely aware that the two of them were talking about her, but her super brain couldn't figure out what they were talking about at all. So she walked up to Richard and tugged on the corner of his clothes: "Richard, what is she talking about? Is she talking bad about me?"

"No, no." Richard waved his hand, "She's saying Carrie is obedient and smart."


"Of course it's true." Richard touched her head, "Okay, go back and eat."


As expected, Ganata stopped asking and went back to eat hard.

God knows how many years' worth of food she could eat in Shi'a in the past few days.

"One more thing," Queen Lendra said with a smile, "about the cosmic spirit ball that you asked us to pay attention to before, Doujian seems to have found some information."

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