The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 58 Do you believe that I can break the void? (Third update, please vote for recommendations!

Richard spoke fluent Chinese throughout the conversation with Uncle Wang, and Gwen followed behind and didn't understand a word. She just thought it sounded so high-end and powerful, a bit like listening to English and Japanese when you are watching a TV series.

Gwen really followed him the whole time, watching and learning carefully, as if she was trying to learn this skill so that next time she could come out to help run errands by herself.

At the end of the shopping, Gwen volunteered to help Richard carry the things, but he refused. Just kidding, he was a big man and took a little girl out to buy groceries. When he came back, the little girl was carrying big and small bags, but he had empty hands. How could he survive in this area in the future?

Gwen didn't say a word on the way back, and followed Richard quietly as if she was distracted by something. Richard glanced sideways at her and asked, "What? You look boring?"

"I'm fine." She shook her head, "I just didn't have a good rest and I don't have much energy."

Richard followed her previous gaze and saw a four or five-year-old blond girl across the street, tugging on her father's pants and crying for ice cream.

He suddenly understood. It seemed that she was moved by the scene and missed her relatives.

"Missing home?" he asked.

"No, I just...well, a little bit." Gwen sighed, "But it doesn't matter. My home is far away, I mean, even further than abroad. I feel that my whole life Maybe I won’t be able to go back.”

"That's not necessarily the case." Richard shrugged, "Who knows? Everything is possible."

Gwen smiled bitterly. Yes, everything is possible, but some things are just not possible. This involves traveling through parallel universes. As far as she knows, even the theory of parallel universes has not yet been formally formed in this world. She may not be able to wait until the relevant technology matures until she becomes an eighty-year-old old lady.

So she has gradually accepted this reality. Although she didn't know how she got stuck here, life had to go on. Sometimes life is shit and you have to learn to accept it.

Richard looked at her passive and depressed look and said in a calm tone: "Ah, I know, isn't it just a parallel universe?"

Gwen raised her head in surprise and looked at him with an incredulous expression.

"What did you say?"

"Parallel universe? You are not from this world, are you? I know you are Gwen Stacy, and the Gwen of this world is still a primary school lolita." Richard said casually, as if this was A trivial matter.

But Gwen didn't think this was a small matter at all. This was her biggest secret, a big deal that she felt she couldn't tell anyone, and even if she did, she would be treated as a lunatic! But this guy just described it in such an understatement, as if the matter was nothing more than ordinary.

Gwen stopped subconsciously, staring directly at Richard with her emerald green eyes.

"How did you know?"

"It's because I have some special talent. I can spot the aliens who have blended into this world at a glance." Richard lied a little, paused, and then added the truth, "In addition, I am actually related to You are the same. I also come from another world, but I came a few years earlier than you."

Gwen looked at him suspiciously.

The amount of information in these words is too great, and it is also a bit too unrealistic. I am afraid it would be difficult for anyone to accept it. But for Gwen, the irrefutable fact is that the other person did reveal her biggest secret, which means that the rest of what the other person said is probably true.

But this is not her main focus.

"Then" she asked, "then is there a way for you to leave here and go back to your own place?"

Richard smiled at her.

"Of course. No," he said. "If I could, what would I be doing here now?"

The only glimmer of hope that rose in Gwen's heart was extinguished. Yes, isn't this a stupid question? Why do people stay here if they can leave?

But this also made her feel a little more comforted, and her loneliness was slightly reduced. Humans are social animals, and knowing that there are others in the same situation as yourself can make people feel less burdened. Although I didn't meet a fellow villager, I did at least meet another person who was lost. The two road-crazy people who share the same problem were able to hug each other for warmth.

"However," Richard changed the subject, "Although it's not possible now, I can't say for sure in the future."

"Ah? Why?"

Richard smiled: "You will know later. Maybe I will send you home as soon as I am in a good mood."

Gwen smiled, thinking that he was comforting himself, but didn't take it seriously. Traveling through parallel spaces, how can such a thing be as simple as it sounds? She had given up on that illusory possibility long ago, and she was already mentally prepared to spend her whole life in this strange world.

Richard knew she didn't believe it, but he didn't say anything more. Some things have to be seen to be believed. No matter how round you draw the pie, you can't touch or touch it, and it doesn't make any sense.

But he did tell the truth. As long as Nexus' light continues to evolve, there's no telling whether Noah's power will awaken in him one day in the future. If it were Noah's magical power, then breaking through space and traveling through dimensions would be child's play. Theoretically, he could easily cut through the portal between parallel worlds, and then it would not be impossible to send Gwen back.

Of course, these are meaningless now. Even if he pulls Gwen and says, "Don't be discouraged. In a little while, my brother will master the magic of shattering the void and take you home and let you fly." Most likely, he will only get a caring look in his eyes.

The two were walking back when Richard's footsteps suddenly stopped as if he was electrocuted.

It's Nexus' extraordinary perception. Not far away, he could sense a dark presence. The feeling is a bit like those vampires before, but it seems to be different.

If we want to use an analogy, the darkness in the body of a vampire before was described as a spark, then what he perceived this time was a huge scorching fireball.

Richard noticed that almost at the same moment he stopped, Gwen also stopped, looking in the same direction as him. He quickly realized that Gwen had an extraordinary perceptual ability called "Spider Sense" and was extremely alert to all dangerous events or things, just like a spider entrenched in the center of a spider web and aware of the dangers in its own territory. Perception.

The two turned their heads and looked at each other, exchanging glances.

"Okay." Richard gestured, "Let's go see what's over there."

(Third update, I’m exhausted, I’ll use my last breath to ask for a recommendation vote.)

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