Skrull Stalker's efforts were effective after all. When Doctor Strange was dragged into the Shadow Fragment, the shielding spell he had placed on the ship was also lifted. Obviously, it turns out that Wakanda's stealth technology alone is not enough to deceive the Skrulls. After a while, the alien aircraft from the Kung Fu blockbuster caught up with them.

Intense lasers and missiles chased up from behind, and the rain of bullets quickly covered their small spaceship. The light kept hitting the protective cover of the spacecraft, and fireballs exploded on the surface of the protective layer one after another. The defense seemed to be on the verge of collapse at any time.

They deactivated the stealth of the spacecraft, fired the thrusters at full speed, and tried to use speed to throw off the pursuers, but that didn't go well either. The speed of their spacecraft did not give them any advantage, and the distance between the two sides was being shortened while chasing each other.

Stark couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

I remember that when someone gave him this ship, he kept saying that it was the "top spaceship in the galaxy", with unrivaled power and super-class performance, equivalent to the Bugatti Veyron in the spaceship. But now that he pulled it out, it didn't look like that at all. thing!

He felt as if he had been deceived.

He was indeed deceived. The ship that Li gave him was just an ordinary reconnaissance ship carried on the "God of War" battleship. It had average weapon power, average defense, and average speed. Although it wasn't that bad, it was definitely as good as "excellent." The two words are not related.

Seeing that the enemy was about to catch up, Black Panther asked loudly: "Isn't this ship equipped with a weapons system?"

"Yes!" Stark's head was pounding, "But I haven't figured out how to use it yet!"

"Doctor, if you still have any forbidden skills that are hidden in the box, it's almost time to reveal them!" Mr. Fantastic shouted.

Doctor Strange replied: "This is the universe, this is not my territory, I can't fight in outer space!"

The situation became awkward. Now they can neither run nor fight. Among the four generals of the Illuminati, only Iron Man has some ability to fight in outer space, and the other three cannot even survive outside.

After a bad start in the first battle, Stark had to start thinking that maybe Richard was right, and maybe their small group was indeed unreliable.

But no matter what, it was his idea to form this team and to go to the moon to attack Huanglong. He is more or less responsible for how things have developed.

"On Friday, switch to autopilot, go full speed, go straight back to Earth, and don't stop no matter what happens," Stark said.

"Copy that, boss."

After speaking, Stark stood up and walked toward the back of the cabin without saying a word.

Everyone realized something was wrong. Mr. Fantastic asked, "Iron Man, what are you going to do?"

"Buy time." Stark turned to look at them one last time, and then his facial armor clicked shut. "You go back to Earth and tell them. Tell everyone what happened here. Get everyone ready. That way at least we are here. What we do here still makes sense.”

After saying that, the cabin door opened, he ignored the shouts of everyone, jumped out in the violent airflow, started the propeller under his feet, flew into the space, and rushed towards the pursuing formation from behind.

This is the best option and the only solution. Iron Man's armor is their only counterattack force now. Only by delaying time with him behind them can others have a chance to escape.

Of course, Stark himself understands that there is no return.

The Skrulls' flight formation was different from the Chitauri's cannon fodder. Iron Man can fight a group of Chitauri by himself, but he may not get any advantage against the Skrull aircraft. In addition, his armor was not designed for space warfare, and the opponents were flying outer space vehicles and carrying space warfare weapons, and the gap between the advantages and disadvantages was further amplified.

The two sides soon and fiercely exchanged fire. Iron Man rushed into the enemy camp without hesitation, fired continuously with both palm recoil cannons, and fired all missiles from his body, exploding fireballs continuously in the enemy camp, which also had a certain blocking effect.

The Skrull flight formation had to slow down to deal with him. Stark took full advantage of the high mobility and small size of Iron Man's armor, flying through countless lasers at high speed, with lasers crisscrossing each other.

He could hold on for the time being, but undoubtedly not for long.

The recoil force field protecting the armor could barely block three or five shots. Once the force field is broken and the armor is hit directly, it doesn't even require a fatal injury. As long as the sealing of the armor is destroyed, Stark, as the wearer, is dead in this universe.

"We can't just abandon him like this." Mr. Fantastic proposed on the departing spaceship, "He will die!"

"If we just fight back, we will too," Black Panther said calmly.

Mr. Fantastic turned to Strange: "Doctor?"

Qi Qi lowered his head and did not answer, frowning as if in deep thought.

Deep down Reid knew this was the right option and they had no other choice.

This plan was a mistake from the beginning. They are too arrogant and think that just a few of them can threaten the aliens to retreat. Such an idea is too naive.

It was their shared mistake, and Stark was paying for it.

He must die.

For a moment, the air in the cabin seemed to become heavy, and everyone was silent for a while.

Until Mr. Fantastic discovered something again: "Wait, is there something approaching on the radar?"

The three people's eyes were focused.

really. The spacecraft's interstellar radar showed that something was approaching, some extremely powerful energy source, coming from the Earth.

That thing is incredibly fast.

Like burning arrows shooting through the sky, golden flames shot far away from the direction of the earth. The moment they passed by, the brilliance like the sun filled the entire cabin.

Golden Light rushed forward to meet the Skrull formation and joined the chaotic battle.

At this time, Iron Man is firing on all cylinders, trying his best to deal with the enemy. But he had already taken two laser cannon shots, and the recoil force field was on the verge of breaking. The energy of the armor was only half left, and the live ammunition was exhausted. At this moment, Stark had already accepted the reality in his heart and was ready to die.

And that golden light arrived just in time, and rushed into the enemy's formation without evading the dense firepower network, blowing up three or five enemy spaceships in an instant like a whirlwind.

Stark was stunned.

This grand entrance, this rhythm.

Could it be that guy came to the rescue again?

No, that's not right.

This energy frequency is completely different from that of Ultraman. This is some kind of completely different power.

With the help of the helmet's enhanced visual sensor, Stark quickly locked onto the figure darting left and right wrapped in the golden light.

Although the face cannot be seen, one can tell from the bumpy body shape.

It seems to be a woman?

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