"Ladies and gentlemen." Richard opened the portal and took two steps to the side. "It's almost time to take action."

After his words fell, there was silence for half a second. The black portal was still filled with chaotic thunder and lightning, but nothing happened.

The hostages who were waiting to see him show off looked at each other, not knowing what expressions to put on.

Richard: "Uh, brothers, are you still over there, right? If you are, say something, I'm starting to feel a little embarrassed."

Skrull soldiers had begun to appear from the direction of the door, and a group of green guys rushed up with guns and sticks in their hands.

The golden light finally flashed through the portal, and Captain Marvel flew out from the other end of the portal like an arrow! She fired beams from both fists, knocking down the three or five Skrulls at the front before anyone arrived.

Following closely behind were those from the Illuminati, as well as the Avengers and the Fantastic Four who also came - only the ones who said they had ruled out the possibility of being alien spies came.

A group of superheroes rushed out with great momentum and began to break through the prison area. Captain Marvel led the charge at the front, wishing that one person could withstand an entire division. He was so brave.

Finally, Richard himself appeared from the other side of the portal. He released his clone and gestured to the people who were still stunned.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go." He pointed to the portal next to him, "From here, there is the earth behind. Fury has arranged for someone to wait on the other side."

Ward took the lead, and a group of hostages quickly slipped through the portal and returned to Earth.

At this point, it can be said that the overall situation has been decided, and there can be no surprises next. There may not be much that can be done to face an interstellar battleship head-on on the Earth side, but now that it has penetrated into the battleship, the situation is completely reversed.

The superheroes of the earth are all already advanced combat powers in the universe, not to mention that this time they also have the heavy firepower of Captain Marvel, a humanoid. She can kill a ship by herself from the inside without any help from others.

The Hulk, who has never had a chance to show off his skills, is now put to use. A furious Hulk thrown on a battleship is simply a nightmare for the entire crew. Hulk has no tactics or line planning. Anyway, his plan is to hit people and smash things when he sees them. The Skrulls were killed by the big green guy and were chased all over the ship. The other Avengers followed him slowly and picked up the heads.

The commander was heartbroken and sent out Super Skrull soldiers who were still in the experimental stage to deal with it.

There are clear orders from above to avoid using the power of the Super Skrulls unless there are special circumstances, because this is their ultimate trump card. Super Skrulls are perfect warriors designed by the Empire after studying the genetic mutations of superpowers in humans and applying the research results to their own race. Each of them has superhuman physical fitness, and has been implanted with various superpowers according to individual differences. Each of them is the elite of the elite, so powerful that even the Skrull scientists as designers feel it. fear.

When the superheroes fought their way through the obstacles and reached the door of the command room, they saw more than a dozen Super Skrull warriors lined up, standing in front of them domineeringly.

Everyone stopped temporarily.

Hawkeye drew the bow in his hand, and Falcon also tightened his grip on the guns.

"Well, I guess this is going to be a tough battle," Hawkeye said.

Captain Marvel stopped and faced off with the dozen Super Skrulls for a moment. Then she clenched her fists, golden flames swelled all over her body, and she approached with steady steps.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

In the surprised eyes of a group of melon-eating people, they saw the powerful Skrulls flying out one after another like thrown bowling balls, smashing the door and flying into the command room one by one, falling like stacks of Arhats. A ball.

Commander Skrull was stunned and speechless for a long time.

Where is the final trump card that was promised?

Why can't we use the promised too powerful weapon easily?

How come these dozen super Skrull warriors combined couldn't last even half a minute in the hands of this earthly woman?

Who the hell said that except for Ultraman, everyone else on earth is a noob?

The commander looked at the room full of superheroes bursting into the door, and his brain was working rapidly to think of countermeasures.

A Skrull man next to him jumped up, took out his gun and shouted something in Skrull language, and then said: "Cunning Earthlings, I will fight you!!!"

The commander glanced at him, then looked at Captain Marvel, who looked like a Super Saiyan in front of him, and thought for a moment, then raised his hands.

"I surrender."

The soldier next to him looked at his commander in surprise, as if he was surprised by the other person's lack of moral integrity. The soldier also glanced at Team Jing, thought for a moment, let out a haha, put down his firearm, and raised his hands in the same manner.

"I was just kidding." He smiled, "I surrender too."

Skrulls: "."

After releasing all the hostages, Richard "walked" to the command room unimpeded. At this time, the bridge was already occupied by superheroes.

Each of the Skrulls was imprisoned by Doctor Strange's spell, and the battleship became a trophy of the Earth.

It's a pity that they destroyed all the data about the spies on the earth in the battleship before the ship was occupied. In this way, they could not use the ship's on-board computer to know what skears on the earth were. Ruhr people. There may have been tens of thousands of humans replaced by spies, or even hundreds of thousands or millions.

If nothing is done, those spies will always be lurking among humans, waiting for the next opportunity to launch an invasion.

But no matter what, the next time the invasion is launched it will definitely be a long time later, and there will definitely be a long vacuum period in the meantime. And as long as there is plenty of time, this is not an unsolvable problem.

In the original work, our Mr. Stickman relied on his ingenuity to figure out a way to see through the Skrulls' mimicry. I believe he can do it if he is given ten and a half days.

What? You said that no one in the three empires has cracked the Skrull mimicry for so many centuries?

Haha, obviously it's because they don't have the virtue of a magic stick.

Richard had already thought of the last step of the plan. When Shengun De found a plan to see through the Skrulls, they would write this plan into the algorithm of the "Insight Project" that Minister Lao Pi had been thinking about. They had previously used the algorithm of the Insight Project to fight vampires around the world, and this time the target was replaced by the Skrulls, and the effect must be similar.

Sure enough, our Hydra is an excellent organization whose mission is to maintain world peace!

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