"Come on!" Odin's momentum was like a rainbow, his white beard rising and falling with the airflow around him, "Show all your skills!"

Richard didn't answer. He looked at the direction and flew up. As he jumped, the person appeared and disappeared out of thin air.


As expected, Odin responded immediately, turning around and stabbing with another shot almost without thinking. And at the moment when he took action with his spear, slight ripples appeared in the direction pointed by the tip of the spear, and a silver figure flashed out of thin air.

Got it!

Odin was delighted and sneered secretly.

Demo, what about the God of the Universe?

After all, I'm still young and don't know the tricks.

Sure enough, ginger is still spicy!

Odin extended his arm forward and stabbed the figure with his spear, but there was no real hit.

Odin's pupils shrank, and he was surprised to find that the figure where his spear was stabbed immediately disappeared, leaving only a golden whirlwind.

That is also a shadow!

At the same moment, Nexus had flashed diagonally behind him, his silver body appearing in the fading golden light. Odin hurriedly turned around again, but he was already slower than his opponent. How could he turn around twice in one round in time?

Without any time to react, Nexus' punch hit Odin's old face firmly. Strange power spread along his wrinkled cheeks, and his shining golden helmet deflated and was thrown far away.

Odin tilted his head, the Eternal Spear came out of his hand, and a long mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.

All the Asgardian warriors watching the battle were stunned.

In everyone's perception, Riodin is basically synonymous with invincibility. In their memory, Riodin is a shadow that can only be looked up to, a supreme being who is always aloof and can resolve everything in the world with a wave of his hand. crisis.

As long as the old man is still there, the Asgardians will never be afraid, because they have the most solid backing in the world.

No one thought that someone as powerful as Odin would one day be beaten until blood spurted out and he retreated violently.


Thor subconsciously wanted to step forward to help, but Odin raised his hand to stop him.

The golden helmet on Odin's head fell to the ground, and his white beard was stained red with blood. But instead of being angry or frustrated, he was laughing like he had never been so happy in his life.

"Okay!" He smiled, "It took a while. Have you seen through the old man's little trick?"

"Yeah." Richard nodded calmly.

He was indeed surprised at first, but soon he figured out Odin's little trick. The key to Odin's tracking of his movement lies in the divine power given by Odin before.

Although the ancestral divine power itself has long been assimilated by light, it still left a mark. Richard was also connected to the plane of Asgard through this mark.

What Odin was tracking during his quantum teleportation was not himself, but the mark he carried on his body. Over the course of thousands of years, Odin has studied the properties of his ancestral divine power extremely thoroughly, and he can smell even the tiniest bit of Asgardian magic.

And just now Richard took advantage of this in turn.

As long as you guess the principle, there's nothing difficult to deal with. After all, the ancestral power of their god king is also a special form of energy, which is just a unique form that combines cosmic energy and Asgardian magic.

After analyzing the characteristics of this energy, Richard deliberately left energy with this attribute in the opposite direction to his own movement trajectory during the teleportation process. As expected, he successfully tricked Odin into turning around and attacking. And he himself took this opportunity to launch a surprise attack from behind, so he succeeded with one blow.

Odin curled his lips, spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, and then smiled.

"The warm-up time is over." He said, and his eyes seemed to have cooled down. "Then I will get serious."

This is not a bluff or a joke. Odin stood up again and tore off his cloak. He raised his hand, and the Eternal Spear flew back cleverly and was held tightly in his hand.

Richard could clearly see that the surrounding elements began to become more intense, and it seemed that the energy of the entire plane was gathering towards the old man's hand.

He saw countless particles gathering in the palm of Odin's hand, saw the Eternal Spear exuding endless divine light, and the continuous divine power from the World Tree filled in like incoming sea water.

Odin muttered a curse in a low voice, and his one eye seemed to become hot. He saw thunder and lightning lingering around the Eternal Spear, and saw energy turning into air currents visible to the naked eye, swirling around the gun body.

Something told him that the old man was really serious now.

"Gangnir, the eternal spear, was forged to penetrate everything in the world." Odin whispered softly, his old pupils seemed to be burning in golden flames, "This is when I encountered the legendary supreme god 'Galactorium' 'The attack that I have studied so hard is also the attack that has exhausted all my life's strength. If you can even crack this move, then I will be convinced of my defeat."

oh? A technique developed to defeat Ganata's father?

Richard was a little interested.

Looks like I need to get to know him better.


With an old roar, the Eternal Spear shot out!

The old man's life-long energy was really as powerful as a true god at the moment it was blasted out. When the golden spear was released, it seemed to summon a violent storm, and the raging energy rolled towards Nexus like a thousand layers of golden waves.

A wave of air erupted under Nexus's feet, and he rose up suddenly, rapidly rising into the air at a speed of over Mach 10. But it was no use, the golden gun still flew towards him with an indomitable momentum, the tip of the gun was pointed directly at his chest, and it seemed that there was no deflection from the beginning to the end.

The Eternal Spear did not turn with his movements. It was not automatic tracking, but something higher-level.

What Odin cast on this gun was a spell that transcended space. He gave this gun the attribute of "definitely hitting once it is pierced". It cannot be avoided no matter how you dodge.

But unfortunately, Odin had briefly handed over the Eternal Gun to Richard before, and Richard had figured out a lot about the working principle of this gun at that time.

The Eternal Spear is said to "definitely penetrate", but in fact it is not perfect. Its aim has a blind spot. According to Richard's research, it can only track individuals in a certain continuous space, and it is impossible to escape no matter how fast it goes.

But if it briefly disappears from the tracked space using teleportation, it will lose its target.

"The Eternal Spear is indeed a very powerful weapon," Richard said, "but it is not without its weaknesses."

Odin laughed wildly: "Let's wait until you dodge this move before saying this!"


Nexus disappeared on the spot and appeared directly behind Odin in a flash.

He raised his hand and condensed a particle blade in his palm. He was about to take action, but his movement suddenly stopped.

The Eternal Spear whirled and hit his shoulder.

When I saw the book review reminder, I discovered that today's scheduled update date for two updates was accidentally set to February 17th (that is, tomorrow). The author was surprised to find that there was no update today and took a breath, so he quickly made up for it. . .

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