The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 613 She looked over!

A boatload of Skrulls were briefly stunned.

Their eyes couldn't believe it, it felt like they were experiencing an extremely terrifying nightmare. They saw that the black hole that had almost shrunk to a point was enlarged again, as if it was being cracked open from the inside with brute force. Intense light bloomed from the dark vortex, and the blue giant gradually emerged from the dark vortex.

It was as if the black hole had fallen into his control.

The Skrulls' tactical arrangements are indeed good. It is not an exaggeration to say that their battleship can "kill gods". If they were weaker in combat or were non-combatants, the gods might have clearly arranged this set of tactics for them.

But it was obvious that the gods they were facing now were not among the above.

Black holes are not uncontrollable. In fact, for the gods of the universe, any energy or phenomenon currently appearing in the universe can be controlled. Richard saw through the principle and operation of this man-made black hole in a fraction of a second. All he had to do next was to release enough energy to interfere and control it.

The Skrulls all over the ship stared blankly for a long time, until Queen Vilank reacted first, gritting her teeth and shouting: "Fire! Fire quickly!"

Only then did the soldiers react hurriedly. A group of people hurriedly controlled the cannons to fire, but deep down in their hearts, no one had any hope for this battle.

What else can be done?

Their most powerful weapon actually hit, but had no effect. What else could they do?

Nexus, who transformed into a blue state, deflected three or five rays of light with his bare hands, followed by his body flashing, and then quantized it again. The light particles escaped into the subspace and reappeared above the battleship's shield generator the next moment.

He reversed his arms, concentrated energy on his chest, and rich and powerful golden light exploded out of the air!

Core pulse!

Queen Vilank had a sullen face: "Idiot, have you forgotten our shield reflection? Call me back!"

The shield generator reacted immediately, and the core pulse bombarding the surface of the shield caused ripples. The shield deformed slightly, like a spring bed that had been stepped on.

Seeing that the energy of the core pulse was about to be reflected back, at this flash of lightning, Nexus' arms quickly formed a cross, and golden spark-like rays flew away!

Cross Storm (instant version)!

The golden light hit directly the same spot where the core pulse hit. The shield generator responded again, and the shield's reflection mechanism desperately tried to push this emission line back. But Nexus moved too quickly, and the two luminous lines were almost indistinguishable. The energy of the core pulse had not had time to be released, and the two energies clashed violently.

After about half a second of stalemate, the energy finally exceeded the load of the generator. The shield generator exploded with a wail, overloaded and self-destructing.

Queen Vilank was stunned, and everyone was stunned.

The overall situation has been decided, and there is nothing left to do.

They lost, and they lost miserably.

There is no suspense about what happens next. It's not that they don't have other options, but it's meaningless. Their weapons are completely ineffective against this Ultraman, and the opponent has ten thousand ways to turn their invincible battleship into a pile of cosmic garbage.

The battle was over, their invasion had failed.

Next, Nexus only needs to remove the battleship's protective shield step by step, rush into the battleship, seize the bridge, and capture Queen Vilank alive.

What? Just shoot the ultimate light arrow and destroy the battleship?


Such an awesome super battleship was delivered all the way to the door. All you had to do was sign for it and that was it. But you just shot it down and destroyed it?

Is it too much money to spend?

Richard was about to take action when he suddenly heard a voice in his ear: "Richard, Richard, are you finished?"

He paused and turned his head, only to see a little girl floating in the dark space, wearing purple armor and looking at him with big bright eyes.

"Ganata?" he asked unexpectedly, "Aren't you at home? What are you doing here?"

"Well it's nothing. It's just that everyone said tonight was 'movie night'."

"Movie Night" is a fixed activity in their manor. Every Friday night as long as the Richard people are still on the earth, they will basically organize everyone to watch a movie in the private theater of the manor.

"Of course I remember." Richard said, "It was tonight, right? I will be back on time in the evening."

"That's right. Because everyone seems to have different opinions on the movie they are going to watch tonight. Wanda said she wanted to watch Ultraman again, Pietro said she wanted to watch "The Matrix", and Jesse said he wanted to watch "Back to the Future." They argued for a long time and couldn't make up their mind, so they asked me to come out to you and ask for your opinion."

Richard: "."

Just for this?

He had to explain patiently: "Well, Carrie, please give it a little time in advance. I'm a little busy here, but it will be solved soon."

Ganata curiously pointed to the super giant battleship in front of her that covered the sky and the sun: "Is this what you want to solve?"

Richard suddenly started talking about movies in the middle of the conversation, while the Skrulls looked confused.

"What's going on?" Queen Vilank asked hurriedly, "Zoom in the screen for me. I want to see what he is doing?"

Ganata was so small that no one could see her floating next to Nexus, who was fifty meters tall.

After zooming in on the battleship's main screen and seeing Ganata's small body, all the Skrulls on the ship took a deep breath, with expressions as if they had seen a ghost.

That purple armor - especially the special-shaped helmet with a pair of horns, is simply every Skrull's deepest nightmare.

"Sir," one of the Skrulls stammered, "the energy radiated from that girl's body matches more than 90% with Galactus, the Galactus."

"That is Ganata, his daughter." Queen Vilank's face turned pale, as if she had seen a ghost, "But how is it possible? Why? Why is she on Earth??"

Everyone in the universe knows that Uncle Tun ate the Skrulls' main star, but if it weren't for the Skrulls themselves, no one might understand what a horrific nightmare it brought to them.

It was originally the top super empire in the universe, with more advanced technology and armed forces than the Kree, and the racial talent of being able to transform at will. If it hadn't been for that accident, they might have replaced Shia as the first empire in the universe. .

But all is gone. The empire's royal family, economy, military, people's livelihood, and the entire future of the empire were all swallowed up by the planet devourer along with their former main star. It was a nightmare that would forever be engraved in the history of the Skrulls. No one could imagine how terrifying the name "Galacto" was to them.

At this moment, through the display screen of the battleship, everyone saw the shadow of the creation god from the figure of the little girl, and they seemed to relive the disaster when the main star was destroyed and the entire empire fell into irreversible disaster.

Especially when Ganata opened her big eyes and looked at their ship curiously, all the Skrulls on the ship were scared to death.

Damn it! She looked over!

It's over, it's over, I'm dead

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