Using the power of the infinite gems to reverse the space and reflect Zaki's attack back, the direct bombardment on the body is definitely not light.

But it's not heavy enough.

With black smoke rising from his chest, Zaki shook his head and stood up. He stared at Nexus not far away. Instead of being grumpy or angry because of the injury, he seemed to be even more excited.

"Very good, such encouragement, such pain. This is what makes you feel like fighting!" He laughed wildly, "Come on, continue your attack! Use all your abilities!"

Richard: "."

It sounds like he is not only a yandere but also a bitch?

But it doesn't matter anymore, what needs to be done remains the same.

Richard had no intention of stopping. Nexus' body swayed, a blue light burst out from his body, and he disappeared out of thin air again like a wisp of smoke. The next time he appeared, he appeared beside Zaki, and his left fist came like a cannon.

Zaki's eyes flashed red and he reacted immediately. He took a step sideways, ducked his body to avoid the punch, and then hit Nexus with a backhand hook on the jaw.

Nexus turned his head to avoid it, and the punch packed with surging energy swept past his cheek like a storm. He then raised his right hand, using his palm as a knife, and struck Zaki's shoulder with a palm, but the moment before the palm struck down, blue light flashed all over his body again, and a burst of flying particles dissipated out of thin air.

Zaki was reaching out with his left hand to counterattack his knife, but unexpectedly the opponent had disappeared out of thin air just as he reached out. He felt the space oscillations and light fluctuations behind him approaching quickly, but it was already too late when he reacted in response. The blue hand knife struck his shoulder, causing his body to shake violently and sparks flying from his shoulder armor.

It's not over yet. Nexus kept moving, lifting his right foot after one blow, and his blue whirlwind leg swept straight to Zaki's side.

Zaki didn't even think about raising his arms to block. Unexpectedly, Nexus disappeared again midway through the sweep, and dodged behind him again. Nexus appeared again, his legs still not weakening at all, dragging a golden arc of light and hitting Zaki's unsuspecting waist. A circle of golden ripples exploded in mid-air, and Zhaji tilted his body and was kicked far away.

what's the situation?

Although Zaki has a crazy style, his fighting awareness is not bad at all. After a brief analysis, he quickly figured out the joints.

Nexus mixed the ability of the Space Stone into the quantization process, so he was able to use the ability of teleportation more skillfully and freely. Originally, quantization could be seen through and pre-read, but using the power of space gems to disrupt the original spatial laws, Zhaji's movements appeared to be disordered and chaotic to Zaki's senses, and his speed became faster. It's fast and can't be seen through anymore.

Flashed again, this time Nexus appeared behind Zaki, with a flash of golden light on his wrist, and the arm blade went straight to his back!

But this time, Zaki's whole body also flashed with dark light, turning into dark particles and dissipating out of thin air. Nexus slashed through the air with his sword.


Perhaps out of a certain unwillingness to admit defeat, Zaki decided to defeat his opponent in the areas where the opponent was good at.

So the two sides immediately entered into a high-speed flash rhythm. Blue and black afterimages flashed all over the sky. Each time they appeared, they disappeared again after just one turn until they appeared at the next coordinate.

The difference from before was that Nexus completely avoided the confrontation with Zaki this time. Zhaji already had the upper hand in terms of strength, and with the Power Stone in hand, the two sides were even more incomparable. There was no chance of winning in a head-to-head confrontation. Therefore, every round of fighting against Nexus was only a small taste. As soon as he felt that there was no chance of hitting this move, he would immediately disappear and completely avoid a head-on confrontation.

If the two sides were fairly even in this regard before, now that Nexus has obtained the Space Stone, Zaki is obviously not able to keep up. He lost track of his target around the seventh to eighth time he teleported.

After receiving a super punch on the face, a hard slap on the waist, and continuous heavy blows to his body, Zaki finally had to accept the fact that he might never be able to catch up with his opponent in terms of space.

The teleportation blessed by the space gem cannot be seen through or predicted, but it doesn't matter, Zaki also has an extremely sensitive perception of light and extraordinary combat intuition.

