The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 640 Can’t run away

The Silver Glider's guess is indeed correct. Nexus does not use "space cleavage" inside inhabited planets. Cutting off even a portion of the planet could trigger a chain reaction that could lead to a series of horrific natural disasters.

After all, he is an Ultraman, and he must have a bottom line of not hurting innocent people.

Silver Slide relies on the adjustment ability of the surfboard to directly penetrate the planet without slowing down. This trick is not impossible for Nexus to copy, but if he imitates it, his own speed will definitely be affected.

He can't fly at high speed and penetrate at the same time like the Silver Glider.

Although it was impossible to teleport directly near Yinliu's movement trajectory, it was still possible to adjust the angle and move diagonally above or below to avoid the planet to save time. Nexus became quantized again, moved around the planet in an instant, swooped down from an angle obliquely above, and continued to pursue the silver glider.

Next, Yin Hua ran specifically to places with obstacles, trying to delay the pursuers. He was already fast, and because he could penetrate with blur, and Nexus had to take a detour behind him, he was able to distance himself naturally. But once he reached a place where there was no planet to block him, Nexus raised his hand and fired "Space Deletion", and the distance he had just opened was forcibly deleted again.

The two of them chased each other, flying across countless galaxies but still at a stalemate.

It seemed like this on the surface, but in fact the Silver Glider was beginning to have a hard time.

Although both parties are also masters of cosmic energy, the Silver Glider is just pulling the plug, and Nexus is now a serious cosmic god. The energy used to chase the silver glider all the way is reduced, and Nexus can absorb the radiation and stellar energy in the universe while constantly replenishing it. Even if it flies for another day and night, it will still be out of breath.

It was clear that the Silver Glider couldn't hold on much longer.

He himself noticed this problem. He definitely has an advantage in terms of speed. His lack of spatial skills is a bit troublesome but not irreparable, but when it comes to endurance, he really has no moves.

Despite his reluctance, the Silver Glider has begun to slow down slowly. He realized that he couldn't go on like this, he had to get rid of his pursuers before the remaining energy was used up.

Fortunately, he already had an idea.

The two of them chased each other and unknowingly arrived at the territory of the Kree Empire. After traveling through two star fields at an unknown number of times the speed of light, an extremely large vortex appeared in the space in front of the two people, slowly rotating in the silent space.

That's a stargate.

Just like in the movie "Thor: Ragnarok", Gao Tianzun's planet is surrounded by countless star gates, each of which is a space tunnel across countless galaxies, connecting to a certain coordinate on the far side.

There are some natural star gates in the universe itself, and later, as major civilizations and technologies developed, many of them were built artificially. After all, the universe is too vast, and it would take a long time to cross the galaxy even at the speed of an interstellar battleship. Stargate jumping is an indispensable technology in interstellar navigation.

And these star gates sometimes involve not only space, but also some changes in time. Just like the brothers Thor and Loki in the movie Thor 3, they were kicked out of the Rainbow Bridge together, but the time they landed on the planet Gao Tianzun was slightly different by a few weeks.

And this is exactly what the Silver Glider has found now.

Without thinking, he stepped on his skateboard, turned into a flash of silver light, and flew into the depths of the vortex.

The golden light all over Nexus's body swelled, like a golden meteor, and he also chased into it.

Inside the vortex is a chaotic space tunnel, filled with terrifying pressure that seems to crush everything. Countless turbulent currents surged in the same direction, like a raging wind.

The silver glider rushed in, but did not move forward in the direction of the passage. He stepped on the skateboard and accelerated, rushing into the side of the tunnel at a forty-five-degree angle. The silver body disappeared into the chaotic flow outside the tunnel and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

This was his escape route.

Rushing into the star gate, and then rushing into the chaos outside the fixed route of the star gate, so that the place and time when he comes out from the other side will be random - just like the two Hammer brothers in Thor 3 .

Even if the one chasing behind him is a true god of the universe, there is absolutely no way to find his escape point in random time and space, because even he himself is not sure when and where he will fly out.

From the corner of the unknown galaxy, a streak of silver light shot out like an arrow. The silver glider stepped on his surfboard and braked at high speed. Energy surged around his body, and his whole body was wrapped in a spherical transparent force field.

Entering turbulence is not an easy task. Resisting space squeeze, self-protection and balance control all require a lot of energy. In addition, he had been squandering energy uncontrollably during the previous pursuit. While sprinting at full speed, he continued to destroy spatial coordinates and blur the body through penetration. These all seriously aggravated his consumption.

The result is that now his blue bar has bottomed out, and he may not even have the strength to fly back to resume his life.

Silver Glider was half-kneeling on his surfboard, panting violently and silently.

This was his last resort, but luckily it worked. He got rid of the terrifying pursuer, and now he could find a place to rest for a while, and then return to report when his strength was restored.

Of course, he had to confirm where he was before doing that.

Being thrown out of the turbulence of time and space, he had no idea where he was now. He had to find a reference object to calibrate and locate his position.

Many people think that the universe is just a dark patch, with stars twinkling in the sky and looking the same wherever they go. In fact, this is not true. There is absolutely no place where scenes are repeated in the universe. Experienced people can easily determine their orientation based on star maps, the Milky Way, or stars.

The silver glider stood up, his eyes slowly sweeping across the sky, but suddenly he froze as if he felt something.

An extremely dangerous instinct hit him from behind, like the cold wind from hell that sent chills down his spine.

Almost out of physical instinct, the remaining cosmic energy was instantly mobilized on the surfboard, and the silver light climbed up his body, covering his whole body like invisible airflow.

But it was still a step too late. Before the silver glider could make any movement, the fiery and dazzling golden arm blade was already attached to his throat.

Someone stopped him from behind, and the sharp blade was less than a centimeter away from his vital part.

Nexus floated silently behind him, and his powerful aura locked onto the silver glider's body.

"You can't run away, brother." Richard said with mental strength, "Now, I suggest you cooperate a little bit, how about going back with me to have some tea?"

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