Yingpu Laizha, who was almost scrapped just now, returned to his original state in an instant and continued to repeat mechanical movements and walked up. It raised its arms, and gunfire roared in front of it.

Nexus' figure flashed, a quantum flash escaped the intensive fire attack, and the next moment he appeared beside Ying Pulaizha.

He extended his right fist, but it was held firmly by Yingpu Laizha's huge mechanical arm. He took half a step back and swept his left leg, but Yingpu Laiza raised his arm to block the attack.

Richard's heart moved slightly.

The response speed seems to be getting faster?

In a flash of lightning, the barrel of the cannon on Ying Pulai's head rotated, energy exploded, and the red-hot cannon exploded on Nexus's chest armor.

The power is surprisingly amazing. Nexus's chest felt tight, and with a low groan he was blown away. He fell to the ground on his back like an earthquake, and his body was almost swallowed up by the red dust.

Using his body to directly bear the blow, he seemed to have made some new discoveries.

Nexus stood up from his knees and looked at the robot more solemnly.

There's no mistake, the cannonball just now contained cosmic energy.

Except for the creations of the God of the Universe, Richard seemed to have the impression that no civilization in Marvel could control the energy of the universe, not even the most powerful planet-level battleships. The three major empires of the universe have spent a lot of resources and manpower to research this god-level energy, but no one has been able to weaponize it so far.

So the person behind the scenes not only masters Impelaza’s technology, but also knows how to use cosmic energy?

Who is it?

While he was thinking, Yingpu Laizha blasted out another high-precision energy ray. The red-hot beam cut a huge crack along the red-brown earth like a sword blade, heading straight in the direction of Nexus.

Nexus flew into the air, and red light passed through the soles of his feet. He flew into the air, stretched his arms across his chest, and the golden light released from the energy core condensed into a golden bow and arrow, which was loaded on his wrist.

Nexus straightened his arm, and the light of his bow locked onto Implaza condescendingly.

If the first shot didn't work, he would try another more powerful shot. He still didn't believe that this robot was really immortal.

However, I don't know if Yingpu Laizha realized the threat of this move, but suddenly it seemed to have lost its will to fight. The robot's arms drooped, the light from the muzzle and eyes slowly extinguished, and it stood still like a toy with its battery unplugged.

At the same moment, Richard sensed darkness.

A similar feeling to before, some powerful darkness penetrated Meta's realm. He raised his head and saw a huge gaping hole in the colorful sky. The dark vortex slowly opened, spitting out streaks of lightning into the realm.

It's that advanced dark realm.

However, the opponent did not completely infect the Meta field, but only opened a gap on the top of Ying Pulaizha's head. The space transfer device mounted on Impelaza was also activated simultaneously. Two transmission rings passed through the robot's body, and the entire huge body suddenly disappeared into thin air, seemingly transferred into the vortex.

As the vortex swirled, there was only silence in Meta's realm.

Richard lowered his arms and looked a little solemnly.

A storm is coming, and this is just the beginning.

A few minutes ago, over the Pacific Ocean, on the Aegis Helicarrier.

Implaza's arrival in the city not only plunged the whole of New York into panic, but the news was also immediately spread to the intelligence networks of various important departments. Naturally, SHIELD was notified as well.

"The giant robot has landed in New York, Director!" The female agent rushed to Stark's Director's office. "The other party is bombing the streets of New York indiscriminately with energy weapons!"

Stark suddenly stood up from his seat. While following the female agent quickly to the command room, he asked: "How much do we know about the enemy?"

"People from the Ministry of Science said it should be an alien creation. The weapon technology and design model do not look like products on Earth." The agent said.

Stark frowned.

Another alien?

When he walked into the command room, the situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly.

"Director! Ultraman has appeared and is fighting that robot now!"

"The two sides are fighting fiercely, and it seems that the outcome is not clear for the time being. Ah, Ultraman used the meta field! They left the city and entered the subspace."

Maria Hill stepped forward: "Are we going to intervene?"

"Send a Quinjet to reconnoiter the situation." Stark said, "Focus on reconnaissance and try to avoid crossfire. We will make a decision if the situation requires it."

Deputy Director Hill responded and turned to go down to make arrangements.

However, at this moment, a dull and loud scream came from the mothership. The entire ship shook violently, and all lights, screens, and computer equipment went out.

The command room suddenly became completely dark. Not only the command room, but the entire mothership became pitch black from head to toe, and it seemed that 90% of the systems were paralyzed. Only the turbine engine with its independent backup power source continued to run, preventing the big ship from plunging from a height of several thousand meters.

The agents were suddenly in chaos.

"What's going on?" Stark asked.

"I don't know, a large-scale power outage occurred for unknown reasons." Someone answered, "The backup power supply did not respond either."

"Friday?" Stark called.

After taking office as Director of SHIELD, Stark had already connected his artificial intelligence Friday to SHIELD's system, making it easier to manage his work. However, this time Jarvis did not respond.

A few seconds later, the central computer in the command room turned on again, the interface on the screen began to change rapidly, and massive data scrolled past. The operator in front of the computer raised his hands in surprise, indicating that he had done nothing.

Stark walked up quickly and pulled the operator away. He sat in front of the computer and started typing. He tried entering various commands, but there was no response. The computer stubbornly went its own way and entered a top-secret area under the watchful eyes of everyone.

A complex password box popped up, and the computer quickly and automatically entered the password to unlock it. Then a map appeared on the screen, and when everyone took a closer look, they found that it seemed to be a map of the entire American continent. Their floating carrier was clearly marked on the map, with countless bright red arrows pointing from the carrier to various areas of the entire continent.

A bright red countdown popped up at the top of the screen, with five minutes remaining.

Stark's face turned pale and his expression became quite ugly.

"It's a nuclear bomb." He stood up quickly, "Someone is going to launch all the nuclear bombs on our ship!"

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