The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 691 The Star-Eating Girl VS the Elder of the Universe

The powerful beam roared out, tearing apart the space and dividing the heaven and the earth. The gigantic purple girl moved across the city of Sakaar at an unbelievable speed. The golden light followed closely behind her afterimage, and the solid earth was cut open as easily as a piece of tofu.

Ganata moved at high speed and soared lightly into the air, her body a hundred meters high as light as a feather. She somersaulted over the head of the cosmic elder who was trying to chase her, and kicked him in reverse. The elder was staggered back and knocked down a low building next to the arena.

Gao Tianzun was so angry that he screamed: "Be careful! This is my territory! Do you know how much hard-earned money it will cost me to repair it if it is damaged casually?"

"Don't talk nonsense yet." The collector said, flipping his palms and blasting a cosmic ray at Ganata, "Don't take it lightly just because your opponent is a little girl. Take her down, and I will take her helmet back. As a collection, that one must be unique.”

Ganata skipped a few blocks away, cosmic rays crisscrossing in front of her and creating cracks. Neighborhoods were torn apart, roads were broken into several sections, as if they were sinking into the ground, and dust was billowing hundreds of meters high.

Before Ganata could stand still, powerful energy fluctuations surrounded her again.

Sensing the threat, she immediately took to the air again, her toes barely touching the ground before she was already flying again.

The ground cracked, and thick green vines shot out from the ground. The crooked leaves and branches are intertwined, and the scale is unusually large.

Fortunately, Ganata's senses were astonishingly sharp. If she had escaped half a second later, she would have been bound by the vines and branches.

She knew that it was definitely not an ordinary plant. With Ganata's eyes, she could clearly see the cosmic energy flowing in every branch and leaf.

It is a plant life shaped by the reorganization of matter by the omnipotent cosmic energy, and uses the power of time to super-accelerate its growth. This is why this AOE group control can cover a mile in radius in the blink of an eye. It is a very terrifying restraint technique.

The person who used this trick was a gardener, one of the elders of the universe, whose hobby was growing flowers and grass.

Ganata swooped in the air, locked the gardener's position, and left. The elder of the universe could not sit back and wait for death. When he raised his arm, the branches and leaves of the trees and vines all over the place immediately responded. The tree vines continued to grow out of the ground at super speed like a giant twisting snake. The thick trunks and vines quickly gathered together, growing and rising, and actually transformed into a giant tree man with a height of more than 100 meters. With his body Standing in front of the elder!

The tree man roared loudly but loudly, and raised his hand to grab Ganata who was rushing down from the air. Ganata did not dodge, she opened her snow-white right hand, a blue light flashed in her palm, and her material reorganization ability was activated, quickly creating an object.

The blue light flashed, and the huge tree man was immediately cut in half!

The tree man's life of only one second ended quickly. Ganata held a blue light blade, slashed through the tree man's waist, and rushed straight to the gardener's face without losing momentum.

A gardener is a gardener who grows flowers and grass. Although he is very capable, he really knows nothing about close combat. When he saw Ganata approaching, he immediately panicked and backed away hastily and messily.

Ganata raised the knife and was about to strike, but suddenly she felt the air flow beside her, and her black hair was blown up by the strange wind.

Her steps suddenly paused, and she almost reflexively raised the knife sideways to protect herself.

Even with her eyesight, she couldn't see clearly what happened. She only felt a golden light flashing in front of her eyes, and she vaguely seemed to see a figure.

The next moment, the light blade in her hand came out involuntarily, automatically decomposed into pure energy and dissipated. She received a heavy punch on the armor in her lower abdomen and took a few steps back involuntarily.

A pure golden figure from head to toe stopped five hundred meters in front of her, turned his head and smiled, then accelerated again, dragging the afterimage behind him and running like a hurricane.

Sprinter, the Elder of the Universe, is also the truly fastest person in the current universe.

At the beginning of the birth of the universe, when the elders of the universe gained endless divine power, only the cosmic energy obtained by the sprinters was fully expressed in the form of increased speed. His corresponding interests are exploration and running, and he has a deep obsession with racing with others. He runs from one end to the other in the universe all year round, and likes to drag passing strong people into races.

As the messenger of Galactus, the Silver Glider is close to the peak of the Marvel Universe in terms of speed, but it is nothing compared to the Sprinter.

Let's put it this way, with the speed of a sprinter, even if he runs backwards, he can get rid of Yin Sliding eight roads.

Ganata couldn't keep up with his speed, so she could only rely on intuition and energy shield to barely resist the sprinter's elusive attack. But despite this, she still received several heavy blows on her face, calves and shoulders, and almost lost her balance several times.

But before she could figure out a way to defeat this speedster, the next frame skip happened right after.

"Look here, Star Swallowing Girl!"

Ganata turned around suddenly and saw a huge fist hitting her face. The fist triggered an astonishing hurricane. The huge wind pressure and the brute force were enough to penetrate the space, making it almost impossible to open one's eyes.

With no time to think, Ganata hurriedly turned around and faced him with a palm. The force of the confrontation made her almost lose consciousness in her arms, and she took several steps back before barely regaining her balance.

The champion of the universe, the powerful elder of the universe, was the holder of the power stone.

Hmm. Yes, that's right. He was the embarrassing guy who got the Power Stone before and boldly challenged Uncle Tun, only to be beaten up. Precisely because of this, he is considered to be the one who has a direct personal grudge against Uncle Tun.

The champion of the universe punched with two punches. Ganata lowered her head to avoid one punch, stretched out her hand to block another punch, and then clenched her fist with her right hand. The material reorganization was activated, the cosmic energy cannon transformed, and a cosmic ray impact from zero distance hit him head-on!

The champion of the universe was blown away on his back, fell heavily, and crushed a building amidst another burst of painful cries from Gao Tianzun.

But the sprinter's fist followed closely, and another punch hit the side of Ganata's face like a golden cannonball.

She tried to walk, but the vines wrapped around her calves unknowingly. Cosmic energy flowed through the rattan, blocking her movements like a chain.

The other three elders blasted out cosmic rays, hitting Ganata's armor at the same time. The girl groaned and was knocked to the ground on her back. The street was shattered by her rumble, and the ground sank suddenly. The crackling sound sounded like a sharp scream.

Ganata's vision began to become blurry.

She was not in the best condition to begin with, and fighting six cosmic elders at the same time had already exhausted her physical strength and energy.

But this was also an outcome she had long foreseen, a possibility she had long thought of.

At least she tried and she has no regrets.

Just a little bit regretful.

She reached out and touched her chest, where she wore the pendant Richard gave her under the thick armor.

Sorry, Mr. Li. I can't seem to keep my promise.

I may not be as great a patron saint as you.

Ganata closed her eyes gently.

Then in the dark world before her eyes, light seemed to suddenly appear in a trance.

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