A group of dark elves were so aggressive that they looked like they wanted to come up and eat Richard alive at any time.

But they didn't take action directly. Malekith turned his head and seemed to say something in Dark Elf language to a tall man wearing armor next to him. The big man nodded calmly, and then Malekith suddenly drew his knife and stabbed the big man in the body.

Blood gurgled down from the wound of the tall dark elf, and the scene was shocking. The tall man's facial muscles twitched slightly in pain, but he stood still and straight.

Malekith leaned into his ear and whispered: "Everything is for the future of the dark elves."

Then he took out a small fragment and pressed it into the big man's wound without saying a word. The dark elf warrior trembled violently and roared violently, as if he was suffering from great pain.

Dark red stripes covered his body like veins of magma. The warrior's entire frame seemed to have grown in size, making him look like a miniature giant.

Others immediately put armor and helmet on him, making him look even more ferocious. But the erosion of his body by the dark red stripes seemed to be alleviated a little.

Richard could clearly see the energy building up in this dark elf's body, which was some kind of extremely unhealthy strengthening at the expense of his vitality.

He speculated that it should be some kind of ancient forbidden magic. What Malekith stuffed into this guy's body was similar to fragments of ether particles, which contained part of the energy of the Reality Stone. The dark elves used black magic to apply the power of ether, and injected this energy into the dark elves' bodies through the fragments, achieving explosive growth in strength.

They call the powerful warriors obtained through this almost sacrificial method "cursed warriors".

Amid the support and shouts of the dark elves, the tall guy charged towards Richard with long strides. His footsteps were like war hammers hitting the ground, shaking the ground.

The strength of the Cursed Warrior is also fully demonstrated in the movie. In Thor 2, the power of the Cursed Warrior completely overwhelms Thor, and he can catch Mjolnir with his bare hands. This level is probably not too far from the top in the universe, if not the top.

Richard became serious and took his hands out of his trench coat pockets.

It seems like you need to be more "careful" in dealing with it.

The cursed warrior rushed in front of him, roared violently and raised his huge fist, with a powerful punch that seemed to smash him into mud.


The sudden flash of light blinded everyone. The strong wind inspired by the power of the fist swept across the whole place like a mania, rolling up sand, stones and yellow dust. The group of thin dark elves present seemed to be blown away by the strong wind in an instant, and even the cross-shaped battleship of unknown tonnage seemed to be crumbling under the storm.

One punch, one moment.

Powerful cursed warriors are distracted and broken into pieces. The black armor shattered into pieces like glass. His skin was melted, his bones were scattered, and his internal organs seemed to be evaporated instantly under the ultra-high temperature. The three-meter-tall man was blown away from the inside out in the blink of an eye.

The ether energy injected into his body lost its carrier and was suddenly released like an erupting volcano. Dark red energy erupted on the spot, blasting several dark elves standing close to pieces on the spot.

The silver Nexus stood still in a punching posture, with dust flying and falling around him. Energy swirled around him loomingly, and the invisible aura shocked all the dark elves in the room. For a moment, no one dared to make a sound.

It was only then that Malekith realized that this time he seemed to have encountered a hard problem.

This guy who calls himself "Earthling" is not a mortal from Midgard at all. Malekith has never even heard of anything similar in his long career as the Elf King!

But now that the two sides have started fighting, it would undoubtedly be funny to seek reconciliation at this time. Malekith narrowed his eyes and shouted in a deep voice: "Get them all! Take him down!"

Of course, while he was talking, his hands were not idle either. The magic power in his whole body was activated, and ether particles swirled around him like a liquid storm, blasting towards Nexus like a surging wave!

Before acquiring the ultimate weapon of ether particles, the Cursed Warrior was basically the strongest trump card that the dark elves had. However, such a powerful warrior was playfully killed in front of this silver weirdo, which was enough to reflect the strength of the enemy.

Of course, Malekith can't expect his thousands of soldiers to kill such a powerful enemy with the help of human waves, but he only needs his soldiers to attract attention for him, and he still has to rely on himself to really deal out the damage.

As for whether it can hurt the other party?

Malekith didn't even think about it.

With the ether particles in hand, is there anyone in this world that he can't kill?

At least in the perception of the dark elves, ether is equivalent to the ultimate weapon. They believe that anyone who wields this weapon can easily sweep across the entire universe, and even God King Odin will have to kneel down when he comes!

Don't tell me, although the dark elves have not been able to develop the full power of the Reality Stone, their black magic combined with ether particles is indeed unique. There was an extremely strange aura in that aggressive dark red wave, which seemed to infect everything it passed along the way.

Magic is a product that is rejected by the current universe and is also excluded from the knowledge system of the current universe. Therefore, the gods of the universe are often not very good at dealing with this kind of thing. Even if those top bosses occasionally fight against the magic side, most of them rely on the powerful cosmic energy and their high-intensity control of energy to directly defeat them.

This kind of black magic mixed with real energy, Nexus did not use brute force to catch it, but turned his palm and flicked it to the side. The ability of the space gem was activated at the same time, and a faint blue light was thrown out along with the trajectory of his palm. There was an imperceptible slight deflection in the space, and the mighty ether energy turned slightly when it hit him, blasting into the dense crowd of dark elves next to him, instantly vaporizing a large area of ​​dark elves in front of him.

"Good accuracy."

Richard used his mental power to release oppression on the entire map, while not forgetting to taunt him. As Nexus' figure suddenly rose, a milky white air wave exploded under his feet, and he instantly jumped several meters into the air.

He raised his right arm and golden light gathered. As his arms swept across, the golden light turned into countless thunderbolts, and the lightning fell from the sky like a churning dragon, crackling down on the dense crowd. An AOE bombardment was pushed forward, and a large number of dark elves evaporated on the spot, and even the armor and bones were blown into particles.

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