The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 683 Gao Tianzun’s Arena

Richard had heard this story a long time ago.

As the total energy source of the Infinity Stones, the Power Stone once existed in the universe in the form of a cosmic spirit ball. As an artifact with power that rivals the gods, it has been fought over by countless generations.

That was something that happened a long time ago, even before the birth of the human race. A cosmic elder once obtained the cosmic spirit ball by chance and mastered the powerful power of the power stone.

As mentioned before, the elders of the universe are all people with special hobbies, and they all regard certain hobbies as their anchors. In this elder's case, his anchor is combativeness, and he likes to seek excitement and challenges.

After getting the Power Stone, he felt that he was invincible, so he ran to challenge the legendary supreme god in the universe, Galactus, the creator god.

Unfortunately, although Uncle Tun was extremely hungry most of the time and was not very strong, he happened to have just finished eating and was not that hungry at that time. So the old man conveniently gave the elder of the universe who was just looking for trouble a beating, treating it as an after-dinner exercise.

Soon, the beaten Elder Universe was not convinced and called a large group of brothers to come and cause trouble for Uncle Tun. A great war ensued between Galactus and the Council of the Elders of the Universe, the outcome of which is unknown.

But since then, Uncle Tun and the Presbyterian Church have officially become enemies. In the long years since then, conflicts of varying sizes have always broken out whenever the two sides interacted.

But judging from this time, it was obviously Uncle Tun who suffered the loss.

Gao Tianzun's arena is the scene that appeared in the movie "Thor: Ragnarok". The movie explains that that place is outside the Nine Realms and is described as the location of the "boundary of the universe."

But in fact, the planet is not really on the boundary of the universe, but its location is indeed a bit remote, outside the jurisdiction of the three major empires. There are countless star gates surrounding the area. Through each star gate, one can travel to all corners of the interstellar space. Traffic extends in all directions, and can reach almost any corner of the known galaxy.

At the end of Avengers 2, the Hulk left the atmosphere in a Quinjet fighter, and when he appeared again in Thor 3, he had already appeared in Gao Tianzun's arena.

Although Stark's black technology is indeed awesome, riding a Quinjet across countless galaxies and flying to a planet at the other end of the universe?

Of course that's impossible. The Quinjet fighter Hulk was riding must have encountered a certain star gate after leaving the earth. After being sucked into the star gate, it accidentally fell to Gao Tianzun's planet.

Leaving the planet VOLDI, Richard used the space gem again, and a flash came to the star field where Gao Tianzun was.

He didn't teleport directly to that planet. No matter how funny Gao Tianzun is, he can still be regarded as a god of the universe. If the energy transmitted through space is detected by the other party, things will become very troublesome.

And if Uncle Tun is really imprisoned here, the security of this place may be even tighter than usual.

Richard flew in directly in photon form and inquired about some basic information.

This planet is actually quite similar to the planetary fortress "War World" in DC next door. There are civilizations and residents living on the planet. Gao Tianzun is the ruler of this planet and the manager of the arena in the center of the planet.

The arena is equivalent to the core of the planet. Gao Tianzun is responsible for catching powerful warriors from various galaxies and throwing them into the arena for a duel for the residents to watch. The residents are also extremely enthusiastic about this kind of competitive activities, even to the point of being a little crazy. It is no exaggeration to say that this arena is the ruling center of the planet.

This also means that the arena is the most important part of the entire planet. Gao Tianzun's personal residence, his palace, space battleships, spaceships, and all military forces are all concentrated inside the arena.

Putting himself in his shoes, Richard felt that if he were Gao Tianzun and he planned to imprison a thousand-meter-tall giant on this planet, it would definitely be somewhere in this huge athletic facility.

So the next step is to blend in.

But he soon discovered that it wasn't that easy.

As the sole core of the planet, the arena's facilities are surprisingly difficult to get into.

First of all, space transmission must be blocked. This is the basis. These days, most space battleships are equipped with teleportation shielding devices. There is no reason why such an important facility should not have one.

Convert your body into a quantum state and fly through the wall?

It would be easy to say if you just want to pass through the outermost wall. When the venue is open, ordinary residents are allowed to pass through the first wall and enter the arena to watch the game.

But if he wanted to go deeper, he would have to find a way to create a high-density energy network that completely covered all buildings.

Richard observed this network. It was pure cosmic energy and mixed with some special impurities. It was obviously the work of the elder of the universe.

Find a way to knock someone out and directly possess that person to blend in?

This seems to be the most feasible solution so far, but there are still risks.

Ordinary people will be easily fooled by Ultraman's "ghost-possessed" trick, but the gods of the universe cannot. If he bumps into a cosmic elder inside, he will definitely be exposed on the spot just by looking at him.

Now is a special period. Prepare for the worst. Richard speculates that there may be more than one Elder of the Universe in Gao Tianzun's arena. God knows how many elders gathered together to fight against Uncle Tun.

Galactus had not been able to benefit from this group of elders, and Richard felt that he might not be able to do it either. No matter what, it was still too difficult for one person to face an unknown number of universe elders, and he didn't want to take the risk.

A little troublesome.

Richard stood outside the arena, in a crowded market with people coming and going. He looked up at the high wall and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

The Thor 3 movie focuses too much on comedy elements, making Gao Tianzun and his facilities look like a joke. It wasn't until he faced the problem himself that Richard unexpectedly discovered that it was not the case at all.

So how did Brother Hammer get in at that time?

If you think about it carefully, in the movie, Brother Hammer seemed to be thrown directly into the garbage dump by the Rainbow Bridge, and was picked up like garbage by the Valkyrie who was transferred into a scavenger warrior.

Richard was startled and suddenly thought of something.

Wait, doesn’t this mean that those who were captured to fight in the arena, as well as the scavengers who sold these warriors, have the opportunity to enter and leave the arena?

Suddenly he seemed to have an idea.

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