The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 601 Where are the gloves? (Continue to add more updates for Elder Cucumber!)

Stark couldn't understand what was happening.

It happened so fast that he barely had a chance to react. Through the helmet's built-in display, he saw a dark mass suddenly binding Qi Qi's arm, and before either of them had time to react, Qi Qi was yanked into the darkness and disappeared.

If Strange had been prepared, it might not have happened so quickly, but at the moment he was concentrating on casting spells and chanting spells and he was completely defenseless - the Eye of Agamotto was already extremely difficult to control, and the time spell Doctor Strange could only He could be said to be able to use it, but he was far from proficient. When casting a spell, he needed to concentrate and eliminate distracting thoughts, so he was tricked when reading the spell.

As for Stark, he stared wide-eyed the whole time, but including the armor sensors, he was completely unaware of where the enemy's attack came from. When he came back to his senses, Qi Qi's wrist had already been caught. Before Qi Qi was dragged in, Stark only had time to fire a recoil cannon in that direction, but the beam disappeared into the darkness and soon became silent.

Doctor Strange disappeared, and now he was the last person left in the entire cabin. The great Illuminati's first battle was unfavorable. Three of the four members were killed for the first time. Only the last one was left. I don't know if he can find a way to break the situation.

Stark is also a person who has seen a lot of things in the world. He has done monsters, aliens and even gods. Although the situation was extremely unfavorable and the gloomy atmosphere drove people almost crazy, he did not panic.

The armor completely recorded the entire process of Qi Qi being engulfed. He decomposed the footage, restored the data, and used all means to analyze the opponent's attack method on the small screen of the monitor.

There was only such a big place in total, where else could he hide?

There are three other people. Can such three living people be stuffed into a crack in the wall?

Dark laughter sounded in the darkness.

"You have lost, humans." The other party spoke.

Stark couldn't help but feel moved when he heard the gloomy voice: "On Friday, record the enemy's voice and locate the sound source in reverse."

Originally, his artificial intelligence couldn't connect to the armor at such a long distance. But Stark was fully prepared for this battle. He specially downloaded the backup of his backup artificial intelligence "Friday" into the local server of the armor, so that he could get artificial intelligence assistance even when fighting in the universe. .

Friday's soft female voice sounded: "Positioning."

Stark spoke to lure the other party to speak again: "Who are you? What do you want?"

There was laughter in the darkness.

"I am the glorious Skrull 'Stalker', and I am also a genetically modified 'Super Skrull Warrior'. This is thanks to you Earthlings. It is through studying the genes of the extraordinary among you humans. The existence of our 'Super Skrull Warriors'."

"Positioning completed." gave feedback on Friday.

Without thinking, Stark turned around, raised his hand, and fired a recoil light cannon. The white laser briefly dispersed the dark corners and blew away a table placed in the cabin.

The voice in the darkness laughed: "Do you think you can hit me?"

"Positioning completed."

Iron Man fired again.

Three or five consecutive recoil beams crisscrossed the cabin, blowing up everything on display in the cabin, leaving shallow craters on the walls, and exposing circuit boards with dancing sparks, but not even a ghost was touched. .

"I said, it's useless! With your humanity's backward technology and poor imagination, you will never catch me!"

Stark remained silent, turned his palm into a fist, and this time shot out a live bullet from the back of his armored hand. The silver-white bullet flew into the darkness with its tail flame, and was nailed to the wall with a snap.

"Ha! Where are you fighting?"

The voice sounded again, but this time it was close at hand and seemed to come from behind.

Stark immediately wanted to turn around, but found that the armor no longer obeyed. There was a violent blur on the screen in front of him. The nerve signals seemed to be blocked by something and could not be accepted by the armor. His body could not even move a finger.

The mysterious opponent finally appeared, but it came from behind him.

It was a Skrull wearing a black uniform, with only his green wrinkled face exposed. He walked up to Stark from behind and sneered: "I said, it's useless. Do you know why I kept you until the end? Because among the four of you, you are the only one who poses no threat to me.

Look at your primitive armor and crude system. With our Skrull technology, we can easily hack into your toy-like firewall. As long as I want, I can paralyze your armor's system at any time, and your technology poses no threat to me. "

Iron Man's armor clanged and he knelt down on one knee. Stark was losing more and more control of his armor, and Friday's voice was becoming increasingly muffled, like a mass of noise.

He asked while the loudspeaker was still working: "Tell me if I guess right, the answer is shadow, right?"

The Skrulls smiled: "It seems that it is not unreasonable for them to say that you are one of the smartest people on Earth. Yes, Mr. Stark, it is the shadow. This is the unique ability of our Skrull 'Stalkers', We can move in the shadows. So we are the best spies and the best killers. We can take on the appearance of anyone and launch raids from any shadow."

"That must involve space technology." Stark seemed to be at the end of the road, but he was still not panicking at all, and was still thinking about the principle of this ability. "Otherwise, there is no way to explain why my detector and the doctor's spell can't detect Arrived. Maybe a unique space has been carved out in the shadow.”

"You can think about these later, Mr. Stark, after all, you will have plenty of time later." Skrull said humanely, "Now I will remove your armor first and let you have a good sleep, and then I will turn around." Your ship returns to our mothership.

Yes, I won't kill you just yet, because the empire still needs you. We will extract your genes and create your perfect mimic, and you few human elites will become the key to defeating the earth."

The Skrull said and was about to take action when he suddenly noticed something and froze.

Only then did he notice that the half-kneeling Iron Man armor in front of him was missing his left glove, and Stark was supporting the ground with his exposed left hand.

Where were his gloves?

The Skrulls suddenly had a very ominous premonition. He subconsciously turned around and saw that the Iron Man glove that had been separated from him at some point was hanging behind him with the help of the booster on the wrist. The light in his palm flashed and a recoil beam hit him, like a heavy hammer. on his chest.

The Skrull spurted blood, flew out on his back and fell to the floor.

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