Three types of Dark Mephistopheles and a bunch of Fausts, seventeen dark giants took off one after another and increased their altitude. The blue afterimage rose from the ground and rushed straight into the encirclement of seventeen people to start a fierce air battle.

In an instant, figures were flying all over the sky, light bombs exploded continuously, fireballs appeared one after another in the sky, and the light effects were dazzling.

The blue figure shuttled quickly among the crowd, dealing with the fists, kicks and light of seventeen people at the same time without losing any of it.

No, or from the opposite perspective, it should be that the seventeen of them were surrounded by this person.

This is not an exaggeration or a joke at all, this is the most intuitive feeling from the perspective of the dark giants. Each one of them is under the same pressure. Seventeen people face an enemy at the same time, but everyone feels that they are overwhelmed at all times and cannot cope with it. It was as if that guy had used a clone technique and created seventeen clones at the same time to suppress each of them.

Of course Nexus can do the clone technique, but it's not necessary here at all. He's just fast enough and powerful enough.

And when the two sides were fighting, everyone felt that the blue enemy was clinging to them like a ghost. No matter where they moved and what methods they used, they could never get rid of it, and there was no chance to escape from the battle circle.

Yes, he was literally surrounded by him.

With only three punches and two kicks, the first Faust could no longer hold on. The blue fist shadow suddenly hit his chest, the dark energy core exploded, and Faust was shattered to pieces in the long miserable groan.

Followed by ultra-high-speed movement and quantization, Nexus flashed several times in a row. Each time he appeared, he was right next to a dark giant. When he appeared, his wrist arm blade had already sliced ​​through the target.

In an instant, the bodies of the four dark giants exploded one after another, and were engulfed in strong light and shattered on the spot.

Inside the Xinxing headquarters, Xinxing Supreme was stunned and speechless for a long time.

Shia and Xinxing barely defeated such an enemy with their combined efforts, but this blue giant actually lost so much in the blink of an eye?

"Who is he?"

"a friend."

At this time, Doujian dragged his scrapped arm back to the headquarters and smiled softly.

"I guess that's our luck."

Xinxing Supreme didn't say anything, but he thought deeply.

Fortunately, such a terrifying existence is one of our own. If this blue giant wants to invade Xandar, then even if their Nova Corps exhausts all their resources, there is no way they can stop it.

After a moment of silence, she turned around and asked, "You said before that he came from the earth. Could it be that he is..."

"Yes." Doujian nodded, "It is said that the patron saint of the earth is chosen by the people of the earth themselves."

"What's his name again?"

Dou Jian turned his head and looked at each other with Xin Xing Supreme.



While he was talking here, the dark giant had exploded another large area in the sky. Mephistopheles and Faust were swallowed up by the light one after another, their bodies were torn apart, the darkness was dispelled, and even the atoms of their bodies were erased.

With the overall gap in various attributes and the overall strength being completely crushed, no matter how many numbers there are, it is meaningless.

Nexus swooped down, bathed in golden light. With a flying kick and a high-speed rotation of his body, Ultraman's body turned into a spinning blue drill and penetrated through the body of another third-generation Mephistopheles.

Nexus suddenly fell to the ground, and the ground shook violently as if it was about to be split open. Mephistopheles screamed, and his dark body began to collapse from the point where it was penetrated by the flying kick, until it exploded into pieces from the inside out.

This is the twelfth one, with five left.

Nexus raised his head and saw that the remaining two Faustus and three Mephistopheles had adjusted their positions and gathered directly above his head. The five dark giants took advantage of him to finish off the others and completed their killing moves. Two dark halos and three dark light storms had locked his position.

Release with all your strength!

The five big moves converged into one place and merged into a rushing torrent. Endless darkness sprinkled down from the sky. Nexus did not dodge or block, he only looked up and watched the abyss-like darkness coming toward him.

Boom! ! !

The earth was violently exploded, and black and red light pillars exploded on the ground, as if molten lava composed of undercurrents was ejected. Ultraman's figure was completely swallowed up, and the dark undercurrent rushed along the ground, even the real-time video in Nova Headquarters was affected.

The five dark giants lowered their arms and stared directly at the dissipating smoke screen below.

This is their best effort, their last ditch effort, and their only chance.

No, or rather, they had no chance from the beginning.

The smoke screen dissipated, leaving a huge crater on the ground. Almost everything in the crater was bombarded by the boundless darkness, except for the blue guy who still stood in place with exactly the same movements, not moving at all.


Then Nexus clenched his fists, and a light blue electric current filled his body.

After a moment of gathering strength, he raised his arms suddenly and pointed his fists at the sky.

The five dark giants realized that something was wrong and hurriedly tried to speed up in different directions to avoid it, but it was already too late. A brilliant stream of golden light burst out from Ultraman's arms like a rushing river! Strong light illuminated the entire land, and golden light rose into the sky. The five dark giants had no room to resist or dodge. The moment they came into contact with the light, they were annihilated and decomposed, as if every line that made up the body was washed away by the light stream. Almost exhausted.

It's not a special skill, Nexus just converts the light in his body into the form of cosmic energy, and then bursts it out in one breath.

At this point, in less than thirty seconds, all twenty dark giants were wiped out.

At the same time, everyone on the entire Xandar planet also saw this scene - the blue giant descended from the sky like an invincible god of war, easily defeating all powerful enemies, bringing a glimmer of hope.

Naturally, people started asking questions and started whispering.

"What is that? Is it an enemy or a friend?"

"It shouldn't be an enemy, right?"

"Is it the Legion's ultimate weapon?"

"Maybe it's the gods? The gods came to help us?"


But in any case, people's fear began to subside and the tension began to decrease. It was as if just looking at this blue giant standing on the land of Xandar would make everyone feel at ease inexplicably.

But Richard was not so optimistic.

Instead of dissipating, the darkness is becoming more and more dense, just like the miasma formed by the decaying corpses of a large number of animals and plants is quietly drifting away.

The light of the stars began to dim, and billowing clouds gradually drifted in from all directions, covering the sky. A thick mass of darkness carried something through the clouds, slowly descended from the horizon, and landed on the ground not far in front of Nexus.

Dark Zaki, here he comes.

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