The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 623 Abnormal astronomical phenomena

A meeting takes a week? Are you kidding me?

Richard thought that eight or nine hours of meetings like those on Earth would be enough of a pain, but he didn't expect that compared to the Shi'ar in this regard, it would be nothing.

People set up beds in the conference room and asked you if you were afraid?

In fact, Shia really had a reason for holding such a long meeting. They did always have so many things to bring to the table to report. Recently, they are fighting against the Truth Religion. The battle line stretches as long as seven or eight galaxies. Just reporting on the war would take an entire day.

In addition, even if we put aside the war in special periods, Shia usually has countless things that he has to sort out slowly one by one. After all, this is no different than a meeting between companies and governments on Earth. What is meeting here is the largest empire in the universe. They occupy a huge sphere of influence that is unimaginable to the people on earth. The person in charge of each star field, large or small, has to stand up and report the situation in their own jurisdiction. Then each of them has a large number of people on the planet within their jurisdiction. Things have to be said. Everyone stood up and said a few words, and the day passed.

The next step is to ask for money.

On earth, various departments have their own interests and ask for money during meetings, and the same thing applies to aliens. Who among the leaders of the major star regions doesn’t want to seek better benefits for their jurisdiction? Better equipment, bigger warships, more funding for next quarter, and a long list of projects waiting for the Queen's nod. It will take several days to sort out all the nonsense.

Xi'a may also have a large territory. As the area becomes larger, there will naturally be more stakeholders involved, and the various relationships involved will become extremely complicated. Shi'a is not monolithic. In fact, there is competition and even hostility between the major internal forces. It is not unusual for civil wars to break out every three days.

Fortunately, everyone obeys the same regime, and the foundation of Queen Lendra's rule is relatively stable. No matter how much trouble happens next, no one dares to question the authority of the royal family for a while.

If you think about it, completing the meeting within a week might actually be considered more efficient.

Waiting was also waiting, and Richard decided to simply stay in Shi'a for a few more days of vacation. Anyway, the Shi'a Empire is so big, it's impossible to see all of it just by walking around slowly. He and Ganata had only stayed in the capital before, so this time they could go to a nearby planet with better scenery.

A week later Queen Lendra finally came out. It could be seen that Her Majesty the Queen was a little tired after holding meetings for more than a week at once, but she still came to see him as soon as possible.

Richard solemnly thanked her, but Queen Lendra smiled and waved her hand and said no.

"It's the least we should do," she said. "Considering what you've done, this is a small favor."

The two exchanged a few simple words of politeness, and Queen Lindra promised to convey the message to Doujian. Then something struck her as she invited Richard to stay for dinner.

"That's right. Because you told me before, I asked the Astronomical Bureau to pay special attention to the situation in that part of the solar system. They did report some rare phenomena to me recently." Queen Lendra said, "Although it may just be no big deal in astronomy. Phenomenon, but I thought you might like to know.”

"Oh? What?"

"They are eight planets that are related to the earth." Queen Lendra said, "The nine planets are connected through the foundation you call the 'World Tree'. They said that the 'Nine Stars' may appear in these few days. The astronomical phenomenon of "Lianzhu". This kind of thing does not happen often, but there are records showing that such a situation has occurred in the solar system before, and it may have a relatively large impact on the people living on the planet. So I think it may be better to inform Say something to you."

Richard frowned.

Are the nine kingdoms interconnected? Nine stars in a row?

Is this the story of "Thor: The Dark World"?

The plot of the movie is not that big, and the villain Dark Elf himself only plays a small role, but it is worth noting that the ether particles were introduced in the plot of this movie. This is also the first time that the "Reality Stone" among the Infinity Stones has appeared in the MCU system.

He had obtained six Infinity Stones and two Power Stones and Space Stones before. The Mind Stone was previously kept in the hands of SHIELD, but now that Lu Dan has stepped down and SHIELD is busy reforming, the internal management is in chaos. He has already taken this opportunity to ask Gideon Malik to find a way to put the Mind Stone in it. The scepter is back.

In total, he now has three of the six Infinity Stones, and if he gets the Reality Stone, he will have four.

Whether in comics or movies, the Infinity Stones have mutual attraction properties. The six gems may have their own consciousness, and they also want to find companions to join together, so the infinite gems in each parallel world will eventually gather together.

Just like Richard now, he didn't put any special effort into collecting infinite stones, but now he has three inexplicably in his hand.

A single Infinity Stone has little effect on his strength now, but if six of them are put together to form a truly "infinite" closed ring, no one in the single universe can ignore this power.

So if this thing is destined to be gathered together, then he still chooses to hold it in his own hands.

After hearing the news, Richard immediately changed his original plan, said goodbye to Queen Lendra and rushed back to Earth.

The Reality Stone is just like its name. The corresponding function in the Infinity Stone is to "modify and control reality", which sounds very noble at first glance.

However, although it sounds awesome, there are actually many people in Marvel who can do this. For example, Wanda, the little witch next to Richard, actually has this potential. But in fact, most of the ability to modify reality has great limitations. For example, in the comics, Wanda wiped out all mutants in the world by saying "There are no more mutants". That was already the pinnacle of cheating and explosion. Ordinary modification of reality The ability is not so buggy.

The plot of Thor 2: Richard has some impression of the story line. He remembers that someone sent an email to physicist Jane Foster and told her a specific location where a space anomaly occurred.

So Richard immediately arranged for someone to search the emails and text messages received by Ms. Jane Foster, but found nothing. After further investigation, he was told that Ms. Foster was currently doing geological survey in Asia with her mentor, which was thousands of miles away from the original trajectory of time and space.

Richard slapped his forehead and suddenly remembered that in this time and space, Ms. Foster has nothing to do with Thor!

Her mentor, Dr. Eric Selvig, had not been mind-controlled by Loki, so he ran naked to Stonehenge without convulsions. The protagonists of the Thor 2 movie have now become completely unrelated people.

Richard rubbed his temples.

It seems that there is no shortcut, and then they have to find a way to find the space anomaly.

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