The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 693 Six Elders of the Universe

In fact, if I must say it, the Power Stone is the least helpful to Richard among the Infinity Stones.

The nature of the Infinity Stones determines that in anyone's hands they can only exert their own power at most, which cannot be superimposed with the holder's own power.

In other words, there is no difference in power between Thanos holding the Power Stone and punching his fist with Nexus holding the Power Stone.

But now in Star Destroyer form, Nexus's own fist power is no weaker than the Power Gem, so this gem seems unnecessary.

Ultraman and the six elders of the universe fought on the Sakaar planet. The two sides fought so hard that the world was turned upside down. Energy shocks and air vibrations seemed to tear the planet and the space itself into pieces at any time.

In fact, if both warring parties were not at the high-end god level, able to control their own power freely and accurately concentrate their powerful energy on the target, the planet would have been destroyed in the fierce battle.

The seven giants were fighting fiercely in the sky and on the earth, and the people below were in misery. Residents ran as far away from the arena as possible, and even people living nearby fled from their homes. The street was blocked for a while, and the crowd was like a surging tide.

However, there was only one person nearby who unusually did not escape with the crowd.

It was the woman who called herself Neve.

She was currently standing on the roof of a building not far from the battlefield, still wearing the dress she wore in the arena venue.

The gods in front of them all used big moves that destroyed the heaven and earth, causing the space to shatter and the earth to crack. The strong wind blew her black hair and her skirt flew up, revealing her slender white legs.

She smiled and stretched out her hand, and a wine glass appeared out of thin air in her white palm.

"Cheers." She said, raising her glass, and she didn't know who she was talking to in the strong wind.

After repelling the three cosmic elders in front of him again, Nexus stood up, stretched out his arms, and let out a low shout.

I saw four different colors of gems, red, purple, gold, and blue, coming out from different directions. They circled several times in the air, and finally flew into Nexus' chest with four different colored trajectories. within the energy core.

The majestic energy burst out from the V-shaped energy core on Ultraman's chest. The four-color light covered his whole body like fire, and the energy that escaped shattered the ground at his feet.

"Be careful, he has four infinite gems in his hand." Gao Tianzun said in a deep voice.

"How come he has so many gems?" Sprinter asked, "Don't you mean that the infinite gems are too dangerous and shouldn't be stored in the same place?"

"Don't worry about him." The Collector said, "The Infinity Stones are mine. After defeating him, I accepted all the stones."

The figure flashed, the air flow exploded, and Nexus' figure disappeared again, and in the next moment he appeared among the six elders.

He swung his fist, and the power of his fist exploded. The strong wind was mixed with the turbulence of elements, and the momentum was like a rainbow!

The champion of the universe received his punch, while the other elders avoided it. Gao Tianzun blasted out cosmic rays from the left wing, and the sprinter ran around the field several times in this flash of lightning, throwing the spear of cosmic energy into lightning at high speed.

Nexus takes his time and responds calmly. He knocked back the champion of the universe with a backhand, swatted away Gao Tianzun's ray with a sweep of his left arm, turned his wrist with his right hand, and drew the palm of his hand. The golden light dragged the sprinter's lightning around half a circle, and hit another elder of the universe. On the body.

Hit a friendly force!

The champion of the universe screamed and charged forward with heavy punches alternately.

Nexus turned his head to the left to avoid his punch, reached out to grab his elbow, and pulled the champion of the universe in front of him with a strong pull.

The two sides were facing each other, so close that their noses were almost touching. The champion of the universe was forced to look at him, only to feel that there was something extremely strange but unavoidable in his eyes that were shining with golden light.

In a daze, he felt that the body of Nexus in front of him seemed to have grown a lot taller. The Star Destroyer's blue-purple body seemed to have transformed into a ten-thousand-meter-tall giant. A pair of golden eyes looked down at him, seeming to represent the universe. will.

That is the power of the Mind Stone.

Nexus activated the power of the Mind Stone and created a spiritual cage, trapping the champion of the universe in the spiritual world.

Of course, as the god of the universe, the elder will not be trapped for too long. It won't take long for him to get rid of it with just a mind gem. But at least now he has temporarily lost his fighting ability.

Nexus turned around and kicked the universe champion hard in the chest, sending him flying away. He then moved a few steps sideways without looking back to avoid the impact of a beam.

He turned his head, raised his hand and threw out a crescent light blade. Gao Tianzun responded hastily and could only set up an energy barrier to resist.

Nexus was about to continue to catch up, but suddenly felt his ankle tightened and he couldn't move. When he looked down, he found that tree vines had emerged from the ground at some point, tightly binding his feet in circles.

Taking advantage of the brief moment when he lowered his head and was distracted, the Collector immediately took action. Chains of condensed cosmic energy pierced out from the void, binding Nexus's arms and upper body. The other elders of the universe also hurriedly took action, using halos, cages, thick tree vines and shackles to restrain him, unable to move even a finger.

"Caught." Gao Tianzun laughed.

"Everyone, don't move!" the Collector shouted, "I want his gems! Wait until I try to get his gems out first."

"Wait! Something's wrong!"

All the elders of the universe noticed. Nexus, who was imprisoned by layers of restraints, suddenly burst into red light, and powerful energy ripples spread along the air.

Everything radiated by the light began to distort, and all the scenery began to sway, as if separated by a candlelight, becoming illusory.

The cages, vines, chains and shackles of the Elders of the Universe, as well as Nexus trapped in the middle, suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

The afterimage shot out, rushed out with lightning speed, and punched the gardener in the head!

The cosmic elder was knocked back violently on his back, with blood spurting out from his mouth and nose. He smashed down a group of houses, and when he fell, a large ball of cosmic energy exploded from his body, sweeping in all directions like a shock wave.

Nexus stopped and turned to look at the remaining four elders.

What was just activated was the Reality Stone.

He erased the reality that he was bound.

Nexus's chest rose and fell violently, and he panted for a moment. Suddenly his right knee softened and he knelt half-kneeling on the ground.

The energy core on his chest turned from blue to red, and began to flicker on and off.

This form can hardly hold any longer.

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