The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 715 The storm is coming

"Are you sure this isn't someone's prank?"

Inside the Pentagon, a group of senior political figures and military bosses were surrounding Stark in the middle of the conference table, all of them looking solemn as never before.

This is not a public relations crisis, nor is it a minor dispute that affects their jobs and public opinion. The news brought by Stark is the crisis of genocide, a disaster common to all mankind.

"Prank?" Stark raised his eyebrows, "Seriously, General. It's easy to hack into SHIELD's system without leaving any trace, and it's as easy as following out of your own back garden. The only people who can do this are Just to come here and say a few words to make a joke?"

Stark shook his head.

"No, I don't think this is a prank. Besides, the other party mentioned the term 'Celestial God Group', which I have heard of before."

"You mean, the opponent is a god?"

"Yes, the real thing." Stark said seriously, "And if the person who sent us the message is true, then we should not be facing just one god, but a large number of existences like this. They represent the will of the universe and we cannot win.”

Several senior officials whispered to each other for a while.

"You mean we should sit back and wait?" one of the senior officials asked.

"I mean, maybe we should keep force as a backup," Stark said.

There was a commotion among the senior executives, some shaking their heads and some discussing, but none of them seemed to particularly agree with this proposal.

They are used to using force to solve problems, and negotiations and exchanges are limited to the earth. As for alien creatures? If these old guys had their way, every time Thor entered and exited the atmosphere, they would have been eager to blast him back to his home in Asgard with an anti-aircraft missile.

The value of the human species is debatable, but in any case humans are certainly not a hospitable race.

"Excuse me for interrupting, this time I agree with Stark's point of view, gentlemen." Captain America, who had been listening as the representative of the Avengers, took a step forward and said, "According to the intelligence, the other party is not a super villain, nor an invader. They are Representing the order of the universe, it only comes with the purpose of judgment.

Going to war against them would be equivalent to going against the entire universe. Not only would our chances of victory be slim, it would also be extremely unwise. Maybe we should try to resolve it peacefully. If we can leave a good impression on them, let them believe that human beings have their own value, and let them see the good side of human beings. Maybe things don't have to develop into a confrontation with swords and guns. "

An old general raised his eyebrows and looked at Captain America: "Since when did you become a diplomatic expert, Captain?"

"I'm just making a calm judgment," the captain said.

"So according to you, we should arrange flowers and plants on the city streets, and then arrange for a group of primary school students to put up banners saying 'Welcome to come for guidance'?"

Captain America frowned: "I mean, we should at least try to negotiate first."

"That's enough, there's no need to continue discussing this topic." A guy who looked older and more stubborn slammed the table and directly finalized the decision, "Go back and prepare for battle, Stark, Captain, and your Avengers too. .

Whether it's valuable or not depends on the enemy's values. We know nothing about those so-called gods, and maybe their standards are fundamentally different from ours. So sorry, we cannot pin the survival of the entire human race on a single word from an unknown species.

Do they want to destroy us? Then we will fight back, just as we have against any enemy so far. "

Stark and Captain America looked at each other, speechless.

Obviously these guys don't realize the seriousness of the problem.

These big guys' understanding of those extraordinary enemies is generally a back-and-forth process. At first, they had blind confidence in their thermal weapons and felt that there was no problem that a nuclear bomb could not solve. Later, after being beaten to autism by one after another monsters and invaders, they began to doubt life and felt that human weapons were worthless.

As a result, after Ultraman and the Avengers defeated various invaders time and time again and resolved any crisis, they began to take it for granted that the alien enemies were "just like that" and there was nothing to fear.

In short, this kind of thinking is a bit like cloud players who play video games or watch live broadcasts of big bosses. Although those gorgeous operations are not performed by themselves and the enemies are not defeated by them, they will naturally do it after playing OB for a long time. There will be an illusion of "I can do it if I want to", and I feel as if those so-called god-level enemies are nothing more than that and there is nothing to fear.

What? The cosmic god group? The maintainer of order in the universe?

Wouldn't this kind of thing be over if we beat it to the ground like before?

The meeting ended and the two former comrades couldn't help but sigh after reluctantly exiting the room.

"Well, although I had expected it, I can't say that I'm not disappointed at all." Stark said, "It looks like we have to prepare for another war."

Captain America thought for a long time and suddenly said: "Sometimes I can't help but think, Tony, okay, in fact, I have been thinking about it. When I woke up, they told me that the war was won, but did we really win?

I mean. Now we've won peace, a brief peace, but has humanity really learned anything? Or are we just standing still, waiting for history to repeat itself? "

Stark patted him on the shoulder.

"No one can answer a question like this, Captain. But maybe this is who we are, this is what humans are," he said. "We can't change that, because like those guys said, we're just warriors. All we can do All we have to do is hold on to the front, that’s all.”

Captain America turned his head and looked at him seriously.

"We have had many differences before, and our choices of paths have also been different, Tony. But now, at this moment. I am glad to have a comrade like you beside me."

Stark nodded: "Me too, Captain.

Okay, no more to say. Let's get to work quickly, there's still a lot to do. "

At the same time, somewhere else on earth, in a sanatorium.

The one-eyed old man stood by the window, opened the curtains and looked at the sky outside. The sky was covered with clouds and the air was oppressive, as if a storm was approaching.

It's rare that Mr. Odin didn't play chess or cards today, he just stood here in a daze.

He's been like this for a while.

Frigga noticed something unusual about him and walked out from the back of the room: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"A storm is coming." Odin stared out the window.

"Pack your things, we've been here long enough."

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