The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 625 Already ran away

The old man was having so much fun playing chess that he was a little dissatisfied with being suddenly interrupted. But he didn't say anything. He just told a group of chess friends that he had something to do. He got up and followed Richard to the side first.

These old agents have been told what to do, and they know who they are working for. Of course, when their immediate boss came to pick him up, they wouldn't say no, so they immediately let the old man go first. A group of old guys pretended to continue playing chess by themselves, but in fact they got together and secretly discussed the tactical arrangements for a while.

Richard led Odin to the empty room next to him and said, "How are you, are you getting used to living here?"

"Huh, just so-so." Odin is an old arrogant man, so naturally he can't say that he lives here like a living god every day. He said, "As earthlings, these old men are quite wise, and their chess skills are indeed worthy of praise. But of course, they are still far behind compared to my Odin."

Richard laughed, without revealing the truth. He gave a few simple compliments and then went straight to the point.

"Aether particles?" Odin glanced at him one more time with his one eye, "Have you found out about the ether particles?"

According to Asgard's records, ether particles are things that should only exist in history and have been deliberately forgotten. This evil black magic item has long been buried by Odin's predecessor Bor. Even the two princes Loki and Thor have never heard of it. Only Odin himself knows about it.

"Of course." Richard said, "The universe is very vast, and five thousand years is not a particularly long time for the universe, at least not so long that it completely buries the fact. In addition, you should also know that the entire universe is a god. In this jurisdiction, nothing that happens in this universe can escape the eyes of the gods."

Odin nodded: "That's right. But there's nothing to hide. Asgard defeated the Dark Elves and deprived them of their final weapon, the ether particles. But because this thing was too powerful to destroy, we buried it up, in a corner that will be forever forgotten and never discovered."

"So are you sure about this?" Richard asked.

Odin's white eyebrows moved, as if expressing doubt.

"For a wise man who has lived as long as you have, you should understand that nothing is absolute." Richard said, "Beyond the sky, the deepest part of the sea, anywhere you think you will always be safe and will never be found. There will come a time when it will be exposed. No place in the world can be forgotten forever, all it takes is time."

After a pause, he added: "And I don't think that the previous god king would really bury such a dangerous weapon in a place where he couldn't even find it. No one knew about it, no one guarded it, not even five people. If an accident occurs a thousand years later, future generations will not know where to look.”

The place where the ether particles are buried may be a bit hidden. After all, even Uncle Heimdall said in the movie that he couldn't see that place with his eyes. But Richard would never believe it if Odin himself couldn't find it. That was not Odin's style.

Odin was silent for a moment and said, "Do you want ether particles?"

"I want what's inside." Richard crossed his fingers, "And with all due respect, even if no one stepped into that place, the seal would have been about to be broken. The power of the things contained in the ether particles exceeds yours Even the seal of the previous god king cannot be suppressed forever. Now the seal is almost broken, and it will not be long before it will escape on its own and find its original owner-that is, the ancient Asgardian. enemy."

"You want to say that you are the one who solves our problems?"

Richard corrected: "I'm saying, this is a deal. I'll get rid of this trouble for you once and for all, and then I'll take away the contents of the ether particles in return. A fair deal."

Odin began to think.

The old man is a sensible person, and he can think clearly whether what Richard said is the truth.

As for whether he is willing to do this deal? Richard felt hopeful.

Neither the Ether, nor the Infinity Stones, nor Odin attach much importance to them. In the movie, Thor went through all kinds of troubles to retrieve the Ether. Later, Odin, an Easter egg in the movie, changed hands and gave it to a collector.

Rather than handing it over to a collector, it would be more cost-effective to trade it with Richard, an acquaintance.

Odin doesn't know yet that his wife Frigga even died due to ether particles in the original movie time and space. Richard killed the dark elves and took away the Reality Stone for Asgard, so this incident would naturally not have happened, and maybe he had saved Frigga's life in disguise. Thinking about it this way, he did a good thing.

Odin didn't think about it for long. After a moment, he raised his head: "You know, the previous God King left instructions saying that this thing is extremely dangerous and must not be handed over to anyone."

Richard smiled: "But we all know that you are not a follower of rules, right?"

The entrustment of the previous god king?

What a joke, who doesn’t know that Odin did everything his father forbid him to do when he was young?

Odin smiled too.

"Okay, you win," he said, "Then it's up to you."

The place where the ether particles are buried is technically within the Nine Realms, but it does not belong to any of the Nine Realms.

It was a gap between spaces, a place that theoretically did not exist, a dark corner that even Heimdall's so-called "all-seeing" eyes could not see.

The connection between the nine kingdoms has affected all the kingdoms, and it has also led to the leakage of this space gap. The ever-changing physical rules and distorted space have led to spaces that were not originally at the same location being connected, and at the same time, the passage to that sealed space has been opened.

Ms. Jane Foster accidentally found the secret door that opened accidentally in the movie, and was then dragged to the other side by the force of space. But now that Richard has Odin's guidance and the space gem in his hand, he naturally doesn't have to be so troublesome.

With a snap of his fingers and a portal created, Richard directly used the power of the space gem to forcefully open a door out of the chaos and strode into this space.

Then he finally found this place, where the ether particles first appeared in the movie.

Under the gloomy sky, a huge stone slab hung in mid-air. The two black boulders sealed the ether particles in the gap between them. Or that was how it should have been.

But he came late.

An obvious gap was created on the edge of the boulder. Judging from the traces, it was obviously from the inside out.

The ether particles have broken through the seal and slipped away on their own.

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