Bow arrow light!

Blue Nexus's ultimate move shot straight through Impreza's body and cut through the center of the robot's body.

A clear and deep crack was left on Yingpu Laizha's body, which spread and cracked rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Cracks spread all over the robot's body along with the transmitted golden light, and the majestic light energy spread into its body.

Ying Pulaizha's movements stopped, as if a stop button had been pressed. It stood there, the red light in its eyes flashing and extinguishing. After a moment, it swayed, and its body slowly fell back and down.

Boom! ! !

There was a huge bang, and the moment Yingpu Laizha hit the ground, his whole body exploded. The light energy contained in the bow beam exploded from the inside out, shattering its indestructible body and scattering all parts, armor, and weapons to the particle level.

Well, maybe not all.

Richard clicked his tongue inwardly.

This big guy was stronger than he thought.

The red smoke screen in the Meita field gradually dissipated, and Implaza's huge body disappeared without a trace. But there are still wreckage on the ground, some of which have been bombarded to pieces and whose appearance is so severely deformed that it is difficult to distinguish their original appearance.

But there are still wreckage left.

Richard is very aware of how Impreza operates, especially this Impreza who is ten times and a hundred times more powerful than the original Ultraman series. It can continue to regenerate as long as there is a fragment left.

But it was crushed to such an extent that even it might not be able to regenerate immediately.

So it needs to retreat and take some time to regroup.

So the feeling from last time reappeared - the feeling of being penetrated into Meta's realm. Richard could clearly feel that some kind of cold malice had seeped into his realm of light. The other party easily invaded this subspace and opened a dark gap in the rippling aurora sky.

A dark realm.

A dark stream of light was released from the sky, covering the wreckage of Yingpu Laiza everywhere. Every piece of debris was sucked into the black hole, until the vortex slowly swirled and there was no trace at all.

In the dark realm.

This is a new and completely different dark realm. The sky was still as red as blood, but it was deeper than the previous dark realm.

The ground is covered with purple-black rocks, with a strange green light reflecting on the surface. The space was divided into two halves, one half was purple-black land, and the other half was a deep, dark river.

The fragments of Impelaza were absorbed into this space and suspended in mid-air under the guidance of a mass of darkness.

The shroud of dark energy seemed to accelerate its recovery process. I saw countless fragments quickly integrating and reorganizing under the guidance of darkness, and soon merged and transformed into the form of a giant robot.

Although there are still many missing parts and the internal structure is not yet perfect, at least it has returned to the overall appearance of Implaza.

However, at this moment, the sacred blue light suddenly tore apart the dark red sky! A stream of blue light swooped down from above, hit Implaza's body from behind, penetrated from the front, and left a hole that was burned red in its abdominal cavity.

The ultimate light!

Yingpu Laizha's movements stopped mechanically again, and the process of self-recovery was also forced to a halt.

The light rushed through its body, constantly shattering its internal devices that had just recovered, smashing into its body and shooting out.

Impreza's self-healing system finally exceeded its capacity. The robot's entire body was gradually enveloped in blue light, and was finally broken down into blue light particles that filled the sky and dissipated.

This time, it was truly and completely defeated.

Nexus fell from the sky and landed lightly on the deep ground of this new dark realm.

When he realized there was an attack coming, it was already a little late.

The attack came silently, without even the slightest energy fluctuation. Nexus turned his head based on instinct, and suddenly saw a crescent-shaped jet-black impact blasting in front of him, violently impacting the armor on his chest.

Powerful and intense darkness exploded in his chest, and dark ripples spread, accompanied by exploding sparks. Nexus groaned and was knocked away from his back, and his tens of thousands of tons of body fell hard to the ground.

A feeling of shortness of breath quickly spread from his chest. Nexus climbed up with difficulty, feeling the energy inside his body surge. A darkness filled with intense hatred that chilled his bones was entrenched in his body and was difficult to suppress.

Richard quickly understood. It shouldn't be that the opponent's attack didn't fluctuate at all, but that it was perfectly concealed. There are thick dark particles floating everywhere in this entire dark realm, and dark fluctuations flow in this subspace like air. This provided an excellent cover for the enemy's attack, so he didn't react until the laser hit him.

"To be honest, this was beyond my expectation."

A low and strange voice echoed in the space, and it sounded like someone was speaking with a hoarse voice on purpose.

Richard knew that voice. He had heard it before when he was recovering the Reality Stone, and he was pretty sure it was the same guy.

"I have been observing you and studying you. Judging from the intelligence so far, I thought you would be more cautious. Breaking into a completely unknown space for you is a battle that is extremely disadvantageous to you. field, and you still don’t know anything about the strength and capabilities of the enemies that may exist in it.”

Richard said nothing, but he managed to locate the owner of the voice.

Shadows appeared under the dark red sky. First there were lines, which gradually formed the human form, then colors and stripes.

What finally appeared in front of him was a guy who looked like a dark giant, with a body similar to Ultraman and a red and black body.

But he swore he had never seen this guy in the original work.

"Not such a smart decision, right?" The other party's voice was full of teasing and playfulness, "Now that you're here, you've met me, and you got what you wanted. But you don't understand my field and my abilities at all, do you? "

Nexus stood up straight.

"So I'm here now preparing to figure that out."

"You're quite confident. But do you really think that once you're here, you can still go out whenever you want?"

"That's a problem for later. In fact, if I knock you down, I can get out." Richard said calmly, "Now, let's deal with the first problem. How about starting with who you are. You and What does Zaki have to do with it?”

"Dark Zaki?" The other party sneered disdainfully.

"He is just a pawn, a pawn who thinks he can make the decision. As for me? You can remember it. My name is Dark Lucifer."

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