it is finally over.

It feels like a long nightmare has finally come to an end. The shadow called "Dark Zaki" that has been lingering in Richard's mind since the beginning of his time travel has finally disappeared. He finally got rid of what Zaki called a "fateful battle" and was able to take a new step forward.

But he couldn't do it alone.

Just like the Nova Corps and the Xandar people felt they owed this Ultraman a huge favor, he also owed Ganata a favor.

After they unfused and returned to their normal form, Ganata swayed, closed her eyelids heavily, and fell down. Richard quickly caught her and held her in his arms.

Ganata fell into a deep sleep, breathing evenly and weakly, like the Sleeping Beauty princess in the fairy tale.

Richard immediately carried her and flew to the headquarters of the Nova Corps. Although the Nova Corps suffered heavy losses, and the area around the headquarters was completely damaged by the series of fights between gods, fortunately, the infrastructure was still relatively complete.

Although Ganata, as the daughter of Galactus, is technically at the top of the Nova Legion's wanted list of cosmic dangers, everyone has witnessed the scene where she just risked her life fighting for them, so no one is interested at this moment. Let’s talk about her birth.

After Xinxing Supreme learned of the situation, he immediately arranged the best ward and medical equipment for her, and specially dispatched the best doctors in the legion to treat her.

But even though Xinxing's medical treatment methods are extremely advanced, this is still the first time for everyone to treat a god, and the experts are all blind and rely on groping. Just doing a full-body scan of Ganata made the experts look confused - it was simply beyond their understanding of conventional organisms.

The result is that a large group of experts combined are less reliable than Richard himself.

Although he is not an expert in "divine pathology", Richard is also a cosmic god after all, and he has some understanding of Ganata, a living entity that controls the energy of the universe. After a rough scan with super vision, I found that although Ganata was seriously injured, there were no fatal injuries. The main reason for her current state was hunger.

This is not difficult to imagine. The little girl was already in a state of extreme hunger. During this battle, she forced herself to drain all the energy left in her body. Although she did manage to erupt briefly, her energy was overdrawn after the fight, and she was immediately followed by I fainted from hunger.

So the treatment method is actually quite simple, just help her fill her stomach.

As we all know, if Uncle Tun eats freely, he can eat all the planets in the universe. His appetite is unimaginable. Although Ganata may not be as exaggerated as Uncle Tun because of her young age, her energy requirements are definitely extremely terrifying.

In other words, an extremely huge energy source is required.

At this time, Richard has not fully recovered from the consumption in the battle with Zaki, but it should be somewhat effective. He then asked the Nova Supreme, hoping that the Nova Legion could temporarily release the authority of the central computer and temporarily give Ganata a portion of the Nova energy they developed from another dimension.

Nova energy is not only the source of the legion's power, but also the foundation of the entire Xandar planet. It is an ultra-rare resource that even the legion's nova has strict limits on usage.

It would be impossible for any other empire to agree to such a request, but fortunately, everyone on Xandar is a righteous partner with a strong sense of justice. The new stars unanimously feel that Ganata, as their savior, should receive all available resources to rescue them. . After thinking for a while, Nova Supreme nodded in agreement, and immediately ordered to release the authority of the central computer and deliver a large amount of Nova energy to Ganata in the ward.

Richard also went into battle in person, showing the Evolutionary Truster and placing it in front of Ganata's forehead. The light energy activated it, and a large amount of light sources were continuously sent into Ganata's body.

Ganata is indeed the daughter of Galactus, her belly is like a bottomless pit that can never be filled. Almost as much energy as an entire star was fed into her, but she didn't react at all.

This continued for a long time, until Richard began to feel that the movement of light energy could no longer keep up, and Ganata's eyelids twitched.

After the energy output ended, Ganata sat up on the bed with her white and shapely legs bent, yawned lazily, and rubbed her tearful eyes.

She opened her eyes, looked around blankly at the new star doctors nearby, and finally her eyes fell on Richard.

Then she grinned an adorable smile.

"Good morning~"

Richard took a breath, put away the Evolution Truster, and smiled softly.

"The sun is beating down on you, it's time to get up."

"Oh." Ganata rubbed her eyes, yawned again, and jumped up from the bed.

Richard checked her one last time with his super vision: "How are you feeling, are you okay?"

Ganata tilted her head and thought for a moment.

"Yeah, it's totally fine."

Then she covered her belly again and smiled sheepishly.

“Just a little hungry”

A few minutes later, Richard had led Ganata to the watchtower of Nova Headquarters.

"Thank you." Richard said to Xinxing Supreme, "Thank you for opening up Xinxing's energy to help."

Nova Supreme shook his head: "No, we should be the ones to say thank you. As outsiders, you are willing to fight to the end for Xandar. This is the least we can do. Without you, the Nova Corps would have been destroyed. It no longer exists.”

Richard smiled and changed the topic: "Where are the remaining alien beasts? If you need help, I can help clean them up."

"No need." Nova Supreme smiled, "All the alien beasts on Xandar have been controlled. We captured them with stagnant light, blocked their movements, and stagnated all their physiological activities. The alien beasts have been They are no longer a threat, so we just need to isolate them and eliminate them.”

Richard nodded.

As expected of the Nova Corps, the overall military level is indeed not at the same level as on Earth. A single alien beast on Earth can render armies all over the world helpless, but with such a large number of alien beasts, the new stars soon found a way to attack them.

He wouldn't be surprised at all if the new stars studied for a while and found a way to use technology to suppress the alien beast's factors.

But this time the turmoil should come to an end. Dark Zaki is finished, the Universal Truth Cult has lost its largest backing, and they no longer have endless support from dark giants and alien beasts. They should soon be surrounded and eliminated by major empires.

Richard looked out the window. The light of three suns shone in from the windows of the watchtower, making it warm and comfortable.

He had never felt so relaxed.

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