The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 709 Lucifer’s whereabouts

"Have you found traces of Dark Lucifer?" Richard looked at Zaki suspiciously.

"It's just a few remaining traces, representing the places he may have been." Zaki shrugged, while continuing to eat the sweets on the table casually, "You asked those bucket-head idiots to help you find clues, didn't you? They should give you the same answer soon. Someone should come to you at any time now. Then you will naturally know whether what I said is true or false."

Buckethead. Sounds like he's talking about the Nova Corps.

Although this may be a bit unkind, Richard found it funny that Zaki's description of the new stars seemed to be somewhat similar?

When the Nova helmet is placed on the head, it looks like a bucket head.

Richard looked at him with twinkling eyes for a moment.

"So," Richard asked, "so, what did you find out? Where has he been?"

Zaki continued to eat unceremoniously with his left hand - acting like he was at home, while extending his right hand.

In her human form, her palms are very small, and her five fingers are slender and perfectly proportioned. But the more this happened, the more Richard felt it was inconsistent. He always found it difficult to connect the woman in front of him with the devil who was chasing after him crazily.

He even noticed that Ganata was eating on the other side of the table, staring at this side with her big eyes without blinking, with the intention of pounce on Zaki if he made any suspicious moves.

Visually, Ganata also had a bad impression of Zaki. No wonder. There were few people who could make Ganata angry, and even fewer who could make her hold a grudge. But it looks like Zaki did both.

Invisible dark particles gathered into streaks of light in Zhaji's palm, transforming into a map, or a star map.

What is drawn on the picture is an unknown corner in this boundless starry sky.

Richard studied for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't think I've been to this place, and I can't connect it with any location I've seen. Where is this?"

"It's nowhere." Zaki chewed a few cherries in his mouth, "At least that's the current understanding of intelligent life in this universe. It's nowhere here, because it doesn't exist in any civilization that exists today. According to records, it is a place that does not exist geographically.”

Richard asked: "So outside the known boundaries?"

"So be it."

"So what is Dark Lucifer doing there? Where is his lair hidden? Because he thinks no one can find him if he hides in the unknown world?"

"That's the problem, it doesn't seem like that." Zaki finally stopped eating and said, "He only stayed there for a short while and left quickly. It’s more like looking for something than hiding there.”

"Looking for something?"

Richard thought about it.

Is there anything Lucifer might need?

What Zaki said seemed to be true, and not long after, news came from the Nova Corps.

A new star fell from the sky and flew straight to their venue. He brought similar news to Zaki, and only said that he might have discovered Lucifer's whereabouts, and hoped that Richard could go to Nova Headquarters to discuss it in detail.

Zaki sat calmly and winked at Richard, as if to say: See? Is it the same as what I said?

Dark Lucifer's matter has always been the top priority he has to deal with now, and there is no reason to delay.

Richard set off immediately. After briefly explaining to the people around him, he opened a portal and teleported directly to Xandar with Zaki and the new star.

Nova Supreme has been waiting here for a long time. All the intelligence, star maps and coordinates she had collected were displayed on the big screen.

Sure enough, the intelligence from the New Stars also verified Zaki's statement, and the evidence indeed showed that Lucifer had appeared in that unknown area.

"So where is that place? Is there anything Lucifer might be targeting?" Richard asked.

Richard could tell from the complicated look on Nova Supreme's face that she knew something, but at the same time, he could also tell that it was definitely not good news.

Xinxing Supreme sighed softly and did not answer the question directly. Instead, he asked: "You are a cosmic god, so maybe you may have heard of it. Countless years ago, a battle broke out in this universe, a battle that affected the entire development of the Gods. , perhaps the most catastrophic battle in the history of the current universe, and also the only war between gods and intelligent creatures in history. Have you heard of this?"

Richard shook his head: "I haven't heard of it."

"That's right. That may be because you are a newly born god, so it's normal that you haven't heard of it." She said, "That happened a long time ago. And since the current universe seems not to be willing to recall this incident, so that Most records of this war have disappeared. With all the participants in the war disappearing, not many people even remember it.

Only a few senior people in the Nova Corps have heard of it, because there are still some records in our central computer. "

She paused and said calmly: "If you want to mention this war, you have to talk about a race that has long since disappeared.

They were once a race that stood at the pinnacle of the entire universe, a race that could almost truly unify the entire universe.

They are obsessed with science. Weapon science, it should be said. Because everyone in their race is born a fanatical war fighter, they are all aggressive guys. They are crazy for conquest and power, and they have brought bloodshed - not only in their own star field, but also in the entire universe. "

Xinxing Supreme sat down and looked out the window in a certain direction in the sky with some trance.

"Perhaps that is the nature of all intelligent creatures, and perhaps the end point of the development of all civilizations is like that." She said, "In short, that ancient race finally lost control.

They fought everywhere, conquered one galaxy after another, and defeated one civilization after another. It is said that their weapon technology at their peak has exceeded our imagination today, and their equipment can make today's three major empires look like children playing with water guns. "

"Is it that exaggerated?" Richard was surprised.

He knew the technological level of the three major empires, and even the gods did not dare to confront the fleets of the super empires head-on. But Nova Supreme now says that these are not worth mentioning in front of a civilization that disappeared many years ago?

"It's far more than that." Nova Supreme continued, "This is just the tip of the iceberg. Their truly powerful weapons are not those battleships and cannons. The level they have reached with their technology makes even gods afraid, because that includes gods. Areas that may not be touched by Naidu.

This involves the rumor of the 'most powerful weapon', a forgotten weapon, something that has disappeared over the years and its existence cannot even be verified. His name is ‘The God Killer’. "

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