The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 563 Accident (Additional update for the helmsman Tianxiadujue!)

Antarctica, underwater.

The beep of the engine came from the gray sky, and the invisible air flow blew away the haze in the sky. The silver-white Quinjet flew out from behind the thick fog, the turbine at its tail spitting light blue flames downwards, slowly lowering its altitude.

The turbulent sea surface suddenly split open, and a lift-type mechanical landing pad floated up from the water. Tons of water flowed down from both sides of the platform. The Avenger jet landed smoothly and disappeared under the water along with the lift platform.

A few minutes later, the Avengers led by Tony Stark had passed through the corridor and arrived at a closed underwater command room. Nick Fury, wearing a large trench coat, was already waiting here.

"It's been a while, Stark." He slowly turned his head, "How are the Avengers doing?"

"Just so-so, pick up some debris and catch a few super criminals who escaped or something." Stark put a pair of sunglasses on his nose and put his hands in his pockets. "What's the matter, Nick? You called us all the way. Come. Another secret base of yours?"

As he spoke, he looked around and took stock of the underwater facility.

In fact, Stark was not too surprised when Fury informed them of coming to this coordinate. Secret strongholds were nothing new to Nick Fury. Nowadays, everyone knows that Ludan’s safe houses are all over the world. It would be strange if there wasn’t something hidden under the water.

But Fury shook his head: "In fact, this is not a SHIELD facility, at least not originally. But we can talk about this later. Now we have a more urgent matter."

Fury said as he turned and walked towards the command room. The Avengers looked at each other and followed him.

"Have any of you heard about the nuclear leakage in the island country fifteen years ago?" Fury suddenly said without any clue.

Stark glanced at his teammates. The two super agents were wandering around in the sky. Colonel Rhodes and Falcon Sam shook their heads when they looked at him. Captain, uh, okay, forget it. Fifteen years ago, this guy was just an old popsicle. He only became a ghost after hearing about it.

Dr. Banner seemed to have some impression: "Is it the nuclear leak that occurred in Queluo City? I remember that it was because of an earthquake? The news said that many people died in that earthquake, and the local nuclear power plant also caused leaks. There was so much radiation that the city is still sealed off to this day."

"That's right. Earthquakes are nothing unusual in that area, so no one will find it strange." Fury nodded.

Stark heard the implication: "You mean that the accident was not caused by the earthquake?"

Fury nodded: "Some other factors caused that accident. It was not an accident at all. But for some reason, the truth was covered up. Someone above didn't want everyone to pay too much attention to that disaster."

"Didn't your SHIELD do it?" Stark raised his eyebrows.

"It has nothing to do with us," Fury said. "It's some other unrelated organization."

"Really? I thought you had a monopoly on this business." Stark crossed his arms.

Captain America asked: "So why are you talking to us now? No matter what happened, it was fifteen years ago, wasn't it?"

"That's how it should be." Fury paused, "You'd better just see it for yourselves."

He made a gesture, and the agents in the command room immediately understood and projected a certain picture on the big screen.

"This is the dispersion diagram of the shock wave when the incident occurred in Queluo City fifteen years ago." Fury said with his hands behind his back, "And here, on your right, this is a picture of a certain incident in the suburbs of Texas a few days ago. Seismic wave dispersion map of an earthquake.”

Stark took off his sunglasses.

"You mean this is exactly the same as last time?"

Fury nodded.

"And we have reason to believe that the source of the earthquake is still moving." He said, tapping the screen with his knuckles wearing leather gloves. "There is also something worth noting. There is reliable information that the earthquake occurred fifteen years ago The disaster in Luluo City was accompanied by an electromagnetic pulse shock, and most of the electronic equipment in the city was paralyzed. Also a few days ago, Texas also received a wave of electromagnetic pulse shock, and a small town near the source of the earthquake was All electronic facilities on board have also been paralyzed.”

The Avengers focused their attention, and they began to take this matter seriously.

"What's the reason?" Stark asked, "Is it some kind of new weapon? A terrorist attack? Or super powers?"

Fury shook his head.

"Reason. We believe we have found it."

He gestured again, and the agent quickly cut the screen to the next picture.

What appears on the screen this time is an image captured by the thermal imaging of the Aegis satellite. The picture shows a mountain range in Texas. Through thermal imaging, it is obvious that a huge heat source is hiding in that mountain range.

"What is that?" Black Widow couldn't help but ask, "Is it an 'alien beast'?"

"It may be, or it may be something else." Fury said, "Something released from it interfered with radar positioning, but the Aegis satellite captured the image. What is certain is that the thing is very big, maybe It’s also tricky.”

"That's really unfortunate," Falcon glanced at his teammates, "The guy here who specializes in dealing with the big guys seems to be away from home right now."

Stark stared at the screen and was silent for a long time.

"No," he said, "We can do this without him. This is the reason why we exist, to protect the earth. If he has to do it, what are the Avengers doing?"

He said, turning to Fury: "So, you mean you want us to solve this problem."

“What the higher-ups mean is that they don’t want to use heavy firepower and weapons of mass destruction because the target is located closer to the city.” Fury explained, “This makes the Avengers the first choice to solve the problem.

Aegis will also try its best to provide you with weapons, equipment and technical support, and you can get all the assistance you want. But of course, if you feel that the problem cannot be solved, you can just say so, and I will apply to the superiors to consider other solutions. "

"No, we'll take over this job." Stark said decisively, "But before that, we need data and sufficient information. We need all the data measured in the accident fifteen years ago. The more detailed the better. good."

"We can solve this part." Fury nodded and said, "But if the Avengers decide to intervene, you'd better hurry up. Because that thing seems to be moving towards the city now. Although it is not fast, it is If we leave it alone, it should arrive in the city within a day at most.”

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