As a contestant, Ge Ting was completely confused.

In his opinion, he was a complete novice in front of this guy who could make thunder with a hammer, the kind who couldn't get on the stage at all. Several times, he felt that if the other party got serious, he might be knocked down in one blow.

But it is an indisputable fact that this ridiculous person was "accidentally" knocked away by him several times.

Release water?

He didn't think so. This arena is not only a matter of victory but also life and death. It is normal for someone to die on the arena. He doesn't think anyone would let go in such a situation.

So could it be that he is actually stronger than he thought?

The more Ge Ting played, the more confident he became, and his attacks became bolder. Thor swung his hammer and fought with him, and the two sides fought back and forth, which was quite exciting. The audience watched with excitement, their voices became louder and louder, and their emotions were aroused to the extreme.

Gao Tianzun was also happy to watch in the VIP area. At this moment, he felt that Richard was simply a nobleman of their Saka planet. This "Lord of Thunder" was simply a treasure. He had not seen such an evenly matched and exciting battle for a long time. This deal was definitely worth it. !

However, in fact, if he really started to fight, Brother Zhui would really beat the opponent to the ground as soon as he faced him.

The battle on the field now is actually a drama, a drama performed according to the script given by Richard. Before the war started, he specifically told Brother Hammer to find a way to prolong the duel as long as possible. They had to continue playing for at least half an hour until after nine-thirty, and preferably all night long.

Because according to yesterday's test results, nine-thirty is exactly the time for data exchange between the special cell under the arena and the outside. It is also Richard's only chance to sneak in and save people.

The competitive competition is the grandest event on Sakaar, and most of the people in the whole building, including Gao Tianzun, will come here to watch. Even those who could not come to the scene will mostly watch the broadcast on live television.

This also means that it will also be the time when the defensive power in the arena is the most empty.

Thor is indeed a good friend. He acted quite like that. He looked like he was fighting back and forth with the big guy named Ge Ting. They were locked in a stalemate for a long time. Looking at the passionate posture of both parties, it was really a bit strange. It means fighting until dawn.

Richard glanced sideways at the time and found that a quarter of an hour had passed.

It is now 9:15 on Sakaar time, and there is still a quarter of an hour left before the server is synchronized.

It looked like Thor could drag out the next quarter of an hour with ease.

The corners of Richard's mouth raised slightly.

If the plan goes well, he won't need to have a direct conflict with any of the universe elders. Just tonight, he could snatch Uncle Tun from the prison without anyone noticing, and escape with Thor. By the time the elders of the universe came to their senses, they were already at the other end of the universe. By then, Uncle Tun would most likely have been resurrected on the spot with full health.

The original plan should have been like this if there was no unexpected situation.

Saka star time, 9:30 at night.

Every ray of starlight in the planetary night disappeared.

This is not an exaggerated description, this is literally what it means. A black shadow so huge that no one could see the edges was suspended over the planet Saka, covering every star in the field of vision.

It was a super battleship that alternated between deep purple and darkness. Its thousands-mile-long super-long body shrouded the city below like an endless black cloud. The battleship's jet system and powerful energy field affected the magnetic field of Sakaar, causing the fragmentation of city blocks and changes in the land mass.

The gravel was sucked up into the air piece by piece, and was crushed into powder by the invisible pressure in the air.

That's Galactus' super battleship.

Gao Tianzun's playful expression disappeared immediately. He suddenly stood up from his seat and sternly ordered that the duel was cancelled, and that the soldiers from both sides would postpone the fight again.

The collectors who were in the same private room as Gao Tianzun and the universe elders scattered in other VIP rooms also set out and quickly gathered in Gao Tianzun's room.

"She's here," said the blue-skinned elder with a big pie face.

"She's just a young girl." An elder said, "There's nothing to be afraid of."

"Don't be careless. Even if she is a girl with no hair, she is still a god and cannot be underestimated."


The elders of the universe were all extremely nervous as they faced a powerful enemy, but so was Richard.

There is no doubt that the person driving that battleship was Ganata. She came here to save her father.

Of course, Ganata couldn't know about Richard's plan. She didn't even know that he was on Saka, so she couldn't blame her. It's just that the timing of her appearance was really unlucky.

Originally, Richard's plan could be successfully implemented if he only had to wait another fifteen minutes, but now it was obvious that he could not wait that long.

There was a change of plan and he had to take action now.

And now, he also wants to take Ganata with him.

The arena was quickly evacuated, and all the spectators screamed and fled like frightened birds and animals. The crowd crowded out like a tidal wave from all the passages around the venue, and the arena was blocked and chaotic inside and outside. Gao Tianzun's men are now trying their best to maintain order and evacuate the crowd, and it seems that manpower is extremely scarce.

And the Elder of the Universe? Of course they don't have time to pay attention to these trivial matters now.

It was only at this moment that Richard finally determined that there were several cosmic elders on Saka.

The answer is six.

The six cosmic elders showed their original appearances at the same time. The two funny brothers, including Gao Tianzun and Collector, also grew in size, transforming into sky-high giants, standing in a circle outside the arena.

The purple starship stopped. All its engines sprayed downwards to keep the huge body suspended in the air. A hatch at the bottom of the ship opened, shooting dim light downwards.

The girl who also grew in size revealed her form in the light. Ganata appeared in a half-crouched position on the streets of Saka Star City, stood up slowly, and stood between the steel-cast buildings.

She wore the purple armor and the helmet with opposite horns. The purple light swirled around her like invisible air currents. The aura formed by the cosmic energy was overwhelming, and any intelligent creature standing near her was almost suppressed. Near shock.

The elders of the universe slowly stepped forward. They deliberately arranged themselves in a semicircle, surrounding Ganata in the middle. The auras formed by the overflowing cosmic energy from the elders are connected with each other, as if they form an invisible wall of energy.

The battle is about to break out.

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