"Carol Danvers?" Richard and Marvel's famous "Marvel" met for the first time. "Did Fury ask you to come back?"

Captain Marvel glanced at Lu Dan, who spread his hands and said, "I never mentioned you to him."

"Don't be nervous, I know some of all kinds of secrets on the earth." Richard smiled, "We are on the same front. As you can see, I am here to solve the problem."

Stark walked up to him: "I thought the 'mimetic alien' thing wasn't worthy of your attention."

"I just said before that I didn't want to join your small group, but I also said that I would find a solution in my own way." Richard said, "I managed to find Director Rumphrey soon after you separated. We are here We discussed the matter a bit, exchanged some opinions, and roughly came up with a set of plans.”

He paused and glanced at the group of "geniuses".

"But I didn't expect that a few of you would actually go to the moon to give you free money."

"We almost succeeded." Stark was still trying to argue. "It just happened a little bit."

However, even Mr. Fantastic sighed and admitted his mistake: "Forget it, Mr. Stark, we have to admit our mistakes. Such a decision is indeed too impulsive and ill-considered for a few of us. We underestimated the enemy, and we also We overestimated ourselves and we shouldn’t have done that.”

"You are indeed." Captain Marvel crossed his arms and said in a senior tone, "The Skrulls are different from the street gangsters and second-rate criminals on earth that you usually deal with. They come from one of the three most powerful empires in the universe. One, they are well-equipped and well-trained, but in comparison you act like children in preschool.”

Stark was unhappy. A few days ago, he had been so conceited that he and his gang were destined to do great things, and that he didn't care about street crime or anything like that. And now someone is telling him that they cook like preschoolers?

"No offense, but what has this lady done?" Stark's temper was about to explode again, "I don't care how early she debuted and how powerful she was, but we have stood up for the earth so many times, I feel like I haven’t seen her figure yet.”

Captain Marvel took a step forward and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Lu Dan.

"Okay, that's enough." Luo Dan said, "If you have any opinions, you can talk about it slowly in the future. Now we have to deal with a world-class big trouble, and we don't have time to solve your personal problems. Mr. Li, are you What are you going to say?"

Mr. Li was happily watching the show with his arms crossed at the side. It was quite interesting to watch Team Shock and Stark bickering with each other. It would be even more interesting if they could directly start playing Civil War 2 without going through the procedures.

Captain Marvel and Stark are the kind of people who are born with bad compatibility. Their styles, personalities, fighting styles, living habits, etc. are incompatible. In short, they just don't get along.

In contrast, Captain America is more in tune with Captain America. Although Captain Marvel is confident that she can fight a hundred Captain Americas, she admires the captain's character and his spirit. After joining the Avengers, she was more willing to obey Captain's command than Stark.

Seeing that these two were about to put on their equipment and go out to start a fight, Richard felt a little disappointed when Lu Dan stopped them.

He took a step forward, took out a simple projection device from his pocket, and projected a detailed structural diagram on the white wall beside him.

"What is this?" Black Panther asked.

"The structural diagram of the Skrull battleship you visited once." Richard said.

Stark frowned: "How did you get this?"

"I have my own channels." Richard shrugged. "As you can see, the structural distribution of this ship is already very detailed. And according to my reliable information, the Skrulls are currently stationed near the earth. The headquarters is this ship, in other words our main task is to capture it."

"This is easy." Captain Marvel began to gear up. "You give me cover fire, and I can rush in from the rear deck. I can dismantle their shield's generator and engine, creating enough chaos that the rest of you can take advantage of. Follow me."

The general meaning is that I go in alone to carry and show off, and the rest of you wait for the opportunity to do some damage and shout a few words of 6.

Richard smiled: "I know your abilities, Captain Danvers. But what we are talking about is a Skrull super battleship. Maybe you can absorb energy and have enough impact resistance, but you must consider this clearly. It’s the firepower of an entire interstellar battleship, not to mention they also have special warheads with various functions, so even you can’t break through easily.”

Although it is unclear what the upper limit of Captain Marvel's strength is, Richard generally knows what she is capable of.

Through the movie's performance, many people will think that Captain Marvel "absorbed the energy of the Rubik's Cube" and gained superpowers. In fact, this is a wrong perception. The Marvel team was actually genetically rewritten when they were radiated by the energy of the Cosmic Cube, gaining superhuman strength, endurance, speed, energy projection capabilities, and most importantly - energy absorption.

Yes, Captain Marvel is somewhat similar to Ultraman in this regard. She can also absorb energy and is extremely adaptable. She can also absorb cosmic energy, and those who absorb enough cosmic energy can also reach the level of Heavenly Father or even the cosmic god.

But at this time, Captain Marvel's body did not have any cosmic energy reaction, which Richard could see when he met her. With her current level, she can easily dismantle ordinary battleships and spaceships. She can smash the Chitauri battleships with one hand, but large battleships may be at a disadvantage.

However, Team Jing didn't seem to think so. She felt that she was being slighted: "Let me go up and try, and I will prove it to you."

"The key is not whether you can do it, but that it's not necessary. That's not our purpose." Richard interrupted her and pointed to a certain area inside the battleship, "Our primary goal is here. This is Part of it is the area where they keep prisoners. If the Skrulls want to perfectly mimic, they need a steady stream of genetic resources from the original individuals, so the individuals they replaced are all imprisoned on this ship. If we break in head-on, they may Use these hostages as bargaining chips, or they will directly break up the vote."

Team Jing frowned: "Then do you have any better ideas?"

"We need someone to sneak in, control the prison area before alerting them, and lift the shield on the outside of the battleship. At the same time, we need someone on standby outside. Once the shield is lifted, they will immediately come in from the front, cooperate inside and outside, and capture the ship. , while keeping everyone safe.”

"Sounds good," Team Shock said, "So who will be the infiltrator?"

"In fact, as we speak here," Richard said quietly, "I'm already in."

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