Yes, Richard knew very well that he couldn't beat Zaki now.

But even so, he couldn't let the little girl Ganata go up and hold it for him, while he just stood aside and watched.

Seeing Nexus step forward and block Ganata with his body, Zaki seemed to be even more angry. He didn't care about energy consumption at all, punching harder and harder, and layers of punch shadows rolled up like a wave.

Pain spread all over the body, and there was a pain in the chest and abdomen that felt like a broken rib - even though he obviously had no bones in the transformed state. Richard felt that his head was also dizzy, and his strength was constantly draining away with the ding-dong sound in his chest.

But that doesn't matter. He's still standing, still fighting.

Even the supposedly unrelated girl behind him hasn't given up the fight yet, how could he back down?

With the help of the power of space gems, I could catch or dodge, and I managed to catch more than ten moves. But there was no chance of a breakthrough by blindly defending, and soon Nexus was punched in the face again. He could hardly feel the pain anymore, but the buzzing in his head seemed to get louder.

Ganata was also in a state of severe exhaustion. Her stomach growled incessantly and she felt like she was about to faint from hunger. But she gritted her teeth and stood up stubbornly, forcing herself to ignore her strong hunger and stepped forward to help again.

The two of them cooperated with each other to attack from both sides, and the three giant shadows fought in one place in confusion. The sky was filled with wind and clouds, the land collapsed and shattered, the surrounding mountains continued to collapse, and the trees were crushed into pieces and blown high into the sky by the hurricane.

With the help of Ganata, the pressure on Nexus dropped drastically. In the past, all-out defense could not stop Zaki's offensive, but now he can focus on a three-point offensive in addition to his seven-point defense, and occasionally he can catch flaws in Zaki's movements to counterattack.

The three of them rolled around and fought for dozens of rounds. Nexus tried his best to resist Zaki's punch with his left shoulder, and cut Zaki's waist and abdomen with the golden light of his arm blade. At the same second, Ganata also raised her palm from the air, and a ball of cosmic energy slammed into Zaki's chest, sending him flying into the air.

But Zaki flipped backwards and stabilized his body. He was floating in the air, and when he lowered his head and saw Nexus and Ganata standing side by side, he suddenly became angry again.

"Okay, very good," he said gloomily, "In that case, I will send you on the road together. Originally, I just wanted to beat you to half death and then take away your light, but now I have changed my mind. Even from now on It’s the same thing when it’s taken out of your corpse!”

Zaki roared violently, and scarlet lightning fell from the sky, covering Zaki's body.

Richard recognized that move. That was Zaki's ultimate sure-kill move, Zaki Lightning, and it was also the move that almost killed him before.

He knew more clearly that the power of this shot must be many times stronger than the last time.

Zaki Lightning can even transcend space. Even if he uses quantization to escape into subspace, it will be useless, and he can't resist it with the space gem. If they want to leave, they can use the power of gems to leave, but then Xandar will be the first to bear the brunt, and tens of billions of lives on this planet will be wiped out.

Nexus stood up, ignoring the increasingly frequent flashing sound of the crystal on his chest. The energy core on his chest released golden light and transformed into a long bow on his wrist.

Then came the Storm Lightsaber. The combination of lightsaber and light arrow constitutes Ranna's ultimate weapon - the ultimate light arrow. The long bow with the blade locked on Zhaji in mid-air, and the bow arrow floated out with colorful light as it charged up.

Ganata's material reorganization ability was activated at the same time, and countless swirling light blue particles transformed into a heavy cannon and fell into her hands. The majestic cosmic energy gathered, like the light of a star condensing into a vortex in the barrel of the cannon.

Zhaji formed an anti-cross with his hands, and the jet-black light flow blasted out as if it was about to swallow up the world! Nexus released his right hand, and a phoenix-like light arrow penetrated the space! Ganata pulled the trigger at the same second, and the enhanced ultra-high-purity cosmic energy flew out!

Zacky Lightning!

The Ultimate Light Arrow·Shine!

Cosmic energy compound cannon!

The three beams of light collided violently and began to tug at each other. But compared to the darkness, the light was still too weak and insignificant. The cannons of Light Arrow and Ganata were quickly suppressed, and were pushed back under the pressure of darkness.

The energy cores were flashing more and more frequently, and Richard could feel that his physical strength was running low. But he forced himself to stand firm, took a deep breath, and then crossed his arms, pulling away the golden and blue currents——

——Ultimate light·Meteor!

Blue light entwined with golden lightning struck out. The stream of light slammed into the tail of the ultimate light arrow, adding another force to their side.

But that's just a drop in the bucket, and the effect it has is just a slight delay. The darkness of world destruction descends from the sky, and the demon of darkness brings the disaster of destruction. No one can resist it, and no one can be spared.

People looked up at the giant that had been almost engulfed by the black air, watching the dark torrent falling bit by bit, and the emotion called despair spread rapidly.

The family hugged each other and prayed, and the mother covered the eyes of the child in her arms. Even the most fearless Nova Warrior lowered his head, deeply aware of how powerless he was in the face of the disaster brought by God.

The darkness was so close that it would swallow Nexus and Ganata together with the planet beneath them in just a few seconds.

Richard used his mental power to say to Ganata: "Okay, you have helped enough. Ganata, leave now before it's too late."

He has one last trick, which is to use the space gem to cause a "space explosion". If you're lucky, the exploding hurricane might be able to deflect Zaki's attack.

Of course, that's if you're lucky.

"don't want."

Ganata's face turned pale, and she had obviously reached her limit. But her tone was very stubborn and left no room for discussion.


Richard was puzzled.

This battle obviously has nothing to do with her, and she doesn't owe him anything. What I must say is that he has been accepting her help.

Just like Nova Supreme doesn't understand why Richard wants to fight to the death here, he now doesn't understand why Ganata has any reason to fight here.

"Because I said it before," Ganata bit her lip, "I don't want to be defined as a villain like my dad, someone who is feared by everyone and hated by everyone."

This is what she has always cared about most in her heart.

She hated her own birth, and even hated most of the gods in the universe. Because she felt that these beings had no heart, didn't care about anything or anyone, and were all like cold machines.

She didn't want to become like that, she didn't want to become a part of such an existence when she grew up, which was why she left her father and ran away from home.

But what happened with Ultraman changed her view.

For the first time, she realized that there were such gentle and kind beings among the gods. It turned out that there were also individuals among the gods whose existence was to "protect".

From that moment on it became her goal, her direction.

"I want to become like you." Ganata took a step forward stubbornly, her whole body stimulated by cosmic energy, and her hair flew up under the swirling energy. "If I escape here, I will never be able to become like you." You are the same."

Richard was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly in his heart.

Really, why are everyone so easily moved, whether on earth or in the universe?

In fact, how could he be so great? He only fights because he has to, and he always ends up in the position of "Guardian" inexplicably.

He glanced at Ganata, who was trying her best to support herself, and said silently in his heart——

——In fact, you have already surpassed me.

You will definitely become the most powerful and gentlest guardian angel the universe has ever known.

The light arrows and rays of light were torn apart by Zaki Lightning, and the boundless darkness descended, completely engulfing both of their bodies.

But at this moment, Richard felt unprecedented warmth.

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