Nexus disappeared on the spot again, and by this time Zaki could no longer keep up with his rhythm.

Without any observation of the direction of the particles, or even any basis for judgment, Zaki without thinking clenched his fist, with a purple-red vortex on his fist, and exploded towards the diagonally right rear side.

At the same moment, Nexus appeared at that exact location.

It was impossible not to be surprised - Richard was convinced that Zaki had no way of pre-reading his own coordinates, and the only explanation was his beast-like intuition.

Without thinking much, Richard immediately canceled the attack, and his body became quantized again and disappeared.

Bang! ! !

The impact was like a comet hitting his chest. He was already a mile away, but he still suffered a heavy blow and was knocked back in the air.

That was the power of the Power Stone combined with Zaki's own dark energy, which transcended the shackles of space with extremely powerful pure power.

It should be said that he is worthy of Zaki. As expected, he still has two brushes.

Zaki was unyielding, bursting out at super high speed on the spot, and instantly rushed in front of Nexus in the milky white air circle of the sonic boom. At this time, Nexus had not recovered from the heavy blow and was completely unable to cope with it. Zaki alternately launched a violent attack with both fists. Nexus tried his best to block and resolve it, but his strength and moves were completely suppressed. In the blink of an eye, he was hit hard one after another.

The height of both sides dropped rapidly, from the previous height of nearly 10,000 meters to less than 5,000 meters in the blink of an eye.

The continuous heavy injuries gave Nexus no chance to raise his defense. His brain was groggy, his whole body was so sore that he felt like he was falling apart, and he couldn't even lift an arm.

Zaki grabbed the energy core on his chest, and at the same time condensed abyss-like darkness and purple light in his right fist, aiming at Nexus's drooping head, preparing to punch it down.

"Wonderful battle, beautiful counterattack, but that's it!" Zaki laughed wildly, "Your efforts are over, and your light will be for me from now on. Huh?"

Nexus, who looked like he was about to die at any moment, suddenly regained his strength like a flashback, and restrained Zaki's body with his arms regardless of his own injuries. His whole body glowed with golden light, as if he was using up his last energy to prevent him from escaping.

It was a déjà vu scene, exactly like the last time they fought.

This is a doppelganger.

Like starlight flashing momentarily from outside the clouds, the phoenix-like flames shattered the dark clouds and swooped down from the sky, locking Zaki's position.

Bow arrow light!

The domineering golden light that penetrated everything penetrated Nexus' clone and Zaki's body from the center, blasting a golden crack in the body of darkness. Zhaji looked up to the sky and roared, and the particles purified into light dissipated in the endless golden light.

Thousands of meters away in the air, behind Nexus, who was carrying a golden bow and arrow on his wrist and had just fired a bow arrow, a black shadow appeared out of thin air. The dark giant suddenly appeared, with a punch that was even more terrifying than before. The punch was blasted out, like a ground-shattering shock!

Zaki laughed and yelled: "Do you think the exact same trick will work this time?"

The dark Zaki just now was also a clone.

Apparently Zaki learned the lesson after suffering the consequences of this trick last time, and the one left below to fight with Nexus's clone was just a clone. Although it is difficult to tell the difference between the clones and the original body as they are both composed of light energy, there are still some differences in details such as comprehensive attributes and energy control. If you observe carefully at their level, you can still see the difference between the clones.

For example, at this moment, Zhaji was extremely convinced that the guy in front of him was his true self!

He was right. The Nexus he locked was not a clone. He was not squatting somewhere else to quietly lock Zaki.

However, this time in the tactical competition, Zaki actually lost.

Because this time, Nexus set a double trap.

He himself is the second bait.

Nexus looked up at Zaki's fist that was about to strike down, but showed no reaction.

"Ganata." He released his spiritual power, "Now."

In an instant, Xandar's sky changed again.

The thick black clouds were torn open, and streaks of purple light pierced down like sword blades. Zhaji subconsciously raised his head and saw a purple beam of light that was thicker than his entire body and crashed down like a waterfall from the horizon, instantly engulfing him.

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