The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 568 Come back soon!

The Avengers followed Fury through the long metal tunnel and walked towards the interior of the base.

"Okay, I don't like your mysterious look." Stark put his hands in his trouser pockets and asked as he walked, "Can't you just say it clearly if you have something to say?"

Fury continued to move forward without squinting, and at the same time said in a calm tone: "You asked before, why do we need to meet in this base?"

Stark thought for a while: "You said this was not originally a SHIELD base?"

"Indeed it is not." Fury said, "This place was not a SHIELD stronghold before, but belonged to a terrorist organization called AIM. They call themselves Pioneer Technology, and they focus on researching some cutting-edge but also extremely dangerous technologies. Trying to conquer the world through advanced science and technology."

"We know this," Stark said. "In fact, we have fought against them. But I remember, haven't they been destroyed by SHIELD?"

"Indeed. Agent John Garrett took the initiative to annihilate the AIM organization. Their main bases and forces have been destroyed by SHIELD. Murdoch, the leader of the organization, has also been imprisoned in SHIELD Prison. After that, only A very small number of remnants are left dormant around the world, as well as some unknown hidden sub-bases."

He pointed at the bottom of his feet.

".Like this one here."

"It's great. Terrorists like to build nests in the Antarctic and the Arctic. It's like this in movies," Rhodes said.

"I asked you to come here because I meant to tell you this from the beginning."

Fury said and stopped, with an alloy door in front of him. There is a big bright red mark printed in the middle of the door, marked with the word "Danger".

Fury activated the password lock on the side, entered a series of passwords, and then performed iris authentication and fingerprint recognition. The door unlocked and the heavy alloy door buzzed upwards. A blast of bone-chilling air-conditioning suddenly came out from behind the door, making everyone tremble.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you'd better be prepared." Fury said, taking the lead and walking in. "It's going to be very cold inside."

Behind the door is a huge circular space more than three hundred meters high. There is not a single person in the entire space. They were standing on a suspended escalator more than 200 meters above the ground, with a huge empty space below them. There are alloy support structures more than 100 meters high in the open space, but most of these supports have been destroyed, and the ground is littered with broken steel bars.

Stark frowned.

"What was here before?"

"A disaster."

Fury said calmly, without explaining too much for the time being, but led the way around half a circle along the platform and came to a console.

He reached out and tapped a few times on the keyboard, releasing a certain image.

It was some kind of very huge creature, but it was completely frozen in crystal clear ice. It was difficult to see its overall shape due to light refraction and pixel problems. But it vaguely looked like some kind of huge dragon.

"Murdoch called it 'Number Zero,'" Fury said. "'A dragon descended from the stars. It brought storms and swallowed up humans and gods.'"

Captain America crossed his arms and looked at him: "What do you mean?"

"It means that this thing is an ancient disaster that can be traced back to before any historical records." Fury said, "We asked specialized experts to investigate, and they told me that this thing is something destined to be forgotten. It comes from From the depths of the universe, it came to the earth a long time ago. It swept away the roadblocks, defeated all those who stood in its way, and once became the ruler who stood at the top of the earth."

"'Swallowed God'?" Stark noticed this word, "Does it mean this thing has killed gods?"

"That's the only record we can find, at least that's what the ancients said." Fury shrugged. "Other than that, there is no interpretation or other record. My expert said it was because people at the time were too afraid of this thing. , so fearful that no one even dared to write or talk about it.”

"Like Voldemort," Rhodes said.

Everyone's eyes turned towards him.

Rhodes spread his hands innocently: "What? Don't you all watch movies?"

No one answered, and Comrade Rhodes fell into a brief and inexplicable embarrassment.

Fury retracted his gaze and continued: "But when we took over this base, the thing frozen here had already escaped. No one knows where it went, but what is certain is that it is about to go wrong. It should be said that it has already It caused a storm.”

"What do you mean?" Stark asked.

"Literally." Fury said, "The monster you are facing today is an individual that has been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years, but now it suddenly wakes up. That's not all. SHIELD and various governments have recently discovered similar monsters around the world. The situation. More and more giant beasts are resurrecting. From the sea, mountains and underground, creatures that can no longer be found in the history books are reappearing on the earth."

"Is it all because of the biggest monster?"

"That's right. My experts collectively call these creatures 'Titans'. Different from foreign creatures like alien beasts, these are creatures native to the earth, and they dominated this land before humans. It's just that they The era has passed, and most of their races have become extinct, leaving only a few descendants alive on the earth.

And now, the appearance of that thing awakens them all. Because these will be the subordinates of that thing, and will be its army and soldiers. That thing will want to reoccupy our world. It will command all the giant beasts and launch an attack on human territory. "

"And we're going to stop it, no matter what it is." Captain America said firmly.

Stark frowned: "So that thing, does it have a name? Or a registration code."


Fury pressed the power button to turn off the projection, and followed the one-eye glance over them all.

"'Ghidorah,'" he said.

On the other side of the world, Skull Island.

At this moment, the Hydra base on Skull Island is in a hurry. A group of experts are repairing the protective net that was torn apart by Godzilla's hands, and another group of experts are trying to locate Godzilla's location through energy reaction.

As the snack grows bigger and bigger, Skull Island can no longer contain it. Both its strength and the power of its atomic breath have grown steadily. Now it can easily tear off the island's protective net, and every three days it will let itself go swimming in circles, and no other Hydra can stop it.

No, today Godzilla woke up and disappeared again. The person in charge of Hydra at the base was directing emergency repairs while praying in his heart - little ancestor, please, come back as soon as you can after going out for two days! What if the boss comes back and sees you running away, where will I put my head?

But soon he had new trouble to deal with.

"Sir!" an agent reported loudly, "A UFO is approaching. It's going very fast!"

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